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I have been a soldier for the Lord Jesus for 32 years. My mission is to pull down strongholds that are exalting themselves against the knowledge of Father God Almighty

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hebrew/Christians via scripture prophecy America - USA is the new Israel refer to Matthew 21:43

What needs to be understood, that the scriptures and its prophesies are being full filled, from the time the father of lies and a murderer, namely Lucifer spirit being as an angel of light, within Adam and Eve's hearts, fell from Heaven down unto the Cursed earth.
Which was the rebirth (reincarnation) and or the start of his Lucifer's Yod/Annuit Coeptis One World Government, who fell from heaven, down unto the cursed earth, to weaken the nations into his, known as Lucifer's New World Order concept.....
"that he Lucifer was and still is as an equal unto the Most High" refer to Isaiah 14:12-14.
In other words to prove the point that America - USA,  is as the new age Israel, which has to be based upon, the Luciferian Masonic term known by the hierarchy of the 33rd degree of the high order of universal Freemasonry as a rule of law..... that Freemasonry helped build America, which stemmed from the ritual...
"When the widows son George Washington (GW) known by the hierarchy of the 33rd degree of  Universal Freemasonry from birth as being Tammuz (the builder of the new age city of Babylon -UN, in the east of new Israel USA) is in need, he will travel from the east (New York City) to the west (California) and will return in victory, back unto the east New York City known as the new Jerusalem, being as the gateway to GW heaven or celestial lodge.
Recall George Washington (GW) became the first President, of the new Israel America - USA, in New York City based on the east coast of the USA, on the 30th of April (Nissan) 1789.
But what has to be taken to heart, that before GW became the 1st President of the new Israel America - USA, he had to first become the Worshipful Master of the universe, which was on the all important day of the 20th of December 1788.
This ceremony unknown to many the world over, ordained him, GW as the Father America - USA, but the real truth within the hierarchy of universal Freemasonry, GW in a broad sense was regarded as being "The Fatherhood of the God" yet also the brotherhood of all mankind.
What had to take its course of action in America, before it could be declared as the new Israel in 1948, was the Battle of Brandywine, which was deliberately programmed by the Israel/French P2 Murder York Rite Lodge, which was to start its process of war, on the 11th of September 1777, which was obviously based upon the Contemporary Freemasonry in the Holy Land Israel that was well orchestrated from 1953 the Year of the Light click to view article .
This French/Israel P2 Murder Lodge war, between the United States as the new Israel, and the United Kingdom, known as the Royal Throne of the Scottish Rite of Universal Freemasonry, was developed, so that the French/Israel York Rite could be established, in the new Israel known as America - USA.
It must be understood, that America - USA was first under the banner of the United Kingdom, and its Royal Blue Degree of Scottish Rite Universal Freemasonry, which ordained George Washington at the young age of 21 (7+7+7) and the spirit of Lucifer as one meaning the Annuit Coeptis (Yod) godhead, on the 4th of August 1753 from lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia.
In other words the ceremony above, was well disguised, as to when George Washington became the Master Mason of the Universe meaning the Royal Blue Lodge of the United Kingdom.
What has to be reconized, is that the old Israel, who were under the banner and knowledge of the French P2 Murder Lodge Rite, transfered its power of the York Rite, to the new Israel America USA secretly 7 years after the Battle of Brandywine was won in December of 1777.
Notice that General George Washington from August 1784, received his Masonic Apron which governs the world even unto today, from the P2 French Murder Lodge, which is secretly numbered 187 equals to Die U - Yod (G) - Annuit Coeptis - Jot (G-D).
In other words, it ordained GW, as the new age Luciferian American York Rite/Eastern Star State, this was 7 years after the Frenchman Marquis De Lafayette who joined GW in 1777, awarded General/Master Mason George Washington with the French P2 Masonic Apron in August 1784....to click to view GW Masonic Apron from France - August 1784.
What confirms the above, was that 7 years after George Washington started the Battle of Brandywine on September the 11th in 1777, the French P2 Murder Lodge before hand, ordained Frenchman Marquis De Lafayette, as their York Rite traveler and then sent him to join George Washington in 1777, at the start of the Battle of Brandywine September the 11th 1777.
After George Washington, gained victory over, the United Kingdom and its Royal Throne of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, titled under the banner of..
The vision for America of the 3 Great Perils, which was based upon the theory of George Washington becoming one with the spirit of Lucifer on the 4th of August 1753, from lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia, which manifested 24 years later as the vision for America known as the 4 Great Perils, which was in winter month of December 1777.
What needs to be understood as General Albert Pike ordered as a rule of law from after 1865, that there is more than one meaning, to all universal Freemasonry, ceremonies, rituals and degrees, they rather conceal, than to reveal the truth.
In other words, the true meaning to the 4th of August 1753, which was cleverly camouflaged as the time, GW became the Master Mason of the universe, but merely it was the initiation of George Washington/Lucifer as a one godhead secretly titled in 1753 as Annuit Coeptis/Yod.
Recall the Latin term of Annuit Coeptis (Yod equals to Hebrew/Jewish godhead) in English means..
"He George Washington/the spirit of Lucifer as one godhead that is God by the undertaking of the NWO conspiracy believers and people of Yod.
