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I have been a soldier for the Lord Jesus for 32 years. My mission is to pull down strongholds that are exalting themselves against the knowledge of Father God Almighty

Monday, May 30, 2011

Paul revealed the 7 Noahide Laws of Noah - 613 Jewish Torah Commandments - reincarnation of LCF

In other words Paul as the true soldier and servant of Lord JESUS (2 Timothy 2:3-5), boldly exposed the above sin of witchcraft of Luciferian reincarnation worship, while in Athens Greece refer to the scripture prophecy of Acts 17:16-31.

It must be understood, to grasp the above high form of the sin of witchcraft, known as Luciferian reincarnation, within mankinds hearts, which originated right back to Cain refer to Genesis 4:4:11....

Thus saith the Lord God unto Cain being 13 years of age, why art thou angry (wrath) thou countenance has fallen, sin Lucifer the father of lies, who was a murderer from the foundation, lieth at the door of your heart Cain.

Simply meaning thus saith the Lord God Lucifer was ready to reincarnate himself into Cain's heart, which then manifested as Lucifer's new world order conspiracy plan found in Isaiah 14:13-14 which led to Jeremiah 11:9-10.

Recall the scripture prophecy Jude 11.... warns all explicitly "Woe unto them the world peoples for they have gone in the ways of Cain.........."

According to Colossians 1:26 this high form of reincarnation of Lucifer spirit being within mankinds hearts, was and still is regarded, as being the Mystery that has been hid from the ages and generations.

But now saith the Lord God of Israel, this mystery shall be made known unto the Lord God of Israel's saints and believers.

In a sense Paul told all Masonic bound Jews/Egyptian - Muslims and Greeks and certain questionable Christians gathered in Greece that Lord JESUS is the answer to this mystery refer to Colossians 1:27-29, but the Luciferian/Cain anichrist (1 John 4:3 & 1 John 2:18) system, would perfect this ungoldy act of reincarnation of Lucifer/George Washington (tittle - Matthew 5:18) as prophesied from the new Israel being the USA in the new age refer to the mighty name of JerUSAlem.

Undoubtedly, this ungodly, new age/new world order conspiracy event, manifested nearly 2,000 years after Paul blew his JESUS police whistle from Greece, which undoubtedly manifested amazing nearly 2,000 years later on the 18th of September 1793, from the Capitol Building based in Washington DC, USA the new Israel.

Eventhough it was given a cleverly front name or title of George Washington as the first President of the USA laying the time capsule and laying of the all imortant cornerstone which honored GW as being the most honored Worshipful Master of the Universe in 1793.

What has to be the eye opener to Paul exposure in Greece, of the practice of the inscription on the Masonic Jewish/Egyption/Greek Masonic altar, which read to the unknown God.

To unveil the true meaning to this about Athens Greece event, is must be pointed out, that amazingly the Greek Olympic Games, is always the forerunner, to the next election of all the American Presidents, which has to raise many eyebrows.

But all peoples of the world must pay attention, from 1988 the thousand points of light NWO Vice President GHW Bush to Ronald Reagan, introduced the new Greek Olympic Flag to all the world in 1988.

Unknown to many this new Greek Olympic Games Flag, very discreetly, emphasized the order of mass reincarnation of George Washington/Lucifer's spirits as the Yod/Annuit Coeptis/E Pluribus Unum godhead, within the peoples hearts.

In other words, via the 5 colored interlocking circle of life (reincarnation) symbols, which corrresponded to Chapter 4 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments titled as Reincarnation, in a symbolic manner, the 41st President GHW Bush before taking the reins over as Commander and Chief had to water baptises the world peoples into the Latin term of Annuit Coeptis which means in English.....

"He George Washington/Lucifer (the worlds Yod godhead) that is god by the undertaking of the people."

This emphatically, was what won the thousand points of light Vice President GHW Bush Seat of Power to the 41st Presidential race, which had many hidden agenda's or meanings to it - the ushering in of the September the 11th 1991 New World Order conspiracy plan that George Washington/Lucfier were god and christ which makes them spiritual known as the Commander and Chief of the new Israel America.

