To unveil, the true meaning, to this ungodly, new age reincarnation (circle of life) concept, which is scripturally known as the sin of witchcraft - Luciferian worship, we have to let our fingers reasearch the King James Bible.
In the very first instance, to grasp the true meaning to Luciferian reincarnation/circle of life, we have to study the scripture prophecy of Ephessians 2:2.....
"Wherein, in the time past, ye walked, according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit of Lucifer, that now worketh in the children of disobedience."
This explanation above leads all to the true reincarnation concept of Lucifer's spirit world wide, it must be understood in the first instance that this reincarnation of Lucifer's spirit within mankind, is not a new idea, but it was of a very old concept.
The bad news is that this mannerism of Luciferian worship within mankinds hearts, which must be address as reincarnation/circle of life.
Which was and still is known, as Lucifer's secret weapon of mass destruction, to achieve his goal of wanting to be equal, unto the Most High refer to the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:14.
In all reality, all must pay attention to the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:12, which warned all peoples of the world, that the spirit of Lucifer as the son of the morning, would weaken the nations by this concept, which would create his spirit of antichrist refer to 1 John 2:18.
To grasp the main theory of Lucifer's, method or manner of reincarnation, which is found in Isaiah 14:13........
Which explicitly prophesied, that Lucifer the father of lies, would say from his heart "I will raise myself above the heights of the clouds and will become like the Most High."
In the very first instance, all must understand that Lucifer, as a spirit being would have to say the above, from the hearts of mankind, because Lucifer being created as a spirit, has no heart.
Unrealized, Lucifer being as a spirit being, used this method of reincarnation, from the beginning of time to manifest himself into the flesh as Cain.
In other words, Lucifer known as the father of lies, the angel of false light, first used this method of reincarnation upon Adam and Eve while in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:4-5)......
Lucifer the father of lies, transformed as the serpent godhead Ouroboros said unto Adam and Eve......
"Did God say if you eat of this tree (Pharoah - Egyptian Freemasonry) you shall surely die, Lucifer as the serpent god Ouroboros said "eat of this tree and you will become like gods."
The true meaning to the above, is that due to Adam and Eve, rebellion of Father God Almighty's Word, they became as the new age Luciferian gods.
Which can be seen worldwide as the Jewish/Egyptian Luciferian Freemason emblem, of the compass/siderule/within the letter G in the midst.
Unknown to many, the world over due to ignorance, this Jewish/Egyptian Luciferian Freemason emblem, emphasizes Adam as the world compass - Eve as the world siderule - who produced the spirit of Lucifer into the flesh as the manchild "Cain" emphasized as the letter "G" within the Compass (Adam) and Siderule (Eve) refer to Genesis 4:1-2.
To confirm refer to the scripture prophesy of Jude 11, where it clearly in forms all that "Woe unto them (World peoples and their system), for they all gone in the ways of Cain......."
Simply meaning that the world peoples have gone, after Lucifer's ways and mannerism, of his New World Order, which led the world peoples towards the gainsaying of Core - which has the led all world to restablish Esau the red hairy one as Israel..
It must be understood that Father God Almighty (Holy Trinity) hated Esau but loved his twin brother Jacob who He called Israel refer to Malach 1:2-3. So the world has gone into a high form of rebellion by reinstating
Esau as Israel, which allowed them to downgrade Jacob as Israel refer to Jude 4.
In other words as Adam and Eve to Cain from day one, who became Lucifer's rulers of darkness of this world meaning his One World Government leaders, who became like gods and once again placed themselves under the umbrella of the sin of witchcraft.
This occured directly after Lucifer's fall to the ground, which prophesied that Lucifer would weaken the nations.
Nevertheless, this weakening of the nations, became known as the world religion of reincarnation, the rebith of Lucifer's spirit within mankinds hearts.
Bear in mind Isaiah 14:13 prophesied that Lucifer would say from his heart; "I Lucifer will ascend into heaven, I Lucifer will exalt my throne about the stars of God Almighty."
"I will also sit upon the mount of congregation (Red Planet Mars - recall the name of Adam means Red Earth) in the sides of the north."
The sides of the north simply means that the spirit of Lucifer/George Washington as E Pluribus Unum the mythical bird (Pheonix - 999) will rise to sit upon the mount of congregation the Red Planet Mars from North meaning North America - USA as the New Israel -JerUSAlem.
Recall the news media's celebrated the landing of the NASA Masonic Pheonix Project of the unmaned computer space ship numbered 999, on the Red Planet Mars on the 13th of May Yod 2008/Y2K.
