Notice that Word of Father God Almighty prophesied according to Jude 11.......
"Woe unto the world peoples, for they have gone in the ways of Cain, after the error of Baalim, which means that like Cain the people are still going after the spirit of Lucifer and his false prophecies.
Image of unholy trinity and circle of life
It must be noted, and accepted, that new age Masonic reincarnation was and still is, a dangerous Antichrist method or weapon used, by the prince of darkness named Lucifer, to destroy the Royal priesthood of Father God Almighty Faith.
Pay attention to the scripture prophecy of Romans 6:23.........
"For the wages of sin (Luciferian worship - reincarnation/circlr of life) is death: but the gift of Father God is eternal life through Lord JESUS The Christ Emmanuel the shield of "Faith."
Lucifer as the father of lies, had to use this method of old reincarnation/circle of life, to con the masses into his new world order concept, or web, that he was god or equal unto the Most High (Isaiah 14:13-14).
Bear in mind, reincarnation will lead all peoples, to the sin of witchcraft (Luciferian worship), which undoubtedly means rebellion of the Word of Father God Almighty.
Recall what 1 John 2:15 prophesied ......
"Love not the world nor the things of the world, for the love of the Father will not be with in you......."
It must be understood the Lucifer method of reincarnation is not new, but was of an very old concept.
What many people are ignorant to, is that Lucifer has used this ungodly concept from the time of Adam and Eve, as his weapon of mass destruction.
In other words, Lucifer first used this ungodly method, on Adam and Eve, while in the Garden of Father God Almighty, which was merely for Lucifer to destroy them.
This method of spiritual death and destruction, obviously allowed them, Adam and Eve, to be cast out of the presence of the Holy Trinity, down to the earth, which then allowed him Lucifer, as their new godhead, to manifest himself into the flesh as Cain.
Recall Genesis 4 prophesied that Cain would be a vagabond and would wonder the earth for eternity.
The perfection of reincarnation of Lucifer spirit within mankind's hearts, would allow him to exalt himself equal unto the Most High refer to Isaiah 14:14.
In other words as prophesied from Isaiah 14:13-14, the spirit of Lucifer re-birthed (reincarnated) within mankind's hearts, as the the son of the morning, would once again declare him as god of this world or as the god of light and reflections - Macroprosposos/Microprosposos.
Recall Lord Jesus manifested, to this world or earth, in the very first instance, to destroy Lucifer the one who sinned from the very beginning of time (1 John 3:8).........
"He that committeth sin is of Lucifer/Satan the devil, for Lucifer/Satan the devil sinneth from the beginning, for this purpose the Son of Father God Almighty - Lord JESUS was manifested that He might destroy the works of Lucifer's new world order concept of world reincarnation."
In other words, all this new age reincarnation theory, which stemmed secretly from Isaiah 14:12-14, when as the all important scripture prophesied, that Lucifer as an angel of light, known as the spirit god of this earth, would weaken the nations, into this concept of reincarnation, if they worshipped him.
Pay attention to the mere fact, that this occurred, after he Lucifer, was cast down to the ground or earth by the power of the Holy Ghost/Spirit.
Obviously this old testament reincarnation theory of Isaiah 14:12-14, graduated in the new age to the ultra modern 613 Jewish Torah Commandments.
Due to much ignorance, chapter 4 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments was and still is titled as "Reincarnation."
Here comes the straw, that will ultimately break the Jewish/Egyptian new age George Washington/Lucifer's masonic camels back.....
The eye opener of Chapter 4 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments, is that it clearly indoctrinates as a rule of law......
"that all Jews and a certain type of sect, called Gentiles, must at all times, practice the ritual of reincarnation, on a daily basis or as many times as possible."
The first concept that comes to mind, in the new Israel, which is scriptural known as being America (USA in Jerusalem)(Matthew 21:43), is the pledge of allegiance of the American people, undoubtedly to the George Washington/Luciferian Masonic new age red white and blue flag.
The scriptures prophesy, for all Hebrews/Christians, to take or make no false oaths, notice how all simply when pledging allegiance, to the red white and blue flag of America, hold their left breast - heart area, with their right hand, which once again is a practice of reincarnation in a clever new age Masonic sense.
