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I have been a soldier for the Lord Jesus for 32 years. My mission is to pull down strongholds that are exalting themselves against the knowledge of Father God Almighty

Monday, April 4, 2011

George Washington/Lucifer as the world's godhead innitiated as Annuit Coeptis/Yod

The confirmation of George Washington and Lucifer spirit as being one godhead, secretly manifested from 1776, after the 1753 ceremony, where they as one body were ordained as the world's Annuit Coeptis (Yod).

To be more specific this 1753 Fredericksburg Virgina ceremony, was confirmed, exactly 200 years later in 1953. 

When from the Holy Land Israel, the hierarchy of Jewish Rabbi's/Sanhedrin/Illuminati/Freemasonry, secretly declared 1953, as the "Year of the Light" refer to "Contemporary Freemasonry in the Holy Land Israel."  

The dark secret, to this Jewish/Holy Land 1953 Year of the Light declaration, was based upon, from the time the spirits of George Washington/Lucifer became one in 1753, to when the spirit of Lucifer was raised  within George Washington's heart, from the bottomless pit in 1793.... refer to the scripture prophecy of Revelation 17:8-13..........

"The beast (Lucifer) that thou sawest was, and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and goeth into perdition........."

Unknown to many the world over, this reincarnation ceremony in 1793 was based upon the reincarnation ceremony, of George Washington, becoming as a point within a circle of life of his twelve red lodge Illuminati/Sanhedrin Freemasons, which then enabled him GW to raise the Lucifer's spirit, by chanting the awful, yet sacred name of Mahahbon thrice (recorded in the basement of the Capitol Building since 1793).

It must be understood there was a hidden agenda to the George Washington laying of 1793 Cornerstone and Time Capsule at the Capitol Building.

Two hundred years later this new age George Washington/Lucfier ceremony of 1793 graduated in 1993 from the nation of South Africa as the Year of the Yod.

Yet 40 years prior to that from the Holy Land Israel in 1953 the Year of the Light, was secretly declared, unknown or unrealized, this Year of the Light ceremony manifested from behind the closed doors of the Jewish/Egyptian Masonic King Solomon Quarries, which is based underground, of the Muslim Dome of the Rock. 

The true meaning to the 1953 Year of the Light saga, which undoubtedly, which is well displayed, on the reverse side of the owl god Molech George Washington "In God we Trust" USA $1 bill.

The true meaning to the Year of the Light, is George Washington/Lucifer being the world's god of light and reflections, secretly known as Microprosposos/Macroprosposos.  

Another term for this George Washington/Lucifer god of light and reflections theory, which is openly, known as the Jewish Star of David or as the 28th degree of King Solomon's Knight of the Sun Symbol.   

So, in other words, the main feature to the Lucifer/George Washington new world order concept from 1776, was always the act of "Reincarnation."

Incidentally, the Apotheosis of George Washington, which confirms the act of reincarnation or circle of life, which has been hidden in the high ceiling of the Rotunda Building from 1865.

This concept, merely confirms the act of the 1776 forefathers, which was to establish the 1753 reincarnation act of George Washington and the spirit of Lucifer, becoming as one godhead Annuit Coeptis/Yod on the 4th of August 1753 from lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia USA.

Another important fact to consider, from 1996, was when the new age Disney Animal Kingdom, cleverly  promoted the act of reincarnation/circle of life of George Washington/Lucifer as being the worlds Tree of Life, by erecting in their amusement park, the questionable graven image of their version of the Tree of Life (George Washington/Lucifer).

It must be understood, that the hierarchy of new age Freemasonry, have secretly created George Washington as their Masonic Christ like figure, from the time of GW birth, which was on the 11th of February 1732.   

In other words, via much proof of evidence George Washington after his death in 1799, was ordained as the new age/Masonic religions as their ultimate Tree of life/X Mass tree.

The first major feature to this theory of George Washington being the world's tree of life, which relates to GW being as the Masonic Christ and child, surfaced from the X Mass Day (25th of December) celebration.

Notice all the world peoples are brainwashed to erect their X Mass Trees in their houses, and by decorating it with the theory of the thousand points of light, which undoubtedly, is conveying the message that Lucifer/George Washington is their light bearer or bringer of lights.

What needs to be recognized is that X Mass Day held on the 25th of December each year, follows the Thanks Giving Day Worship of the god of this world Annuit Coeptis/Yod.