The other prophesy that has taken its course of action by the antichrist system of the NWO conspirators, which was to exalt the spirits of Lucifer/GW as one godhead, is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
The man of sin be revealed the son of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
2 Thessalonians 2:4 prophesied that the new age Masonic man of sin, the son of Lucifer/George Washington, known as the Jewish LCF Moshiach/Messiah "David" dead or alive, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as god sitteth in the temple (United Nations - ISS) of god of this world, showing himself that he is a god.
It must be remembered Lord JESUS prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:5 "Remember ye not that when I was with you, I told you these things" refer to Matthew 5:18.
The rise of the Yod/Jot - Annuit Coeptis godhead and the Tittle known as the modern day son of perdition the son of Lucifer/George Washington known scripturally as the antichrist! .
Back to the prophesy of Isaiah 14:13, which prophesied that Lucifer as the father of lies said from his heart......
It must be understood, in the very first instance, that Lucifer the angel of light, had no heart, as he was created by The Holy Trinity as a spirit being.
So Isaiah 14:14, simply meant, that the spirit of Lucifer, said from the hearts of mankind namely Adam/Eve to Cain in the first instance "I will ascend above the heights of clouds - I will become like the Most High."
In other words in the new age of Y2K - Yod 2000, this prophecy above came to past when the NWO NASA Masonic conspiracy raised the spirits of George Washington/Lucifer, within mankind hearts known as the astronauts of USA and USSR and man of sin David.
This was done via the NASA Masonic conspiracy of the International Space Station, which was raised above the clouds into outer space (raised above the heights of the clouds), simply within mankinds hearts, aboard ISS.
This exercise was well exicuted by NASA from November Y2K -Yod 2000.
It must be understood, that ISS was cleverly addressed by David Rockefeller's the author and finisher of NASA Masonic Conspiracy, at the time, as International Space Station Alpha.
It became inhabit, by the USA (Magog) and USSR (Gog) astronauts, which was on the 4th of November 2000 - Y2K - Yod 2000.
Unknown to many people the world over the NWO International Space Station Alpha was described by the Lord God of Israel as a flying roll (ISS) built on its own base meaning in outer space refer to the scripture prophecy of Zechariah 5:1-11.
Undoubtedly the Word of God Almighty, "The I Am that I Am" described, the International Space Station Alpha (ISS) according to Zechariah 5:1 as being the new age project, of being as a flying roll, with the measurements of 20 cubits, and it shall be established or based, and set there upon her own base.
This flying roll (ISS) will be established on its own base above the clouds, simply means in outer space.
All Hebrews/Christains, known as the Royal Priesthood of the I Am that I Am, must pay immediate attention, to Father God Almighty prophesy, of the new age city built in outer space, known as the International Space Station (ISS).
ISS is scripturally known as the curse that goeth forth over the whole face of the earth, that stealeth Father God Almighty spirits and souls falsely and sweareth falsely by the Mighty Name of the God of Israel. This ungodly stargod image of George Washington/Lucifer as the world's Annuit Coeptis/Yod, representing the god of light or god of reflections.
Another secret name for ISS is known as the celestial lodge of George Washington/Lucifer, which operates in the night or early morning sky as the 8 pointed blazing stargod called Remphan (Acts 7:42-43).
It must be remembered, that the Lord God of Israel, was and still is definately, prphesying that Lucifer/George Washington were are still are swearing falsely, by the all powerful and mighty name of God Almighty a typical example is "In God we Trust."
This is "In God we Trust" swearing falsely is well shown on all the New Age George Washington/Lucifer New World Order/Annuit Coeptis/E Pluribus Unum USA currencies.
Nevertheless, the hierarchy of universal Freemasonry, from behind their closed Masonic doors, are saying that their father of America George Washington, is the Fatherhood of God and as the brotherhood of mankind.
Undoubtedly, the above ungodliness, is backed up, by the hidden agenda of both houses of Masonic Congress, known as the Apotheosis of George Washington. This incidenatlly became a rule of law from the 10th of March 1865,
Needless to say, it must be understood that the word "apotheosis" literally means, to raise a person to the rank of a god or an icon.
In other words, the world peoples minds, have been secretly desensitized, that George Washington is god and christ.
Which means that both houses of Masonic congress, have raised George Washington/Lucifer as god and an icon, recall Annuit Coeptis means in English "He George Washington/Lucifer that is god, by the undertaking of the people, what blasphemy?
Recall Romans 6:23 prophesied, a warning to both houses of USA Masonic Congress, that the wages of sin is death, secondly Matthew 23:9 warned all peoples explicitly, to call no man upon the earth "Father........."