Obviously this is referring to all peoples, under the new age/new world order, or what we would call the 6 colored rainbow umbrella of Luciferian worship.
In 1991 from Evian's France, the new age guru David Spangler, also known as the Planetary Director of the United Nations, said from his podium.......
"Before the world can enter the 1776 new world order concept, of the forefathers, they will have to pledge allegiance to worship Lucifer."
Spangler said in his next breath, before the world can enter into the new age, they will have to go through a Luciferian initiation ceremony.
The major question, has to be asked, was the new age guru David Spangler, relating to the September the 11th 2001 tragedy, because everything relating to this tragedy had a double standard or meaning to it.
The first meaning was the news media reporting Septmeber the 11th 2001 issue was an attack of the Arab world upon America, but there was obviously a hidden agenda to the September the 11th 2001 attack.
Needless to say, universal order of Freeamsonry, has more than one meaning to their rituals, degrees and ceremonies, they rather conceal, than to reveal the truth.
Nevertheless, September the 11th has a massive darkside to it, firstly General George Washington started his all important Battle of Brandywine on the 11th of September 1777,
As the sciptures prophecy in 2 Thessalonians 2:9......
"Even him (Lucifer/George Washington as one spirit godhead from bottomless pit) that comes after the working of Satan (the man of sin- son of perdition- the antichrist) known as the spirit of antichrist (1 John 2:18), or known as the leader of the rulers or workers of darkness being the world Universal Order of Freemasonry known as the spirit of antichrist, with all power, signs and lying wonders......"
In other words, the power, signs and lying wonders, of the many antichrist/rulres of darkness of this world, is undoubtedly shown on the graven image of the USA owlgod Molech George Washington Sanhedrin/Illuminati/Freemason Annuit Coeptis/E Pluribus Unum/Novus Orde Seclorum $1 bill.............
Bear in mind the true picture drawn always tells the true story
In other words this above concepts, has all to do with acknowledging the spirits of Lucifer/George Washington as one god head secretly known as Annuit Coeptis/Yod, the god of light and reflections.
Bear in mind the Latin term of Annuit Coeptis literally means in English.......
"He Luicfer/George Washington that is god by the undertaking of the people."
namely Lucifer/George Washington as Annuit Coeptis has risen into the high places or to his seat of power known as outer space or International Space Station Alpha/Lucifer.
Undoubtedly we as Jeremiah 33:3 Ministries sincerely believe so!
The scripture reference to consider is Jeremiah 11:9-10....
"A new world order conspiracy has surfaced from within the house of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem........."
In other words the term inhabitants of Jerusalem, obviously means or relates to America as being the new age Israel, take note of the three letters of USA, which exist in the midst of the 9 letter word of Jerusalem, coincidence or fact.
It must be understood, that there is more than one meaning, to new age universal Freemasonry rituals ceremonies and degrees, they rather conceal, than to reveal the truth.
A major eye opener, to Spangler's new age theory of the world, going through a Luciferian initiation ceremony, has to relate to when George Washington first started the Battle of Brandy Wine September the 11th 1777.
It must be noticed, or said, the main feature at the site of ground level, after the September the 11th 2001 tragedy, was the erection of the gold type of the circle of life graven image, or new age Luciferian altar.
Which, unknown to the masses of people, was merely or obviously a sign of reincarnation. Which had to be a major eyeopener to the practice of the old "Luciferian" reincarnation theory.
Obviously, there was a major link to the 613 Jewish Torah commandments, and the "Year of the Light" theory, which was established in 1953 from Holy Land Israel.
Subliminally, the Year of the Light secretly meant, that the spirits of Lucifer/George Washington as one godhead, are the world's Yod/Annuit Coeptis godhead.
Another scenario, to the year of light theory from 1953, was that the spirits of Lucifer/George Washington as one godhead, were and still are their bringers of light or light bearers.
In other words, these peoples who were under the curse, of the new world order conspiracy plan of 1776, which undoubtedly was to exalt the spirits of Lucifer as god, and George Washington as their reincarnated Masonic Christ.