Recall the reincarnation act of the new age 1988, five colored interlocking circle of life Greek Olympic Flag which ushered in the theory in 1989, the secret Public Law 102-14 (7 Noahide Laws of Noah) was based upon the 1989 - 7 Noahide Laws of Noah) of the world peoples by its 5 interlocking colored circles of life - reincarnation

This went according to Matthew 21:42-43, when our Lord JESUS as the Head Cornerstone of Father God Almighty, prophesied to the old rebellious Luciferian Israel, that He was going to rend the Kingdom of His Father known as The I Am that I Am, from them, and would give it to a new nation USA - America, that would bear good fruit, confirmation is to refer to the USA within the 9 letter word of JerUSAlem.

In other words there was more to the laying of the time capsule and the cornerstone on the 18th of September 1793AD or AL5793 by the 1st American President of the new Israel George Washington.

What needs to be understood that before George Washington became the first President of the new Israel America on the 30th of April (Nissan) 1789, he GW and the spirit of Lucifer as a one world Yod Government godhead refer to the scripture prophecy Matthew 5:18, GW/Lucifer had to be firstly rebirth/reinstated as the Worshipful Master of the Universe/Head Cornerstone.

Undoubtedly, this New World Order conspiracy event brilliantly described by Father God Almighty in Jeremiah 11:9-10, would then allow for the 12 Sanhedrin/Illuminati red lodge Jewish/Egyptian Freemasons to orchestrated from New York City (new Jerusalem the gateway to heaven), the needed ceremony of re-establishing George Washington/Lucifer as the Yod godhead as the worlds Head Cornerstone/Worshipful Master of the Universe, which was well conducted in secrecy on the 20th of December 1788.

at the Capitol Building Washington DC. refer to the scripture prophecy of Acts 17:16-33.

Paul prophesied in Acts 17:24 which corresponded in every way with Acts 7:47-50, that the Almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the Hebrews known as Israel, that made the world (re-created earth from darkness to Light according to Genesis 1:1-31) and all things therein.

One of the important facts is that Isaac the promise of Father God Almighty by Faith to Abraham/Sarah at a hundred years old/ninety was born in Egypt not Israel, like the first born of Abram the Hebew/Hagar the Egyptian - Sarai the Hebrew namely Ishmael the Egyptian/Jew the father of all Muslims.

Pay attention to the mere fact that Abraham the Hebrew was circumsized first in heart then flesh at the age of 99 years old and his first born bastard son Ishmael the father of all Muslim nations, who was physically circumsized at 13 years old.

Paul made it loud and clear to all the ignorant Greeks- Jews- Muslims - questionable Masonic Christians at Mars Hill....

"Seeing that He JESUS The Christ Emmanuel is Lord of Heaven - the Alpha and the Omega (1 John 5:7 King James version only) and upon the earth, by Spirit Water and Blood Covenant (1 John 5:8), dwelleth not in temples made with mans hands, neither is worshiped with mens hands, as though He needed anything, seeing He giveth all to life (John 14:6) and breadth, and all things (Philippians 4:19)."

"And The Holy Trinity (1 John 5:7 KJV) has made of one Blood Covenant of all nations, for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitations.

Needless to say, the main reason to why the Lord God of Israel does not dwell, within their temples of sin named King Solomon Quarries Temples, simply because they blaspheme on a daily basis, by saying upon their altars worldwide, which is due to ignorance of their diagrams of Luciferian jewish/Egyptian Masonic witchcraft of reincarnation illustrated on them, which related to the superstitions inscriped on their Masonic altars being "To the unknown God" meaning of the God of the underworld "On" (Baphomet - Mahahbon).

Which was merely said by the Luciferian spirit - known as the father of lies (John 8:44) reincarnated within Cain heart's (Jude 11) who then after murdering God Almighty righteous Abel upon Adam and Eve as Lucifer's first Yod Government altar inscribed with the Blood of righteous Abel "TO THE UNKNOWN GOD" refer to Genesis 4:1-11.

To add more fuel to the new age/New World Order conspiracy fire, is that the 41st President of the new Israel America - USA GHW Bush, openly announced from the start of 1989, that this ungodly concept, of Public Law 102-14 became the bedrock for America and all civilizations, which had to raise all eyebrows and thoughts back to the scripture prophecy of Matthew 23:35...