Note that Thanks Giving Day is always held on the last Thursday of November, which undoubtedly relates to when George Washington died, which was on a Thursday, yet on the 14th of December 1799.

The catch 22, between Thanks Giving Day and X Mass Day each year, is in the midst of the two new age celebration, is the questionable Jews celebration of Hanuka, which is known as the start to the celebration of lights,  

In other words, from after the Thanks Giving Day celebration, which merely indicates to George Washington/ Lucifer as the reincarnated Godhead, which then extends itself to X Mass Day celebration. 

Which undoubtedly indicates, to the rebirth of the Masonic new age Jewish/Egyptian Christ godhead known in the first instance as the Masonic child George Washington born in 1732.

This celebration then graduates each year, before the rebirth of the Masonic Christ celebration which is religiously held on the 25th of December by George Washington/Lucifer as Father X Mass or as Santa Claus character flying through the sky to deliver as the giver of gifts or life to the X Mass Trees placed in all households worldwide.

In all reality this process is merely fulfilling the scripture prophecy of Revelation 13:8...... "And all shall worship the beast......."  . 

Recall, that Thanks Giving Day which is held on the last Thursday of November each year, relates to when George Washington died on Thursday 10.20pm on the 14th of December 1799.

If you add George Washington's birthday, the 11th (February 1732), to his death day, which was on the 14th (December 1799), undoubtedly it adds up to the 25th of December.

Just to add more fuel to the fire, to the tree of life theory, it must be noticed how the hierarchy of new age Freemasonry, and the One World G8 (Yod 8) Annuit Coeptis Governments, created the Connecticut George Washington quarter, "In God we Trust" with the image of the tree of life on its rear end side.

To be more specific, this Connecticut quarter, of the graven image of George Washington on the front, which says  "In God we Trust" which displays George Washington/Lucifer in a graven image fashion as being the world's "The Tree of life."

What needs to be noticed is the year dates, being at the top of 1788 and at the bottom of the tree of life, the amazing year of 1999.  

Unknown to many the world over, George Washington in 1788 on the 20th of December was ordained by the hierarchy of new age Freemasonry as the Most Worshipful Master of the Universe.

It must be also taken into consideration, that only after this celebration of GW as the Worshipful Master of the Universe took its course of action, did George Washington then become the 1st President of the USA on the questionable date of the 30th of April (Nissan) 1789.

Is it a coincidence or fact that nearly 2,000 years ago Lord JESUS was water baptized on the 30th of April (Nissan/April which means new beginning - springtime), in other words there is a direct copy cat situation by the spirit of new age Freemasonry known as the spirit of antichrist (1 John 2:18).

Recall the hierarchy of Freemasonry, requested before George Washington died on the 14th of December 1799 to withdraw over 6 pints of blood from his dying body.

What makes this even more interesting is that GW recorded death certificate or report, stipulated that he died of loss of blood.

The obvious answer is, they sincerely believed, there was life in his George Washington's blood, which has to beyond a doubt that the order of Freemasonry worldwide, were brainwashed or minds desensitized by the spirit of Lucifer that George Washington was their new age Masonic christ like fiqure.

Another ungodly or antichrist recorded request of the late George Washington, before he died on the 14th of December 1799, was not for his Masonic hierarchy/Illuminati, to bury him until three days have past, which is totally contrary to our Lord JESUS.

As prophesied Lord JESUS died, at apprioxamately 3pm on the 30th of March, and was buried before sunset on the same day, and then rose to glory, on the 3rd morning of the third day, which was on the 1st of April (Nissan), nearly two thousand years ago.

It must be brought to all Hebrew/Christians attention, to why the antichrist system or new age Freemasonry, declare the 1st of April (Nissan)  each year as "April Fools Day." 

Simply mocking the ressurrection of our Lord JESUS, the true and only Christ Emmanuel refer to the scripture prophecy of Revelation 1:11 "I Am Alpha and Omega the first and the last......" 

In other words, after the 3 days, Lord JESUS rose to victory, on the 1st of April (Nissan).

It must be noticed, how the new age Freemasons, known as Lucifer/George Washington's rulers of darkness of this world simply counterfeit, their Masonic christ George Washingtion, three days to victory.