It must be understood, from 1776, the world was programmed or could we say conned, into to this new age concept of world witchcraft.
Pay attention that in 1793 the 1st President of the USA George Washington, put pen to paper or could we say, he GW was the first to practice the new age witchcraft of reincarnation or circle of life.
Many people the world over, are ignorant to this mere fact, yet as recorded in the History books, it occurred directly after he George Washington first layed the 1793 time capsule and then the Cornerstone, at the Capitol Building.
What is both houses of Masonic Congress, explanation, to the masses, about the title, secretly given to George Washington as being their Apotheosis of their sublime faith innitiative.
Which was well orchestrted from the 10th of March 1865 as being "The Apotheosis of George Washington."
Bear in mind, the word apotheosis, literally means, to raise a person to the rank of a god or an icon.
Once again, via The Apotheosis of George Washington theory, we have another important part of evidence of the practice of Luciferian circle of life or reincarnation.
In other words, the world system, has been forced by the new age/Freemason/Sanhedrin/Illuminati concept, to accept of their reincarnation doctrine and tradition, to literally worship Lucifer/George Washington as their Macroprosposos/Microprosposos.
What is the meaning -in the name of hell, to this new age / NWO graven image of Macroprosposos/Microprosposos.
But to honor and give glory to the god of light and reflections!
To confirm this, the major question must be asked to all Hebrew/Christians, what in the name of Lucifer/ George Washington is this occult symbol of the Macroprosposos/Microprosposos, doing on the reverse side of the Owlgod Molech George Washington, "In God we Trust" Illuminati/Sanhedrin/Freemason new world order USA $1 bill.......
Unknown to many the world over, this mysterious terms of Macroprosposos/Microprosposos, in the first instance, relates to the spirits of Lucifer/George Washington, being secretly known, as the world's god of light and reflections.
In the second instance, it also relates to King Solomon's Seal, openly known as the Jewish Star of David, but secretly it is known as the 28th degree "Knight of the Sun" symbol, of Universal Freemasonry.... In the third, and all important instance, it relates to the serpent godhead titled as Ouroboros, which is merely George Washington/Lucifer spirits, descending into the bottomless pit, and then resurrected back unto the earth surface, via the NASA Masonic conspiracy act of from 1776 to 1969.
The reincarnation theory or meaning is related to the 28th degree Knight of the Sun graven image, which in the first instance, relates in every way to the serpent Ouroboros godhead which is merely biting its own tail.....
which in all reality is a deliberately act of the serpent forming a perfect outer circle of life (reincarnating) around the god of light and reflections George Washington/Lucifer.
Basically, the new age movement, describes this godhead of Lucifer/George Washington, reincarnated from the bottomless pit as the worlds Annuit Coeptis/Yod godhead.....
but cleverly they address it as the Jewish Star of David to the masses, simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Revelation 17:8-13.....
"The beast (Annuit Coeptis/Yod) that was and is not, yet is, will ascend out of the bottomless pit and goeth into new world order perdition........"
Recall, the scripture of prophecy of Revelation 13:8, prophesied distinctly that.....
"And all shall worship the beast who was risen out of the bottomless pit......" obviously in the appropriate time of new age.
It must be understood that this wickedness, had to occur, according to scripture prophecy, and had to be by the peoples power, and authority refer to Revelation 17:13.
In other words, Lucifer/George Washington's spirits, under the disguise of Annuit Coeptis/Yod concept, which was risen or reincarnated, from the under world, by the power of the NASA Masonic conspiracy act of 1776, which was on the peoples behalf.
Incidentally, it must be considered as recorded in Revelation 13:8.... that the Lamb (JESUS - Abel) of God Almighty, was slain from the foundation of the world..
It must be said, or realized, that the Lamb (JESUS), within the righteous one of Father God Almighty, named Abel, was slain illegally by the evil murderous spirit of Lucifer, within Cain (Genesis 4:7-9).
Which, once again, all are reminded, this act of sin was from the foundation of the world.... this occurred after Lucifer reincarnated his evil murderous spirit within Cain, refer to prophecy of Genesis 4:7-11.
