National TV news media stipulated from Y2K/Yod 2000 that over 2,500 people would living up in the International Space Station by the year 2005.
The scripture prophesy of Zechariah 5:1-3 described this ISS outer space station as being a flying roll, built on its own base.
The Word of God prophesied it, as being as the curse, that goeth forth over the whole face of the earth, that stealeth falsely Almighty God's spirits and souls.
Yet this all important prophecy, goes on to prophesy, that this new age flying roll (ISS), will swear falsely by the Name of Father God - typical example "In God we Trust."
According to 2 Thessalonians 2:4 it prophesied that the man of sin - the son of perdition meaning Lucfier/George Washington as the Annuit Coeptis godhead, which means or relates to the new age/Jewish Moshiach - Messiah, named "David" dead or alive.
This antichrist son of perdition David the world's Rock, will sit in a specific temple like United Nations and then in the ISS, acting as god, performing lying signs and wonders refer to the scripture prophecy of 2 Thessalonians 2:9......
"Even him (Lucifer/GW spirits) who coming is after the working of Satan - the son of LCF/GW - David the antichrist Rockefeller with all power and lying signs and wonders."
Recall David Rockefeller was the master builder of the United Nations in New York City in the Year of the Light 1953. David Rockefeller was born on the 14th of June 1915 - add 30 years to 1915 which equals to 1945.
That was when David Rockefeller eldest brother Nelson Rockefeller first set up the United Nations in California in 1945.
Recall David Rockefeller as the man of sin/the antichrist must counterfeit Lord JESUS in everyway, who started his ministry at 30 years old., which ended at 33 years old.
Notice to when David Rockefeller turned 33 years old, which calculated to 1948, is it a coincidence or fact that America (USA -JerUSAlem) as the new Israel received its independence in 1948, yet 5 years later in 1953 the old Israel declared the Year of the Light, yet amazingly David Rockefeller opened the doors to the United Nations in 1953.
Unknown to many people the world over, the Year of the Light was declared as a rule of law from the Holy Land Israel in 1953.
It must be understood, that the United Nations had to open its doors in 1953, simply as a reminder to when George Washington and the spirit of Lucifer became one in 1753.
The United Nations had to be also built in New York City, because George Washington known as the 1st new age/new world order President of America, who was secretly known as being the new Israel, recall GW became the 1st President on the all important day of the 30th of April (Nissan) 1789.
The United Nations, is secretly yet merely known, as the old Jewish King Solomon Quarries Temple, which is based underground in the old Holy Land Israel, which houses the 70 ancient rebellious houses of Israel.
The secret agenda, to the Year of the Light, is that the Jewish/Egyptian Freemasons/Sanhedrin - Illuminati, believe that Lucifer/George Washington, as the new age Annuit Coeptis/Yod godhead, was and still is, the light bearer of the world.
In other words, the United Nations had to be rebirthed, in the Year of the Light, as it related to the 1753 ceremony, of when George Washington and the spirit of Lucifer, at the young age of 21 years old, became the one godhead, titled as the Annuit Coeptis/Yod.
Unknown this new age Luciferian Jewish/Egyptian NWO ceremony, which was held on the 4th of August 1753, from Lodge #4 Fredericksburg Virginia.
It must be understood, that this spirit of antichrist named David the Jewish/Egyptian Scarab Rockefeller, who was the masterbuilder and door opener to the United Nations in 1953 the Year of the Light, who will oppose and exalt himself, above all that is called God, or that is worshiped;
Undoubtedly this antichrist - son of perdition known as David the new age Jewish Moshiach/Messiah, will be secretly like god, who sitteth, in the modern day temple (ISS) of the god of this world namely Lucifer/George Washington, showing himself that he is god.
This antichrist character, who has to be David dead or alive refer to Chapter 13 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments, had to first rule from within the United Nations Temple secretly numbered 777, yet based in New York City.
Why New York City because the 1st President of the USA George Washington became the Worshipful Master of the universe in New York City, on the 20th of December 1788, then only did he GW become the 1st President of the USA, 4 months later in 1789.
Recall a hundred yeras later in 1889, General Albert Pike announced on the 14th of July (Tammuz) 1889, to his One World Government leaders gathered in Paris France drafted in his letter "Yes Lucifer/George Washington is God."