Recall, George Washington foretold, his hierarchy of his enlighten members of his Illuminati not to bury him until three days have past Tiswell....,  so he George Washington died on the 14th of December 1799, undoubtedly 3 days added to the 14th of December 1799, equals to the 17th of December 1799, obviously unknown to many 17 means victory! 

Pay attention to the mere fact, that our Lord JESUS who died for the redemption of mankinds sins, which is scripturally prophesied according to Galations 3:13 as.......

"Christ JESUS hath redeemed us, from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree." 

In other words, the good news was and still is that our Lord JESUS for our sakes, was crucified upon the cursed Pharoah/Luciferian/George Washington tree of knowledge, that defeated Adam and Eve in the very first instance.    

Needless to say, the new age Freemasonry theory, believes that Lord JESUS was placed or crucified on their tree of life known as Lucifer/George Washington/Pharoah, in the Y which equals unto the dangerous term of Yod fashion.

Bear in mind, Lord JESUS, first prophesied this rise of Y or Yod rule of Lucifer within his chosen modern day son of perdition or life namely George Washington, which was amazingly during his sermon upon the mount, which was nearly 2,000 years ago by saying.....

"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot (yod) or one titttle (antichrist - leader - son of Lucifer - son of perdition) shall in no wise pass from the law (10 Commandments) till all be fulfilled" refer to the prophesy of Matthew 5:18.  

It must be remembered, that all tings were created for the purpose and pleasure, of the Holy Trinity refer to Colossians 1:16.

In other words, the antichrist system (1 John 2:18) of universal Freemasonry, played right into the Holy Trinty's hand, recall Colossians 1:26 prophesied about the mystery that has been hid from the ages and generation, which shall be known or revealed unto the saints and generation......

This mystery undoubtedly was the birth and rise of George Washington who was a type and shadow of King Solomon Luicfer's old testament son of perdition.

So for the builders (Freemasons)(Matthew 21:42) to prove their point, they in the name of Lucifer their Masonic god, they had to crucify Lord JESUS in the Y (Yod) fashion upon their tree of life or knowledge, to prove their point, that Lucifer/George Washington was their tree of life. 

In other words, by using a reverse of Matthew 5:18, and crucified the Hebrew/Christian Christ godhead known as Lord JESUS in the Y (Yod fashion).

It must be noticed that Lord JESUS, nearly 2,000 years ago (Galatians 3:13), was crucified in a Y (Yod fashion) upon the cursed tree known as Lucifer/George Washington (as the Pharaoh tree of sin). 

Needless to say, in all fairness, due to universal Freemasonry downgrading the Lord JESUS, because they have created their own christ like figure, namely George Washington, they had to could then create today, their belief of their modern day tree of life of Lucifer/George Washington.

This concept of evil, then led to the establishment of  the questionable "Tree of Life" within a circle of water/life, at the new age Disney Animal Kingdom amusement park based in Florida USA from 1996.

This ungodly graven image undoubtedly, was created with a precise message of reincarnation, of the spirit of George Washington/Lucifer as one Yod godhead, back onto the earth surface.

In other words, this deliberately erection of this Tree of Life at the Disney Animal Kingdom from 1996 was for the purpose of......

"And all shall worship the beast......" refer to scripture prophesy Revelation 13:8!

In all fairness, Jeremiah 33:3 Ministry has put pen to paper to unveil the true meaning to this ungodly term of world reincarnation or circle of life, that is secretly acting at present time of new age as a cancer.

Recall the scripture prophecy of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 prophesied that it is all our duty as Hebrew/Christians to pull down every stronghold that is exalting itself against the knowledge of our Father God Almighty......

Undoubtedly, in the very first instance, the practice of universal reincarnation, allows the spirit of the prince of darkness Lucifer, known as an angel of false light, to rebirth his evil spirit into mankind's hearts.

The scripture prophecy, to clarify that, will be found in, the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:12-14.

This scripture of prophecy, clearly points out, that the spirit god Lucifer, known as the son of the morning "rah" would weaken the nations........, the Word of God in all simplicity meant, via the practice of reincarnation.

To grasp the practice of reincarnation, which has to be via the prophecy of the Word (Lord Jesus), refer to Isaiah 14:13........ 

when it prophesied "O" Lucifer, for thy has said from thy heart......... I will ascend above the heights of the clouds and  I will be like the Most High.......

It must be understood, in the very first instance, that Lucifer being created by Father God Almighty as a angel, like all angels, they were all created as spirit beings, having no hearts.