Nevertheless, the scripture prophecy of Genesis 4:7 prophesied.......
Thus saith Father God unto Cain, in love.... "If thou doest well Cain, shall thou not be accepted, and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door."
It must be realized that Lucifer the son of the morning Rah/Shaharit was and still is the author and finisher of all Sin!
Needless to say, as the Word of God Almighty instructs, that all have fallen, short of the glory of our Lord God, due to us all being born through the power of sin (Luciferian reincarnation or witchcraft).
What that term of power of sin is referring to is obviously, Lucifer and his mystery reincarnation sin theory.
In other words, Father God Almighty known as The Alpha and Omega, said unto Cain,"if you allow your countenance to fall, then you will allow Lucifer known as the father of lies (sin), to "reincarnate himself" into you Cain.
Bear in mind, it was prophesied according to the prophecy of 1 John 3:12..."Not as Cain who was of that wicked one named Lucifer."In other words, Father God Almighty, was prophesying, that Cain was always due to be born of the spirit of Lucifer.
In other words, Lucifer as the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), manifested or re birthed himself within Cain (13 years old), for his new world order reincarnation circle of life purpose and pleasure.
From marked Cain - to the King Solomon 666 to the son of life George Washington 666.
The amazing part to this Luciferian/Cain reincarnation adventure, is that it undoubtedly, lead to the 1793 new world order abomination of desolation ceremony, that occurred at the Capitol Building, in Washington DC on the 18th of September 1793.
Obviously all must pay attention to scripture prophecy of Jude 11.... "Woe unto the world system, for it has gone in the ways of Cain, who ran greedily after the error of Baalim (Lucifer as the false prophet) towards the gainsaying of Core........
"It must be remembered, that Abel was born of Father God Almighty, but was slain by Lucifer within Cain, as the god of this world, for the purpose of jealousy.
Yet as the scripture prophecy, prophesied that the righteous Abel, who was born of Father God Almighty, was illegally slain from the foundation of the world, by the murdering spirit of Lucifer within Cain (John 8:44) to perfect John 10:10.....
"The thief (Lucifer) cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy......" Take note that Lord JESUS prophesied according to Matthew 23:33....
"You serpent (Luciferian Masonic worshippers) and generation of Vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell."
Yet in verse 35 of Matthew chapter 23, Lord JESUS prophesied that He holds the whole world responsible for the illegal Luciferian/Cain Masonic ritual murder of The Holy Trinity righteous Abel.......
Lord JESUS prophesied....... "That upon you, may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zechariah, son of Barachias, whom you slew between the Masonic King Solomon temple and the Masonic altar."
Unknown to many the world over, all Masonic altars display at all times, the method and theory of Luciferian reincarnation."
All must take heed to the scripture prophecy of Ephessians 2:2, which prophesied....... "that prince of the air and the power of it, meaning Lucifer, now worketh in the children of disobedience" simply to perfect his reincarnation theory of circle of life.
Bear in mind, in 1889 General Albert Pike said in his letter to the Yod/Annuit Coeptis government heads gathered in Paris France "Yes Lucifer is God."
Yet a hundred years later in 1989, thousand points of light Sanhedrin/Illuminati President GHW Bush, cleverly declared the new age 5 interlocking circle of life - reincarnation Luciferian Greek Olympic Games national flag, to the world.
In other words, GHW Bush, was spelling it out to the world, that the 5 continents of the world were under the umbrella of reincarnation, which obviously meant Luciferian worship.
This scripture of prophecy of Matthew 23:35, went as far as revealing that, this intentional high form of Luciferian/Cain murder, which was done in a Luciferian reincarnation fashion at the time, because Paul discovered in Greece, via the Masonic altar it was inscribed to the "Unknown God."
Unknown to many, or unrealized this murder of the Lord's prophet Zechariah, was done within the King Solomon Masonic temple known as the Quarries.
This temple of Luciferian sin, was and still is based in the old Israel, at present it is under the ground of the Dome of the Muslim Rock Temple, based in the Holy Land Israel.