Yet the secretly known Jewish Egyptian Masonic Scarab Messiah titled as David Rockefeller - and his NASA Masonic conspiracy plan ISS, was perfected to perform lying, signs and lying wonders. The secret or catch 22 to the International Space Station Alpha (ISS), was the housing of the astronauts of USA who are scripturally known as Magog and the USSR at the same time, were named as Gog.
It must be understood that the ISS became inhabit on the 4th of November Yod 2000 - Y2K by Magog and Gog.
In other words this was and still is a fulfillment of two scriptures of prophecy Isaiah 14:14 and 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
Isaiah 14:14 prophesied that Lucifer/George Washington spirits within mankinds hearts will be raised above the heights of the clouds ISS by USSR - Gog astronauts and the USA - Magog astronauts.
This ISS Gog and Magog situation, would ultimately allow them as the workers of darkness of this world, the oppertunity, to cause strong delussion, that all the world will believe their god Annuit Coeptis/Yod great lie that he Lucifer is God and George Washington was their Masonic christ..
This move allowed the spirit of George Washington/Lucifer as Annuit Coeptis /Yod, within their hearts and the man of sin David the Scarab Rock efeller to be "like the Most High."
Nevertheless, as the scriptures foretold us, that Lucifer as the serpent Ouroboros, beguiled Adam and Eve, which merely meant, that he Lucifer reincarnated his spirit, within Adam and Eve hearts, souls and body, which undoubtedly gave him the opportunity, to spirturally rebirth himself into the flesh as Cain.
According to 1 John 3:12, it prophesied "Not as Cain who was of the wicked one......" meaning Lucifer!
It must be understood, that Father God Almighty warned Cain, of Lucifer's main principal or method, which was to rebirth his spirit (reincarnation) within Adam /Eve which enabled to manifest himself as Cain.
This occurred before he Cain murder God Almighty's righteous Abel.
It must be noticed, Father God Almighty said unto Cain, "your countenance has fallen, sin - Lucifer the father of lies, lieth at the door of your heart Cain......Genesis 4:6-7.
In other words, Cain could not have sinned, meaning to murder Abel, unless he allowed the spirit of Lucifer the father of lies, a murderer from the very beginning (John 8: 44), to beguil him or reincarnate within him Cain, which was at the age of 13 years old.
According to the scripture of prophecy of Matthew 23:35, Father God Almighty holds the whole world peoples, responsible for Lucifer spirit rebirthed within Cain heart, which then murdered God Almighty's righteous Abel.
This murdering spirit of Lucifer within Cain, even extended itself, to the prophet Zechariah, notice whom, they slew between the temple and altar of King Solomon's Masonic Jewish/Egyptian Temple.
Bear in mind, as the scripture prophecy of Acts 7:47-48 prophesied.......
"But Solomon built Him a house, howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in Temple,s made with hands (Freemasons), as sayeth the prophet of Father God Almighty - The I Am that I Am.
"Heaven is My Throne and earth is My footstool, what house will you build Me, or what is the place of My rest (Acts 7:49)."
Hath not My Hand made all these things refer to Acts 7:50, yet Acts 7:51 prophesied "Ye sniffnecked and uncircumsized in heart and ears ye do always resist the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) as your fathers did so do ye.
To confirm with the above simply refer to Psalm's 51:11, which prophesied by King David who said "cast me not away from thy presence and take not thou Holy Spirit from me."
Recall David said according to Psalm 51:10 "create in me a clean heart O God (Lord), and renew a right spirit within me."
So even today the Jews and many religions like the Baptist, Catholics etc, and even to top evengelist like Billy Graham resist or reject the in filling of the Holy Spirit/Ghost refer to the prophecy of John 3:3-6.
Recall, as the scripture prophesied 1 John 3:8 "for this purpose Lord JESUS, as the only begotton Son of Father God Almighty, manifested to the earth, in the flesh, to ultimately destroy Lucifer's works (New World Order).
Pay attention to the mere fact that Lucifer the father of lies, was the one, who sinned from the very beginning of time.
What was this sin of the spirit god Lucifer, but that he Lucifer would present his new world order reincarnation sin of witchcraft concept, within Adam and Eve to him as Cain hearts, which would then manifest in all mankind hearts that he Lucifer was an equal unto the Most High refer to Isaiah 14:14.
