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I have been a soldier for the Lord Jesus for 32 years. My mission is to pull down strongholds that are exalting themselves against the knowledge of Father God Almighty

Is there a catch 22 to the World Taxation Day change from April 15th to April 18th in 2011 - might it be time for the King Solomon's mark of the beast 666

All Hebrew/Christians, have to take cognance to the 15th of April (Nissan) World Taxation Day change of venue, from the 15th of April to the 18th of April (Nissan) 2011.

Undoubtedly there is more, to this, than to what the human eye, can see or human intellect understand.

It must be noted that the 44th President Barack Hussein Obama, was secretly annointed by David Solomon Rockefeller and his council of Illuminati/Sanhedrin members as Ishmael, the Egyptian/Hebrew bastard son of Abram.

Unknown to many the truth of the matter of President Obama being Ishmael, was that he was conceived in America, but born in Kenya, which was to fulfill his role as Ishmael the 44th President of the USA.

Undoubtedly there is something fishy going on, from behind closed Masonic hierarchy doors or could we say there has to be a New World Order catch 22, to this change of world taxation day. 

Could we say the One World Government leaders, have a hidden agenda to the sudden change of World Taxation Day, from the 15th of April (Nissan) to the 18th of April (Nissan) in 2011, the answer is Yes!

Undoubtedly the rumour of a cashless society has been written on the walls of many country's, for many years.

Is it time for the the 44th President Ishmael Obama to introduce King Solomon mark of the beast 666 or is it time to announce The Apotheosis of George Washington, hidden in the high ceiling of the Rotunda Building.

It must be remembered that King Solomon was the first antichrist spirit, to receive this mark of the beast 666 into his righthand.

This occurred, directly after he married Pharoah's daughter and built her a house equal unto the Most High God of Israel.

Secondly Solomon gave Hiram Abiff the King of Tyre 20 Cities, and thirdly King Solomon gave the African/Egyptian type Queen of Sheba, all her desires which allowed him in the first year, to receive 666 talents of gold into his right hand refer to the scripture prophecy of 1 Kings 10:13-14.

The all important fact concerning the 18th of April simply unknown to the masses the world over, nearly 2,000 years ago, Lord JESUS known as the Light of the world (Bright Morning Star) was born on the 18th of April.

As recorded or prophesied in the Book of Luke chapter 2:1-7, three days after world taxation day, which has been known as the 15th of April for nearly 2,000 years or so, the Son of Father God Almighty JESUS was born as the savior of the world. 

In other words according to scripture prophecy of Luke chapter 2 1:-7 Lord JESUS was born on the 18th of April.

The majority of the world, have been made to believe, that Lord JESUS was born on the 25th of December, which is a mere Jewish/Egyptian Freemason fable or could we say antichrist lie.

It must be remembered that the Freemasons have downgraded Lord JESUS and have created their own Masonic christ namely George Washington refer to Jude 4.

To clarify the 25th of December X Mass Day, will simply have to work on two Freemason theories, the first was when did GW die, but on the 14th of December 1799, secondly when was GW born, but on the 11th of February 1732.

If you calculate by adding the 14th (of Decmber) to the 11th (of February) it equals unto X Mass Day the 25th of December each Year.

The next distrubing fact, that was based upon the 15th of April 1865, was that due to USA Hewbrew/ Christian President Abraham Lincoln refusing to promote The Apotheosis of George Washington, to the American people, due to his belief that JESUS the Christ was his God.

This ungodly/antichrist rule of law made by both houses of Masonic Congress, yet secretly led by General Albert Pike, that George Washington/Lucifer was as christ and god, allowed them to secretly order for President Abraham Lincoln to be assassinated on the 15th of April 1865, a coincidence or a Masonic order, we sincerely believe so!

It must be understood the scriptures are being fulfilled, one typical example is that taxation day world wide, has always taken its course action for nearly 2,000 years on the 15th of April (Nissan) refer to Luke Chapter 2:1-2.