In other words, angels had no hearts, so Lucifer as the god of this world, had to reincarnate, his spirit into mankind, meaning Adam and Eve, this occurred after, he Lucifer as the angel of of false light corrupted Adam/Eve, which forced them to  rebel against The Word of Father God Almighty.

Bear in mind Isaiah 14:13, was merely prophesying, to the start of Lucifer as the god of this cursed earth (world), by using his secret weapon of mass destruction known as reincarnation, that would ultimately weaken the nations.

Nevertheless, this scripture of Isaiah 14:13-14 was undoubtedly prophesying to the start, of the new age evil term of reincarnation/circle of life, which has now from 1776 being fulfilled to it utmost. 

Recall there has always been, an ancient battle between, the Holy Trinity as good and the unholy trinity of being evil.

The spirit of Lucifer, first put pen to paper of reincarnation, simply in the Garden of Eden, when he said unto Adam and Eve did God say you cannot eat of my Freemason Egyptian/Jewish Pharaoh Tree of knowledge........ 

Unknown, Lucifer as the tree of knowledge (Egyptian Pharaoh Tree) placed in the Garden of Father God Almighty, was by the power of the Holy Trinity placed as a point within a circle of his twelve fallen trees, known as fallen angels of false light.

Recall Ezekiel chapter 31 prophesied...... Thus saith the Lord God of Israel....

"What was Pharaoh/Lucifer doing in the Garden of Eden or the Garden of Father God Almighty." 

In actual fact according to the prophecy, he Lucifer was known as the tall Cedar tree of high statue, and beauty!

Thus saith the Lord God Almighty...... "Because thous hast lifted thyself in height O Lucifer as the tree of knowledge, and shot up its top among the thick boughs (heathens), and its heart is lifted up, in its height......... 

I the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have driven him Lucifer also transformed as the serpent god Ouroboros out for his wickedness......

In other words, Lucifer/Pharoah, also as the serpent god Ouroboros, was placed in the Garden of Eden, in the fashion of reincarnation/circle of life, which was as point within a circle of life.

Notice from that position, as the tree Pharaoh of knowledge, within a circle of the 12 fallen trees, of ungodly angels...

Lucifer as the father of lies, said unto Adam and Eve.... "if you eat of my tree of Luciferian witchcraft, you shall become like gods meaning like him Lucifer in every way.  

So the damage of reincarnation, started from the beguiling of Adam and Eve to Cain, which was merely Lucifer spirit born into the flesh as in the image of Cain.

Pay attention to the scripture prophecy of 1 John 3:12, which distinctly prophesied that Cain was of the wicked one being Lucifer the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning of time (John 8:44).  

Now, lets see what this dangerous, yet mysterious Luciferian Jewish/Egyptian Masonic Luciferian new age circle of life term, has done or brought upon the peoples of the world, but the order of Luciferin chaos. 

Unknown to many, this term of new age witchcraft, or Luciferian worship, was and still is, not new but of an old concept.  

Bear in mind Lord Jesus prophesied nearly 2,000 years ago.... 

"That if possible, my very elect shall be deceived by the false prophets and the false christ's......"simply refer to  the scripture prophecy of Matthew 24:24. 

Unknown to many Hebrews/Christians the world over, the scripture prophecy in many ways of Matthew 24:24, relates to the ungodly New World Order concept and theory of the father of lies namely Lucifer.

It must be understood, that 2 Corinthians 4:4 prophesied that Lucifer as the spirit god of this world, would blind the minds of the masses, from the Gospels of our Lord JESUS...... 

In other words, from the time Lucifer as the son of the morning, was cast down to the ground or earth, his main mission, was to rebirth or reincarnate his spirit into mankind's hearts.   

Undoubtedly, Lucifer's main concept to establish his new world order concept, into peoples hearts, was based upon, his workers of darkness, being new age Freemasonry to indoctrinate the masses with "Reincarnation."

Unknown, this symbol of reincarnation, of a point within a circle of life guided by the two linage lines of Enoch to Moses, was and still is shown on every Masonic altar, as their main feature to universal Freemasonry. 

This graven image altar of the practice of world reincarnation, is located within their temples worldwide.

What damage, has the hidden agenda of reincarnation, done to the masses, but spiritual death like Adam and Eve to Cain.