Why do you think the scriptures say, Lord JESUS manifested to the cursed earth, to obviously set the record straight that only the people can worship the I Am that I Am as God Almighty refer to Exodus 20:1-2.
Secondly Lord JESUS came to set the captives free, from all Lucifer's witchcraft, religion and tradition, and most of all Lord JESUS came to heal the broken hearted.
This amazing concept, of coming to heal the broken hearted, was based upon all peoples of the world, were bound by Lucifer's reincarnation religion.
This concept placed the whole world, under the secret umbrella of world reincarnation, which formed undoubtedly the world's antichrist spirit within mankind, simply refer to 1 John 2:18.
Yet as 1 John 4:3 prophesied...... "And every spirit that confesseth, not that Lord JESUS the Christ Emmanuel, is come in the flesh, is not of Father God Almighty; (refer to 1 John 3:10 for the answer), and this is the spirit of antichrist.
Whereof ye have heard that it the spirit of antichrist should shall come, and even now already is it (the spirit of antichrist) in the world meaning from the very beginning of time from Adam and Eve to Cain.
Recall Adam and Eve became Lucifer's first new world order/one world government - antichrist leaders immediately, after they rebelled against Father God Almighty's Word simply refer to 1 Samuel 15:23...., which emphasizes
"Rebellion of the Word of Father God Almighty will always led all peoples, like Adam and Eve to Cain to the Sin of witchcraft - Luciferian Worship.
Why do you think Father God Almighty prophesied conitinually I Am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the Hebrews, why did he reject Adam and Eve to Cain, because of no repentance which led to the sin of witchcraft - antichrist Luciferian worship.
Undoubtedly, this new age Freemason concept of reincarnation/circle of life, has lead all the world peoples to the ungodly new age sin of witchcraft titled as Luciferian worship.
Unknown to the masses the world over, this concept of Luciferian/antichrist /ungodly worship, started its course, from the new age of 1753.
This was secretly titled by Freemasonry as when George Washington at the young age of 21 years old was ordained as the Master Mason of the Universe.
Undoubtedly there was a double meaning or a darkside to this ungodly/antichrist ceremony, known secretly as to when George Washington and the spirit of Lucifer became one godhead Annuit Coeptis/Yod, which was on the 4th of August 1753 from lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia.
Bear in mind the new world order 1776 meaning to the Latin term of Annuit Copetis (Yod) illustrated on the George Washington USA "In God we Trust" $1 bill, in English wasa nd still is "He Lucifer/George Washington that is God by the undertaking of the people."
All must pay immediate attention that nearly 2,000 years ago Lord JESUS prophesied this event to perfection while preaching His sermon upon the mount by saying.....
"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot - Yod/Annuit Coeptis - godhead, or one tittle - antichrist leader son of Lucifer shall in no wise pass from the law (10 Commandments), till all be fulfilled..........."
To unveil Luciferian worship, we have to reveal, the hidden agenda of the George Washington/Lucifer Skull and Bones Tomb # 322, which to day in the new age, which was and still is based upon the new age 613 Jewish Torah Commandments.
The answer to the ungodly George Washington/Lucifer Skull and Bonesman Tomb # 322 reincarnation worship, which is based upon Chapter 4 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments, which is titled as "Reincarnation" leads all the world to the Sin of Witchcraft - Luciferian Worship of Isaiah 14:13-14.
Chapter 4 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments, clearly emphasizes, that all Jews and a certain sect called Gentiles, must at all times practice reincarnation as many times as possible.
One typical example is the pledge of allegience to the red white and blue American - Brittish - French - Russian etc flags.
The darkside to the pledging of allegience to the above tradition or religious concepts, was and still is, to honor and worship the spirits of Lucifer and George Washington as god and as their Masonic christlike figure.
It must be clearly understood, that the catch 22 to the white in these flags, stands for the body of George Washington/Lucifer, the red stands for the blood of George Washington/Lucifer and thirdly the blue stands for George Washington becoming Master Mason (Blue Lodge degree) in 1753 and on the 20th of December 1788 GW/Lucifer became the Worshipful Master (Red Lodge) of the Universe and World.
This evidently, led to George Washington/Lucifer as the one godhead (Annuit Coeptis/Yod), becoming the 1st President of the new Israel the USA, which is regarded by the council of the new age Sanhedrin/Illuminati, as being the White Lodge/House, which was well executed on the 30th of April (Nissan) 1789.