The change in 2011 from the 15th of April to the 18th of April has to raise many eyebrows, but has to have a subliminal meaning or message to it. 

Firstly the One World Annuit Coeptis/Yod Government leaders led by USA President Ishmael Barack Hussein Obama, had to have a conniving reason, what could this reason be?

If based upon the number18 this could lead to the King Solomon mark of the beast number 666.

It must be realized that the number 18 equals to 6+6+6 which relates to the 666 mark of the beast theory in many ways refer to Revelation 13:17.............

"And all shall buy sell and trade via the mark of the beast 666."

It must be remembered, that King Solomon was the first Luciferian antichrist spirit, to receive the mark of the beast 666 into his righthand in gold.

This high form of the sin of witchcraft, came after King Solomon rebelled against the Word of Father God Almighty in many ways, which allowed Israel to become a proverb and a byword refer to 1Kings 9:7.

The major question that has to be asked, has the time come, for the Luciferian/George Washington/King Solomon/Ishmael President Barack Hussein Obama, to corrupt the peoples minds, from the 18th of April (Nissan) 2011,now known as world taxation day.

Recall the above 70 ancient Jewish/Egyptian houses of rebellious Israel, which is secretly known as King Solomon Quarries, which has now established itself in the new age in America as the United Nations has all to do with this change of taxation day venue.

The main mission of the United Nations, since its existance in 1945, has been to brainwashed or desensitized the minds (souls) of the masses into NWO Luciferian worship and mark of the beast concept, which will aloow them to make war with the Lamb refer to Revealtion 17:1-14.

Be aware that this ancient spiritual war, has been for nearly 6,000 years, between good and evil.

It must be realized that the spirit of Lucifer known as the father of lies, has been trying to corrupt Father God Almighty's Royal Priesthood, known as a Holy Nation, a Perculiar People, but a Chosen Generation, from the time of his fall down to the earth refer to Isaiah 14:12.

In other words Lucifer rulers of darkness of this world, ultimately goal, was to miss lead Father God Almighty's Royal Priesthood, which would lead them to the Luciferian mark of the beast 666 trap.

It must be understood, that the new world order conspirators, have camourflaged their move, of marking the people, with their computerized micro chip beast 666, from 1977.

This idea, was secretly, yet directly ordered by the new age Scarab, titled as the new age Jewish Sanhedrin/Egyptian Illuminati leader, King David Rockefeller, who took over from Baron De Rotchild in 1977.

Yet King David the Rock efeller from behind closed doors, introduced the 666 micro chip, via his computer conglomerates like Bill Gates etc.

Incidentally David Rockefeller was and still is known by all new age/new world order conspirators, which includes Presidents, Queen's Prime Ministers, Kings, Senators and Governors etc as being their new age  "Puppet Master."

Unknown to many, peoples the world over, David Rockefeller born on the 12th of June 1915, yet was given the Baron De Rothchild, Sanhedrin/Illuminati seat of power, from 1977.

Unrealized by many peoples, that Baron De Rothcild was the head of the Jewish Sanhedrin/Egyptian Illuminati for 60 years, which was from 1917 which was under the umbrella of the "Balfour Declaration."

It must be noted that this Balfour Declaration was two years after the Jewish/Egyptian Scarab child little David Solomon Rockefeller/Sassoon was born in 1915.

It must be understood that when David Rockefeller was 11 years old in 1926, his father John D Rockefeller and his mother took him to the King Solomon's Quarries known as the 70 ancient Houses of Israel, where he was annointed and proclaimed secretly as the new age Moshiach/Mashiach.

Directly after this Israel innitiation ceremony, they travelled to Egypt, where David Rockefeller was raised by two Egyptians by rope, to the top of the center Gaza Pyramid, anniniating him David their as their Rock efeller secretly known as their Egyptian Beb Ben Stone.

To confirm the above all readers must refer to chapter 13 of the 613 Jewish Torah (rah equals to Lucifer as being the son of the morning - Shaharit) Commandments.