The main feature to this Masonic Jewish/Egyptian Temple, is the housing of the Yod symbol, within an inverted triangle, but nevertheless it also houses the all important Masonic Luciferian altar of reincarnation.
This Masonic Luciferian altar displays openly, a Egyptian point (reincarnator), which is within a circle of life (reincarnation), simply guided by the the two lineage lines of Enoch to Moses.
It must be understood that in every Masonic temple worldwide this is the main feature, which indicates to the practice and ritual of "reincarnation" of Lucifer's spirit back unto the earth in every possible way.
This concept of the fallen angel of light namely the son of the morning Lucifer also known scriptural as the prince of darkness, wanting to be god and christ, was always and still is, based upon the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:12-14........
"Hou art thou fallen from Heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning (Jews call him Shaharit - while the Egyptians call him Rah) went thou was cast down to the ground, and then weakened the nations into the concept that you Lucifer were and still are God."
What must be understood, in the very first instance, is that this ancient battle between good and evil, has always been a spiritual one.
Yet as prophesied according to 1 John 5:7 King James version only.... "There are only three that can bear witness in Heaven The Father of Light - The Word (Lord JESUS The Christ Emmanuel - The Holy Ghost/Spirit and these three are One."
Then according to 1 John 5:8 KJV... "There only three that can testify upon the earth, which is the Spirit Water and Blood and these three agree as One...."
What must be understood, is that from the time Lucifer was dethroned by Lord JESUS into the bottomless pit (Isaiah 14:15).
In other words, due to Lucifer, proclamation that he wanted to be equal unto the Most High, he had to be cast down into the pit - refer to Matthew 4:10-11....,
According to this scripture of prophecy it must be noticed how Lord JESUS demanded Lucifer, after Lord JESUS was tempted to bow down to him Lucifer, Lord JESUS brilliantly fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 14:15 by saying to him Lucifer "Get thee hence....."
This act started the ball rolling, for the Luciferian Jewish Sanhedrin by the power of the Egyptian Freemasonry, to reincarnate Lucifer's spirit back unto the earth surface, recall the scripture prophecy of Jeremiah 11:9-10....
"A conspiracy was found among the men of the house of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem........"
Is that why the council of 13 known as the Sanhedrin, simply known as the builders of Lucifer's new world order concept, rejected Lord JESUS as Father God Almighty's Head Cornerstone refer to Matthew 21:42.
Pay attention to how they the Luciferian Masonic bond Sanhedrin/Illuminati crucified Lord JESUS, but in the Yod Luciferian symbol or fashion.
Because it was simply called revenge unto their god called Yod/Lucifer.
It must be also noticed, that Lord JESUS was nailed to the Cross or cursed tree of which, certainly emphasizes to the cursed Lucifer/Pharaoh tree of knowledge.
Incidentally, the steel nails, used on Lord JESUS, relate to the dangerous term of Tubalcain, in every way of life (Genesis 4:22).
Tubalcain the son of Lamech (777) means or relates in all ways to the master of steal, iron and brass. Is this why they used rusted steel nails in his pulse area to poison Lord JESUS system.
But the major issue was that they ordered for Lord JESUS to be crucified in the Yod/Lucifer, which was using the method of Tubalcain, which was by nailing His body in the "Y" symbol form.
In all reality, the crucifixion of Lord JESUS, to the murder of righteous Abel, to the prophet Zechariah, all related to the masonic Egyptian/Jewish Masonic rituals of Lucifer/Cain.
In other words, Father God Almighty's righteous prophet named "Zechariah" was Masonically murdered in the same Luciferian/Cain manner and fashion as Abel, but within the "Yod" King Solomon Freemason temple, but note on the top of the point within a circle of life (reincarnation) altar.
Here comes the nail that will ultimately seal George Washington/Lucifer's Skull and Bones coffin, numbered 555, the new world order conspirators known then as The Jewish Sanhedrin/Egyptian Freemasons, they basically slew Zechariah in a Masonic ritual fashion of Jabal - Jubal - Tubalcain refer to Genesis 4:20-22.