This above concepts, were confirmed in 1953, after the Jewish rabbi's/Sanhedrin/Illuminati/ Freemasons declared from the Holy Land Israel "The Year of the Light theory."
This Year of the Light concept, was based upon the 1753 ceremony held in Fredericksburg Virginia, from lodge # 4, which was on the 4th of August.
This was once again, when the order of universal Freemasonry, allowed the spirit of Lucifer to be reincarnated (rebirth) into the George Washington at the young age of 21 years old, establishing them as the godhead of Annuit Coeptis/Yod.
This well camourflaged ceremony was once again being as GW/Lucifer spirit becoming the world's Master Mason of the Universe.
But it must be understood that General Albert Pike, the grand supreme pontiff of universal Freemasonry, said unto his high degrees of Freemasonry "Our degrees, ceremonies and rituals have more than one meaning to them, they rather conceal, than to reveal the truth.
In other words, as a rule of law, chapter 4 of the 613 Jewish Torah commandments, stipulates that all Jews and a certain type of Gentile sect, must practice reincarnation on a daily basis or as many times as possible.......
Unknown to the masses, the world over, the above concept of reincarnation/circle of life as a rule of law, was well orchestrated by the 1st President of the USA George Washington on the 18th of September 1793, which was directly after he laid the time capsule and cornerstone at the Capitol Building.
Unknown to many George Washington, who was known from birth as the Egyptian Dung Beetle (Reincarnation - Circle of Life), became a point within a circle of life of his twelve red lodge (Illuminati - Sanhedrin) Masons on the 18th of September 1793.
This gave GW as the 1st President of the new Israel being the USA (JerUSAlem), the privilage to reincarnate the spirit of their god Lucifer from the bottomless pit, by chanting, the awful yet sacred name of Lucifer as Mahahbon thrice (recorded in the basement of the Capitol Building).
In other words, this method of the 1st President George Washington of the new Israel being the USA (JerUSAlem), which allowed him (GW) within his heart, to raise the spirit of Lucifer the father of lies from the bottomless pit with in all mankinds hearts.
Once again the above establishment of George Washington/Lucifer as one godhead, is merely for them on the peoples behalf, to make war with the Lamb of Father God Almighty refer to the scripture prophecy of Revelation 17:8-14 as confirmation.
This rule of law of rising the spirit of Lucifer as Mahahbon, from the bottomless pit, then became part and parcel to all the residing President's of the United Sates of America from 1832.
Which incidentally, or could we say, that the above ritual of the Skull and Bonesmsn # 322 ritual of all the residing President reincarnation/circle of life acts, which takes its course on the 28th of June each year from the Yale University complex. was a hundred years after George Washington was born in 1732 on the 11th of February.
In other words, each residing USA Presidents from 1832 as a rule of law, must pay a secret visit to the George Washington Skull Bones Tomb # 322 on the 28th of June each year.
What is their mission, undoubtedly from the GW Skull and Bones Tomb # 322, which has a secret agenda was and still is, to secretly, perform the secret ritual ceremony of reincarnating (circle of life). This ritual was based upon the spirits of George Washington/Lucifer as one godhead secretly titled as Annuit Coeptis/Yod, within the peoples hearts, simply meaning as a reminder that GW/Lucifer is their god of light and reflections or as their godhead and chrsitlike savior.
This hidden concept or agenda, of the Skull and Bones Tomb numbered 322, has been deliberately hidden, within the Yale University private property, based in the Colony of Connecticut.
To grasp understanding, to the above concept of the George Washington/Lucifer concept, of the Skull and Bonesman Tomb # 322, all readers have to refer back to the 1753 Freemason ritual when George Washington at the young age of 21 years old became one with the spirit of Lucifer which was once again on the 4th of August 1753.
The first principal that must be unveiled, is what General Albert Pike also known as the Grand Supreme Pontiff of Universal Order of Freemasonry, declared his rule of law on the 14th of July (Tammuz) 1889, which was in letter form, simply addressed to his New World Order/One World Annuit Coeptis (Yod) Government, who were gathered in Paris France known secretly as the P2 Murder Lodge....