"That may come upon all you world peoples of the Luciferian new world order conspiracy concept (Jeremiah 11:9-10), which manifested from the new Isreal America on and from the 18th of September 1793, the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the Blood of the righteous Abel unto the Blood of Zechariah, whom you slew between the Luciferian temple and the altar.

Proof of the above sin of withcraft, which is merely Luciferian Worship, which has blown out of proportion, due to it been secretly based upon the title of Reincarnation - Circle of Life found in Chapter 4 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments. Recall we were warned by scripture prophecy of Titus 1:14....

"Not giving heed to Jewish fables (Public Law 102-14 - 7 Noahide Laws of Noah) and commanments of men (613 Jewish Torah Commandments) who have turned from the truth of the scriptures and its prophecies, which today has ruined whole households worldwide."

This great act of ungodliness, surfaced in the flesh in 1989 as the Thousand points of Light NWO President of the new Israel America GHW Bush presented the world, with the new 5 colored interlocking circle of life - reincarnation 1988 Greek Olympic Games Flag.

In other words, America and all civilizations, were simply, yet cleverly tricked by the 41st President of the USA GHW Bush, into his web of establishing, his NWO concept of Lucifer/George Washington being as the world's god and christ.

In other words GHW Bush brainwashed, or basically forced all peoples, to reliquish their belief in the 10 Commandments of Father God Almighty, that were given to Hebrew Moses at Mount Sinia and to secretly accept the new secret 613 Jewish Torah Commandments as their new rule of law.

This ungodly/antichrist Public Law 102-14 (7 Noahide Laws of Noah), was deliberately used as a weapon of mass destruction, to undoubtedly downgrade the Blood Covenant, Father Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as Israel made with Father God Almighty refer to the scripture prophecy of Jeremiah 11:9-10.....

Thus saith the Lord God of Israel "A conspiracy (NWO) is found among the men of the house of Judah (70 ancient houses of rebellious Israel) and the inhabitants of JerUSAlem meaning the new age USA - America

It must be taken into consideration 2 years after President GHW Bush declared the Public Law 102-14 as a rule of law, it acted as a forerunner for him as the thousand points of light President of the USA, to announce his New World Order conspiracy concept that Lucifer/George Washington was god and christ on the questionable date of September the 11th 1991 - 111 - 911.

What makes it even more interesting, is that new age guru leader David Spangler, also known as the Director of the Planetary Division of the United Nations, said in 1991 from his poduim in Evians France....

"Before the world peoples can enter the new world order concept of the forefathers of 1776, they will have to pledge allegience to worship Lucifer."

Yet David Spangler said in his next breadth "Before the world can enter the new age they will have to go through a Luciferian innitiation ceremony."

In other words, David Spangler was undoubtedly referring to the September the 11th 2001 tragedy, which brought about their new world order of chaos.
It must be said that according to the scripture prophecy of Jeremiah 11:9-10....
"A conspiracy was found among the house of the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem..........."

What was the house of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem motive, to go back unto the worship of other gods before the Lord God of Israel, which allowed from them to break the Blood Covenant (Lord JESUS) that was made with their forefather Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel).

In other words this in the first insatnce allowed the new age/new world order conspirators, to reinstate Esau the red hairy one, known as the twin brother of Jacob (Israel), as Israel.

But it must be taken into consideration that Father God Almighty hated Esau but loved Jacob refer to Malachi 1:2-3.

Recall this has been an ancient war between good and evil, from after Lucifer as the father of lies and as been a murderer, from the foundation of the world, fell down to the cursed ground or earth, wenst as recorded in Isaiah 14 :12 the spirit god Lucifer would weaken the nations.

So this Public Law 102-14 (7 Noahide Laws of Noah) was always in the making, the writing was always on the walls of the new world order conspirators H/Q, but only manifested in 1989.
Undoubtedly this was prophesied, according to Jeremiah 5:30-31 "A wonderful and horrible thing has happened in the land of milk and honey the new Israel being the USA - JerUSAlem."

The prophets prophesy falselythe priest bear rule by their means and My People love to have it so, and what wil you do in the end thereof Hebrew/Christians, who's report will you believe the report of the Lord God or Lucifer known as the father of lies.

In other words, Father God Almighty prophesied that the new age prophets like GHW Bush and both houses of Masonic Congress prophesied falsely about America and all civilization been founded upon the 7 Noahide Laws of Noah - legislated as Public Law 102-14 from 1989 as the bedrock of all of America and civilization.