In the very first instance, to grasp the true meaning to Luciferian reincarnation/circle of life, we have to study the scripture prophecy of Ephessians 2:2.....
"Wherein, in the time past, ye walked, according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit of Lucifer, that now worketh in the children of disobedience."
This explanation above leads all to the true reincarnation concept of Lucifer's spirit world wide, it must be understood in the first instance that this reincarnation of Lucifer's spirit within mankind, is not a new idea, but it was of a very old concept.
The bad news is that this mannerism of Luciferian worship within mankinds hearts, which must be address as reincarnation/circle of life.
Which was and still is known, as Lucifer's secret weapon of mass destruction, to achieve his goal of wanting to be equal, unto the Most High refer to the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:14.
In all reality, all must pay attention to the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:12, which warned all peoples of the world, that the spirit of Lucifer as the son of the morning, would weaken the nations by this concept, which would create his spirit of antichrist refer to 1 John 2:18.
To grasp the main theory of Lucifer's, method or manner of reincarnation, which is found in Isaiah 14:13........
Which explicitly prophesied, that Lucifer the father of lies, would say from his heart "I will raise myself above the heights of the clouds and will become like the Most High."
In the very first instance, all must understand that Lucifer, as a spirit being would have to say the above, from the hearts of mankind, because Lucifer being created as a spirit, has no heart.
Unrealized, Lucifer being as a spirit being, used this method of reincarnation, from the beginning of time to manifest himself into the flesh as Cain.
In other words, Lucifer known as the father of lies, the angel of false light, first used this method of reincarnation upon Adam and Eve while in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:4-5)......
Lucifer the father of lies, transformed as the serpent godhead Ouroboros said unto Adam and Eve......
"Did God say if you eat of this tree (Pharoah - Egyptian Freemasonry) you shall surely die, Lucifer as the serpent god Ouroboros said "eat of this tree and you will become like gods."
The true meaning to the above, is that due to Adam and Eve, rebellion of Father God Almighty's Word, they became as the new age Luciferian gods.
Which can be seen worldwide as the Jewish/Egyptian Luciferian Freemason emblem, of the compass/siderule/within the letter G in the midst.
Unknown to many, the world over due to ignorance, this Jewish/Egyptian Luciferian Freemason emblem, emphasizes Adam as the world compass - Eve as the world siderule - who produced the spirit of Lucifer into the flesh as the manchild "Cain" emphasized as the letter "G" within the Compass (Adam) and Siderule (Eve) refer to Genesis 4:1-2.
To confirm refer to the scripture prophesy of Jude 11, where it clearly in forms all that "Woe unto them (World peoples and their system), for they all gone in the ways of Cain......."
Simply meaning that the world peoples have gone, after Lucifer's ways and mannerism, of his New World Order, which led the world peoples towards the gainsaying of Core - which has the led all world to restablish Esau the red hairy one as Israel..
It must be understood that Father God Almighty (Holy Trinity) hated Esau but loved his twin brother Jacob who He called Israel refer to Malach 1:2-3. So the world has gone into a high form of rebellion by reinstating
Esau as Israel, which allowed them to downgrade Jacob as Israel refer to Jude 4.
In other words as Adam and Eve to Cain from day one, who became Lucifer's rulers of darkness of this world meaning his One World Government leaders, who became like gods and once again placed themselves under the umbrella of the sin of witchcraft.
This occured directly after Lucifer's fall to the ground, which prophesied that Lucifer would weaken the nations.
Nevertheless, this weakening of the nations, became known as the world religion of reincarnation, the rebith of Lucifer's spirit within mankinds hearts.
Bear in mind Isaiah 14:13 prophesied that Lucifer would say from his heart; "I Lucifer will ascend into heaven, I Lucifer will exalt my throne about the stars of God Almighty."
"I will also sit upon the mount of congregation (Red Planet Mars - recall the name of Adam means Red Earth) in the sides of the north."
The sides of the north simply means that the spirit of Lucifer/George Washington as E Pluribus Unum the mythical bird (Pheonix - 999) will rise to sit upon the mount of congregation the Red Planet Mars from North meaning North America - USA as the New Israel -JerUSAlem.
Recall the news media's celebrated the landing of the NASA Masonic Pheonix Project of the unmaned computer space ship numbered 999, on the Red Planet Mars on the 13th of May Yod 2008/Y2K.