"That the doctrine of Satanism was a heresy, but the true and pure religion of universal Freemasonry is of a Luciferian doctrine, concept and religion "Yes Lucifer (George Washington) is God."
Pike also went on to say in his all important letter that Adonay is also God, but that their god Lucifer/George Washington anointed as Annuit Coeptis/Yod, was fighting against Adonay for the freedom, of all mankind from the Blood sacrifice of His only begotten Son JESUS the Christ Emmanuel......
In other words, General Albert Pike was merely confirming, this above concept, with what he and both houses of Masonic congress had established as a rule of law on the 10th of March 1865 as "The Apotheosis of George Washington (Lucifer)."
It must be remembered that the word "apotheosis" literally means, to raise a person to the rank of a god or an icon.
This ungodly gesture, was and still is lodged in the high ceiling of the Rotunda Building, and definitely illustrates to the reincarnation/circle of life or rebirth of George Washington/Lucifer spirit beings as one trilateral godhead into the heavens.
Here comes the good news for all Hebrew/Christians, the Holy Trinity, known as The Father, The Word (JESUS) and The Holy Ghost (Spirit), who are the only three, that can bear witness in Heaven, and are One (1 John 5:7 King James version only) brilliantly prophesied the above concept in the book of Jude 4......
"For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men turning the grace of our Father God Almighty into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and the Lord JESUS, The Christ Emmanuel."
To enlighten the world peoples, of important fact, of the first act of George Washington/Lucifer Antichrist movement, which related to the scripture prophesy of Matthew 3:16-17...... which elaborated by Father God Almighty as the appointment of Lord JESUS being His Head Cornerstone/Worshipful Master (Matthew 21:42) of the Univrse.
It must be said according to prophesy of Matthew 21:42...... that Lord JESUS, as the stone or could we address this as being Father God Almighty's newly appointed Head Cornerstone, was rejected by the Luciferian bound stone builders - Egyptian/Jewish Masons.
To day the builders are known as Freemasons, linked to the Jewish/Egyptian Sanhedrin/Illuminati members, which in the first instance was related to when or after Lord JESUS rose up out of the water or river Jordan (water baptized on the 30th of April (Nissan), seeing the evidence of the Holy Spirit ascending upon Him, which was nearly 2,000 years ago......
Which has to get all attention and a eye opener to all Hebrew/Christians, as Father God Almighty addressed the world with His voice of trembling and fear saying.......
"For this My beloved Son (JESUS), in whom I Am well pleased."
Here comes the straw that will ultimately break the Jewish/Egyptian Antichrist Masonic back, on the 30th of April (Nissan) 1789, George Washington was made the 1st President of the USA (New Israel - Matthew 21:43).
It must be understood that George Washington, before becoming the 1st President of the new Isreal the USA in JerUSAlem, by the power of the rulers of Lucifer's darkness of this world, had to ordain George Washington, on the 20th of December 1788, Worshipful Master of the new age world.
In other words this ceremony on the 20th of December 1788, would allow the spirit god of this world namely Lucifer the father of lies, from within his Nimrod Church of Nicolaitanes, obviously from the high priests hearts, known as Lucifer's Illuminati/Sanhedrin, would proclaimed indirectly to the masses on the 30th of April 1789.....
"For this Lucifer's son "George Washington" my beloved son of life nicknamed Tammuz (July) whom I Lucifer am well pleased in...."
Recall George Washington was and still called the Father of America, recall the scripture prophecy of Matthew 23:9 "Call no man father upon the earth" thus saith Lord JESUS.
It must be also remembered from behind closed doors of the universal Masonic Order they believe that George Washington is secretly known as the Fatherhood of God and as the brotherhood of mankind.
It must be taken into consideration, that the above concepts once again stemmed from when the spirit of Lucifer and George Washington became one, which was on the 4th of August from lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia.
Even though it was titled as George Washington becoming the Master Mason of the Universe, which was merely the front, or cover up, to what was really happening, from the closed Masonic doors of the ungodly Fredericksburg Virginia Temple of Sin, controlled by the workers of darkness of this world, known today as the new age Freemason/Illuminati/Sanhedrin Luciferian sect.
About Me
- Jeremiah 33:3 Ministries
- I have been a soldier for the Lord Jesus for 32 years. My mission is to pull down strongholds that are exalting themselves against the knowledge of Father God Almighty
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