Yet the priests, pastors, evangelist, new age guru's, presidents, senators, governors, mayors kings queens etc bear rule by 1776 forefathers means of establishing Lucifer/George Washington as god and christ, yet Father God Almighty prophesied that My people love to have it so!

Here comes the major question to America as the new Israel who report are you going to believe the report of the Lord God of Israel or the report of the lying father of lies named Lucifer.

In other words, the main principal to the 7 Noahide Laws of Noah (Public Law 102-14) was from 1989 to downgrade the 10 Commandments of the "I Am that I Am" and cleverly establish the 613 Jewish Torah commandments refer to Titus 1:14....

Father God Almighty prophesied, nearly 2,000 years ago through Paul/Titus....

"Not giving heed to Jewish fables (7 Noahide Laws of Noah - Public Law102-14) and commandments of men (613 Jewish Torah commandments) who have turned from the truth of the scriptures and its prophesies, and in the process have ruined whole households (Titus 1:10).

Inother words Lucifer from the time he fell down from Heaven love to have it so that he Lucifer would weaken the nations, into the above concept of the 7 Noahide Laws of Noah, and religion its ungooly religion refer to the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:12-14.

Bear in mind the scripture prophecy of Ephessians 6:12 prophesied, this war between good and evil, is not a battle against flesh and blood, but against Principalities Power, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.

Undoubtedly, the new age/new world order conspirators, main objective was based upon what George Washington being as the 1st President of the new Israel the USA - America from 1789, said according to his signed and sealed letter drafted to Tripoli in 1796.

In the first instance, this George Washington, 1796 letter was addressed to the nations of Muslims/Islamic decent, the Jews, Hebrews, and Buddhist, etc...

"that by no ways or means did he George Washington base the American Government or its constitution upon the Christian religion (10 Commandments) or Christian Bible."

In other words what in the name of hell, did GW as the 1st President, base the American Government and its constitution upon, but Egyptian/Jewish Masonic Luciferian worship - meaning the 7 Noahide laws of Noah - Public Law 102-14.
Public Law 102-14, in all fairness is regarded by scripture prophecy as being part and parcel of Jewish Fables, which have led all the world, secretly in the new age to the 613 Jewish Torah commandments, who have turned from the truth of the scriptures and its prophesies refer to Titus 1:14.......

This above concept, of secretly legislating Public Law 102-14 (7 Noahide Laws of Noah), would then allow his enlightned ones, known as Lucifer/GW - NWO conspirators or rulers of darkness of this world, to reinstate in the first instance their new age Esau as Israel.
This would then allow the new age Joseph known as the United Nations G8 (Yodh 8) leader GW Bush the 43rd President of the USA, who would then, allow the NWO conspirators, by his power and authority, to establish the new age Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the USA, as the Jewish/Egyptian Ishmael.

This obviously, took its course from the start of Barack Hussein Obama American Presidency from the 20th of January 2009, which registered him, as the 44th President of the new Israel known as America.

The main mission of the new world order conspirators, was merely to use Ishmael Barack Hussein Obama to recapture the new Israel America - USA, back to its Jewish/Egyptian Ishmael.
Recall, the new world order conspirators believe that the Jewish/Egyptian Ishmael was the first born of Abram (Abraham) and that he was in his full rights to claim back America as the new Israel by birth right.
It must be understood that the new age conspirators belived that Abraham (Abram) promised to make the Egyptian/Jewish Ishmael a great nation, which merely was for the Arab nations of Africa.
Recall Lord JESUS as the Head Cornerstone (Matthew 21:42) prophesied nearly 2,000 years ago, to the old rebellious Luciferian bound Egyptian/Jewish Israel.....

"I will rend the Kingdom of My Father God Almighty away from you and will give it unto a nation (New), who shall bear good fruit, meaning the USA found within the Mighty name of JerUSAlem."

Recall Abram (Abraham) prophesied according to Genesis 17:20, that Ishmael would be come a great Egyptian/Jewish Nation (Kenya), but the promise of Father God Almighty through the Blood Covenant (JESUS The Christ Emmanuel) was always Isaac whom was known as Father God Almighty's Israel.

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