In actual fact, this high form of Masonic Luciferian/Cain, circle of life witchcraft, occurred from the King Solomon Masonic Quarries Yod temple, based in Israel.
The key to this puzzle, was that they believed that the prophet Zechariah knew the solution, on how to reincarnate Lucifer's spirit back unto the earth, but the prophet Zechariah refused to participate like President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, who refused to accept or indoctrinate the masses, about the ungodly "The Apotheosis of George Washington/Lucifer."
So they the Sanhedrin or the Illuminati from 1776, simply assassinated, both the above men of God Almighty, by the Masonic rituals or degrees known, under the banner of "Juwes."
It must be mentioned that Father God Almighty, revealed to Zechariah in a vision as His trusted prophet, that Lucifer's Jewish/Egyptian Freemason cult, described as the curse that goeth forth over the whole face of the earth, stealing and swearing falsely by Father GOD Almighty name....
Obviously yet unknown to many this curse or system is today known as NASA flying roll which is International Space Station Alpha Lucifer/George Washington.
The true name for this new age flying roll in outer space, cleverly named as ISS, is merely George Washington's celestial lodge, as a 8 pointed blazing star in the night sky, scriptural known as the Star god Remphan (Acts 7:42-43)
In other words this reincarnated 8 pointed blazing star god Remphan has been established by the power of The NASA Masonic conspiracy plan to allow them the enlightened ones (Sanhedrin/Illuminati) as Lucifer's workers of darkness to steal Father God's spirits and souls falsely.
To grasp the above refer to the scripture prophecy of Zechariah 5:1-11.
The devastating part, is that this ungodly outer space temple of sin, was and still is conning the masses into the concept that George Washington/Lucifer is their god of light and reflections.
Pay attention, to the reincarnation process of Lucifer/George Washington's spirits, being raised or reincarnated from the bottomless pit refer to Revelation 17:8-13.
Undoubtedly, the spirits of Lucifer/George Washington as one godhead Annuit Coeptis/Yod, which was done in a new age fashion, by them all swearing falsely, by the Mighty Name of God, which became known as "In God we Trust."
Recall Annuit Coeptis/Yod literally means in English "He that is god by the under taking of the people."
To confirm the above simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Zechariah 5:3-5 and it prophesied they the new world order peoples will allow the conspirators of Lucifer/George Washington to swear falsely by God Almighty Name.
Recall General Albert Pike wrote in his all important letter addressed to his one world Yod Government leaders in 1889 "Yes Lucifer (George Washington) is God."
The Masonic Altar is the answer to the Reincarnation of Lucifer/George Washington's spirits back unto the earth surface, secretly known as the mythical bird known as the Phoenix that shall rise from the ashes.
The point within a circle of life guided by the two lineage lines of Enoch to Moses altar, was designed by the enlightened ones to reincarnate their father of lies, or their god of forces back unto the earth surface namely Lucifer their light bearer.
In other words, for Father God Almighty's purpose and pleasure, the prince of darkness meaning the spirit of Lucifer, fell into the trap, of Father God Almighty, known as The Holy Trinity.
As prophesied, via 1 John 5:7 KJV there are only three that can bear witness in Heaven, The Father, The Word (Lord Jesus) and The Holy Spirit (Ghost) and these three are one.
So in other words, Father God Almighty sent His only begotten Son Lord JESUS down to earth to destroy Lucifer the father of lies and his new world order works, simply refer to the prophecy of 1 John 3:8.
Recall Lucifer the father of lies main mission from the foundation or recreation of the world was always to trying to be as an equal unto the Most High, refer to Isaiah 14:13-14.
Yet as prophesied, Lord Jesus prophesied that Lucifer would descend into the midst of the pit known as Hades (Isaiah 14:15).
Needless to say, this symbol of reincarnation, as a point within a circle of life is shown on every Masonic altar, located within their temples worldwide.
Another feature to these Masonic altars and there circle of life image, is the two linage lines of Enoch to Moses
About Me
- Jeremiah 33:3 Ministries
- I have been a soldier for the Lord Jesus for 32 years. My mission is to pull down strongholds that are exalting themselves against the knowledge of Father God Almighty
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