Unknown to many, chapter 13 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments, clearly stipulates to all Jews (Luciferians), that the, Jewish new age Messiah, titled as Moshiach/Mashiach, dead or alive, his name shall or has to be "David."
                               The number 18 equals to the mark of the beast 666
Al peoles must pay attention to the mere fact, that 18 equals to 6+6+6 (666 mark of the beast), like the number 15 equals to the three headed Jewish/Egyptian Masonic serpent beast worship, which is secretly titled as "Jahbulon."

Here comes an eyeopener of all time to the mark of the beast 666. Recall George Washington/Luciferian  Egyptian/Jewish Masonic graven image Obelisk, known as the Washington Monument in DC.

Undoubtedly the Washington Mounument measures 555ft in outer height, but secretly or unknown to many peoples, it measures 111ft under the ground, which automatically calculates GW Monument to the 666 mark of the beast number.

It must be understood as Genearl Albert Pike conveyed his ungodly message to his 32nd and 33rd degree order of universal Freemasons "There is more than one meaning to all our degrees, ceremonies and rituals, they rather conceal, than to reveal the truth."

There has to be many secret doors/chambers or reasons, to this sudden change from the 15th of April (Nissan) renown world taxation day, which has been suddenly changed, by the Egyptian Illuminati/Jewish Sanhedrin USA 44th President Ishmael Barack Hussein Obama to the 18th of April (Nissan) from 2011.

Recall Larry King CNN live announced with his guest in 2009 at the start of the 44th President of the USA Ishmael Barack Hussein Obama reign, that he was a member of the council of 13 of the German/Luciferian - Egyptian Illuminati (Jewish Sanhedrin).

Recall in 2009 press report, Senator Harry Reid gave his soul to Lucifer, commenting like former President GW Bush and names went on and on, even to the late Tim Russet.

Obviously, this ungodly/antichrist concept of changing the world taxation day from the 15th of April (Nissan) to the 18th of April (Nissan) 2011, was done for a myriad of ungodly yet antichrist reasons.

This should be drawing major red flags from all God Almighty's Royal Priesthood, and will be an eyeopener from after the 18th of April 2011.

An important fact to consider is that 15 (15th of April) plus 18 (18th of April) equals to 33, which obviously relates to the 33rd degree of universal Jewish/Egyptian King Solomon Quarries Freemasonry.

Unknown to many peoples the world over Freemasonry starts from the 33rd degree, who conduct their rituals, ceremonies and degrees, towards the fashion of Luciferian/King Solomon/George Washington 666 worship. 

Recall the scripture prophecies are being fulfilled, in other words Revelation 13:8 distinctly prophesied "And all shall worship the beast; who's names have not been written in the Lamb's Book of Life, slain from the foundation of the world..........

What comes to mind, of this beast worship, is the mere fact, that both Houses of Masonic Congress, led by General Albert Pike on the 10th of March 1865, secretly declared as a rule of law "The Apotheosis of George Washington/ Lucifer."

To grasp the above 10th of March 1865 rule of law, all must realize, that the word "apotheosis: literally means to raise a person to the rank of god or an icon (christlike figure).

Recall Lord JESUS prophesied this event nearly 2,000 years ago, according to His sermon upon the mount which is referred to as scripture prophecy of Matthew 5:18. Lord JESUS declared the rise of the new age Yod/Jot Annuit Coeptis Government godhead and its modern day antichrist leader being referred to as being a Tittle.

All must pay immediate attention, to the forefathers of old, which was led by General George Washington's Latin term of their new world order 1776 conspiracy concept of "Annuit Coeptis."

Which translated to English as "He Lucifer that is god by the undertaking of the world peoples."

This is also described in the Book of Revelation 17:13-14.......

"These ( new age brainwashed NWO peoples) have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the risen beast Lucifer/George Washington as Annuit Coeptis/Yod" who will then make war with the Lamb of God Almighty JESUS The Christ Emmanuel.....