The other prophesy that has taken its course of action by the antichrist system of the NWO conspirators, which was to exalt the spirits of Lucifer/GW as one godhead, is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
The man of sin be revealed the son of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
2 Thessalonians 2:4 prophesied that the new age Masonic man of sin, the son of Lucifer/George Washington, known as the Jewish LCF Moshiach/Messiah "David" dead or alive, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as god sitteth in the temple (United Nations - ISS) of god of this world, showing himself that he is a god.
It must be remembered Lord JESUS prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:5 "Remember ye not that when I was with you, I told you these things" refer to Matthew 5:18.
The rise of the Yod/Jot - Annuit Coeptis godhead and the Tittle known as the modern day son of perdition the son of Lucifer/George Washington known scripturally as the antichrist! .
Back to the prophesy of Isaiah 14:13, which prophesied that Lucifer as the father of lies said from his heart......
It must be understood, in the very first instance, that Lucifer the angel of light, had no heart, as he was created by The Holy Trinity as a spirit being.
So Isaiah 14:14, simply meant, that the spirit of Lucifer, said from the hearts of mankind namely Adam/Eve to Cain in the first instance "I will ascend above the heights of clouds - I will become like the Most High."
In other words in the new age of Y2K - Yod 2000, this prophecy above came to past when the NWO NASA Masonic conspiracy raised the spirits of George Washington/Lucifer, within mankind hearts known as the astronauts of USA and USSR and man of sin David.
This was done via the NASA Masonic conspiracy of the International Space Station, which was raised above the clouds into outer space (raised above the heights of the clouds), simply within mankinds hearts, aboard ISS.
This exercise was well exicuted by NASA from November Y2K -Yod 2000.
It must be understood, that ISS was cleverly addressed by David Rockefeller's the author and finisher of NASA Masonic Conspiracy, at the time, as International Space Station Alpha.
It became inhabit, by the USA (Magog) and USSR (Gog) astronauts, which was on the 4th of November 2000 - Y2K - Yod 2000.
Unknown to many people the world over the NWO International Space Station Alpha was described by the Lord God of Israel as a flying roll (ISS) built on its own base meaning in outer space refer to the scripture prophecy of Zechariah 5:1-11.
Undoubtedly the Word of God Almighty, "The I Am that I Am" described, the International Space Station Alpha (ISS) according to Zechariah 5:1 as being the new age project, of being as a flying roll, with the measurements of 20 cubits, and it shall be established or based, and set there upon her own base.
This flying roll (ISS) will be established on its own base above the clouds, simply means in outer space.
All Hebrews/Christains, known as the Royal Priesthood of the I Am that I Am, must pay immediate attention, to Father God Almighty prophesy, of the new age city built in outer space, known as the International Space Station (ISS).
ISS is scripturally known as the curse that goeth forth over the whole face of the earth, that stealeth Father God Almighty spirits and souls falsely and sweareth falsely by the Mighty Name of the God of Israel. This ungodly stargod image of George Washington/Lucifer as the world's Annuit Coeptis/Yod, representing the god of light or god of reflections.
Another secret name for ISS is known as the celestial lodge of George Washington/Lucifer, which operates in the night or early morning sky as the 8 pointed blazing stargod called Remphan (Acts 7:42-43).
It must be remembered, that the Lord God of Israel, was and still is definately, prphesying that Lucifer/George Washington were are still are swearing falsely, by the all powerful and mighty name of God Almighty a typical example is "In God we Trust."
This is "In God we Trust" swearing falsely is well shown on all the New Age George Washington/Lucifer New World Order/Annuit Coeptis/E Pluribus Unum USA currencies.
Nevertheless, the hierarchy of universal Freemasonry, from behind their closed Masonic doors, are saying that their father of America George Washington, is the Fatherhood of God and as the brotherhood of mankind.
Undoubtedly, the above ungodliness, is backed up, by the hidden agenda of both houses of Masonic Congress, known as the Apotheosis of George Washington. This incidenatlly became a rule of law from the 10th of March 1865,
Needless to say, it must be understood that the word "apotheosis" literally means, to raise a person to the rank of a god or an icon.
In other words, the world peoples minds, have been secretly desensitized, that George Washington is god and christ.
Which means that both houses of Masonic congress, have raised George Washington/Lucifer as god and an icon, recall Annuit Coeptis means in English "He George Washington/Lucifer that is god, by the undertaking of the people, what blasphemy?
Recall Romans 6:23 prophesied, a warning to both houses of USA Masonic Congress, that the wages of sin is death, secondly Matthew 23:9 warned all peoples explicitly, to call no man upon the earth "Father........."
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