What needs to be understood, about the 15th of April (Nissan) Wordl Taxation day, after General Albert Pike and both houses of Masonic Congress made the Apotheosis of George Washington/Lucifer a rule of law on or about the 10th of March 1865.

They the New World Order antichrist Masonic One World Annuit Coeptis - Yod Government leaders ordered the Hebrew/President Abraham Lincoln to enforce there rule of law of the Apotheosis of George Washington/Lucifer to all the peoples of the world. 

But President Abraham Lincoln being a staunch Knights Templar Christian refused, by saying that Lord JESUS was God and Christ, which led to both houses of Luciferian/George Washington Masonic bound Congress and its Luciferian religion, to order the assasination of President Lincoln on World Taxation Day the 15th of April (Nissan) 1865.

Recall that according to scripture prophecy of Luke Chapter 2:1-7 which openly announcess that world taxation day was and still is on the 15th of April (Nissan), which then prophesied that Lord JESUS was born 3 days after on the 18th of April nearly 2,000 years ago.  

In other words the Ishmael USA President Barack Hussein Obama and his 70 ancient houeses of rebellious Israel (King Solomon's Quarries - United Nations) are about to entice and beguil, the people of the world, into their Masonic King Solomon concept of ungodliness known secretly as being the mark of the beast 666.

It must be understood that the change of date of world taxation day, from the 15th April which referred right back to Luke Chapter 2:1-7. which was based upon the taxation of the world on the 15th of April to the birth of the Head Cornerstone Lord JESUS the Christ Messiah which was on the 18th of April nearly 2,000 yeras ago.

It must be understood, it is nearly the end of the Egyptian Illuminati/Jewish Sanhedrin Luciferian President Barack Hussein Obama.

Unknown his was secretly named by the Jewish/Egyptian Freemasonry hierachy as Ishmael the barstard son of Abram, recall Ishmael was born of the bondwoman Hagar the Egyptian.

Unknown to many President Obama was conceived in America but born in Kenya.

Another important fact was that he President Obama was born on the 4th of August 1963, which is a type and shadow of the 4th of August 1753 ceremony to when George Washington at the young age of 21 years old became one with the spirit of Lucifer from Lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia.

Recall President Obama became the first American conceived, yet African (Kenya - Muslim) born, which allowed him Ishmael Obama to be the long awaited African/American President.

The big factor, is that before George Washington died in 1799, the hierarchy of the Illuminati/Sanhedrin, requested the Masonic doctors, to withdraw over 6 pints of blood, from his dying body, because they believed that GW was their Masonic christ Tammuz, and that there was life in his GW blood and bloodline.

The world peoples have been brainwashed that the Lucifer/George Washington Annuit Coeptis/Yod Government "In God we Trust" is a rule of law, but that is merely a Jewish fable and a commandment of men refer to Titus 1:14.

In other words the New World Order Luciferian conspirators, known as Lucifer/George Washington's workers or rulers of darkness of this world, have obviously had a secret agenda, concerning Barack Hussein Ishmael Obama from birth on the 4th of August 1963.

What must be understood that the residing 44th USA President Barack Hussein Obama conceived in America yet born in Kenya, secretly known by the Jewish Sanhedrin/Illuminati as their  rebirth/ reincarnated "Ishmael."

This bastard son of Abram, Ishmael, like King Solomon (666) the bastard son of King David, were warned not to number Father God Almighty's Royal Priesthood, which  is secretly part and prcel of the number 18, which is merely 6+6+6 = 18 yet subliminally relates to 666. 

                                 Undoubtedly 666 which indicates to the mark of the beast.

But it must be also taken into consideration that Our Lord JESUS was born as the scripture of Luke Chapter 2 prophesied, which was three days after, World Taxation day, which is always on the 15th of April (Nissan), yet three days later the bright morning star Lord JESUS the fulfillment of Isaiah 9:6 was born.

What needs to be understood as the scripture prophecy of 1 John 3:8, prophesied nearly 2,000 years ago Lord JESUS manifested to the earth in the flesh to destroy the works of Lucifer (spirit being/angel of false light) the one who sinned from the very beginning of time.......

                      As we mentioned before that there is a good 666 and a bad  - evil 666.

To define the good 666, we have to look at John 1:1-8 The Word became flesh; so in other words......

"In the beginning was The Word (JESUS) the Word (JESUS) was with Father God Almighty and The Word (JESUS) was Father God Almighty.

Then  if we backtrack to Genesis 1:31 we discover that Father God Almighty worked for 6 days, which ment in all reality that Father God Almighty created the the 66 Books of the Bible (Spoken Word of Father God Almighty) in 6 days, which equals to the good 666.

The bad news or evil mark of the beast 666, which has to be applied or given to the people, by the power of the new age antichrist Masonic NWO Jewish/Egyptian beast system.

In other words this beast mark of King Solomon 666, would surface in the new age, for a myriad of reasons refer to Revelation 13:17..... this mark of the beast would allow all to buy, sell or trade, by the modern name of the beast Mahahbon/Maitreya/Moshiach who has to ascend out of the bottomless pit refer to Revelation 17:8-13.

What needs to be calculated is the name of the risen beast Mahahbon for the Freemasons- Maitreya new age Egyptian Muslims etc - to the Jewish Messaih Moshiach from the bottomless pit.

What needs to be understood, that all of the above Messiah names, have 8 letters to them, calcuting to the number of the NASA Masonic New World Order god of light and reflection beast/godhead which is 888.

This 888 number stemms from theory of the Masonic christ known as George Washington, simply if you add the outer height of the Washington Monument which is 555ft.

To the George Washington Alexandria Virginia Masonic Temple numbered 22, which measures on its outer height as 333ft, if 555ft + 333ft added together, its equals to George Washington/Lucifer risen mythical beast number of 888.

The mystery to this number of the 888 of the risen NASA Masonic beast George Washington/Lucifer known secretly as the Mythical Bird (Pheonix) who shall rise fup from the ashes, if doubled, meaning 888 + 888, answers to mystery new world order number of 1776.

Undoubtedly, 1776 indicates to when America (USA - JerUSAlem) as the new Israel got its Independence in 1776, yet secondly it stipulates to when the New World Order conspiracy plan of the American forefathers led by General George Washington was formed, in 1776.

Pay attention this beast which was merely the evil spirits of Lucifer/George Washington as one godhead Annuit Coeptis/Yod - 888, who ascends out of the bottomless pit, and then by their power as Mahahbon/Maitreya/Moshiach, will mark the people with their mark 666, which will enable them to buy, sell and trade........

(1) this 666 mark of the beast (micro chip) will be implimented under the skin or as the credit/debit card (micro chip within) system, which is known as the Mark of the beast 666 system.

This method, will be used for all people to buy sell and trade in the ends of days, which will give their power and authority unto the NASA Masonic Beast.

It must be remembered that King Solomon was the first antichrist spirit, within man, to receive this mark of the beast 666 into his righthand, simply refer to the scripture prophecy of 1 Kings 10:14.

Secondly this occurred after he King Solomon rebelled against the Word of Father God Almighty. Thirdly King Solomon married Pharoah/Lucifer's daughter Naamah and built her a house (United Nations - King Solomon's Quarries) equal unto God Almighty.

Fourthly King Solomon mixed his bloodline by giving the South African Queen of Sheba all her desires, which is a type and shadow of Abram and Hagar who gave birth unto the Egyptian the off spring named  Ishmael, known as the bastard son of Abram (Muslims).

Pay attention to Deuteronomy 23:2 a bastard cannot enter into the congregation of the Lord God Almighty even unto his 10th generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

Another meaning to this is that those, who's names have not been written in the Lambs Book of life or in the case of those who's names have been written in the Lamb's Book of Life, but have rebelled, like King Solomon against the Word of God Almighty cannot enter into the congregation of the Lord God of Israel.