The main mission of Frenchman Marquis De Lafayette to award General/Master Mason George Washington of the new Israel and universe, with the 1784 Masonic Apron, which was secretly known at the time, as being the weapon of mass destruction, constructed by the French P2 Murder Lodge - York Rite/old Israel KIng Solomon's Quarries Lodge that would reinstate, the new Israel America - USA back to the Baphomet/Ouroboros/ Luciferian Religion.
Unknown to many Hebrew/Christians, this above Luciferian religions were firstly established at the bottom of Mt Sinai refer to Exodus 20:5......
"Thou shalt not bow down thyself, to them Baphomet/Ouroboros/Molech/Lucifer, nor serve them, for I the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob (Israel) am a jeolous God, visiting the iniquity (Sin of witchcraft of the forefathers Luciferian worship) of the fathers meaning from Masonic Adam (Eve) to Cain to Enoch to Methuselah (187 death) to Lamech to Noah to Aaron etc, upon the children unto the third (Shem Japheth and Ham) and fourth generations (Jabal - Jubal - Tubalcain -Naamah) of them that hate Me - "The I Am that I Am"
This secret weapon of mass destruction, known today as George Washington secret 1784 Masonic Apron, which would ultimately covert the new Israel America - USA, back to the old method of the old rebellious Israel, which was based upon the sin of witchcraft, known as Luciferian worship refer to Isaiah 14:12-14.
Unknown to many people the world over, the war between America/France against the United Kingdom was merely to introduce the French/Israel York Rite Luciferian Freemasonry to America chosen as the new Israel.
Why do you think the United Nations was erected within the USA (JerUSAlem) from 1945 by the power and authority of Senator Nelson Rockefeller, and then transferred the UN to New York City in 1953, by David Rockefeller, which was 5 years after America as the new Israel got its independence in 1948.
What has to be taken into consideration, is that in the same year the UN was transfered from the west coast to the east coast in 1953, the Holy Land Israel declared the ungodly Masonic term of the "Year of the Light."
What made this even more interesting, was that the above move of the old Israel, declaring the Year of the Light in 1953, which stemmed from 1948, which was after America was secretly declared as the new Israel.
In other words, the old Israel gave its blessings to America as the new Israel in 1948, simply a fortress or house to accommodate the 70 ancient houses of Luciferian bound Israel.
Recall the old Holy Land Israel, who were secretly governed by the 70 ancient houses of the rebellious Luciferian Israel (Ezekiel 8:10-16), from the King Solomon's Quarries based under the Muslim Dome of the Rock.
One of the first reasons to why Lord JESUS prophesied the above, was that the forefathers of old Israel/Egypt were bewitched by Lucifer's (Isaiah 14:12-14) known as the father of lies and his murderous lying signs and wonders of antichrist/ungodliness.
In other words, Lucifer as the spirit god of this cursed earth (Genesis 3:21-24), who from the time of his fall, to the ground or earth as the son (sun) of the morning Rah, weakened the nations by blinding them from the truth of the scriptures and its prophecies (2 Corinthians 4:3-4), into his New World Order conspiracy web of death and destruction.
Lucifer and his rulers of darkness of this world (children of disobedience refer to 1 John 3:10/Ephesians 2:2), known as his Lucifer's children of antichrist/ungodliness, main mission, from the time he fell from the heavens, was and still is, to make war against the Lamb of Father God Almighty refer to Revelation 17 :8-14......
" The Beast that thou sawest (Lucifer spirit within George Washington as the world's Annuit Coeptis/Yod godhead fro 1753 - Isaiah 14:16) was and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit (Isaiah 14:15), and goeth into perdition.....
Which undoubtedly meant, that this act of antichrist/ungodliness, would rise within the new age America - USA (JerUSAlem), from after the George Washington/Luciferian Battle of Brandywine which started on the 11th of September 1777.
The secret to this Battle of Brandywine war which started in 1777 September the 11th, was secretly titled by Universal Freemasonry Order, as being The Three Great Perils for or of America.
This ungodly Luciferian concept , which would raise the USA - America One World Government to world power, by the secret universal Freemason Order of the old Israel/French P2 Murder Lodge 187.
Many people do not understand that King Solomon's Quarries, was governed by the Sanhedrin, who were governed by the 70 ancient houses of Luciferian Israel/United Kingdom/French - P2 Murder Lodge refer to the Contemporary Freemasonry in the Holy Land Israel web page.
The above antichrist system (1 John 2:18) were based upon the new age power and theory of the NASA Masonic conspiracy plan titled from way back as the under the banner of Apollo 11 and 13 refer to Revelation 13:1-18.
Bear in mind Apollo means and or relates to Lucifer in all and many ways Hebrew/Christians.
The New World Order conspiring, of exalting Lucifer as an equal unto Father God Almight, started from the time of when Father God Almighty gave Moses the Hebrew, His Rules of Law known as The 10 Commandments.
Needless to say to prove the Lord JESUS point that He prophesied that America - USA is His new Israel simply refer to the Revelation of the term USA (America), which is found within the 9 letter title word of Jerusalem.
Undoubtedly, Our Lord JESUS The Christ Emmanuel (1 John 5:7-8 King James version only), known to day in glory and honor as " The Alpha and The Omega" (Revelation 1:11), prophesied this revelation nearly 2,000 years ago, according to scripture prophecy of Matthew 21:43...........
"I will rend the Kingdom of My Father God Almighty, away from you old rebellious Luciferian Israel, and will give it unto a (new) Nation, meaning in the new age America - USA (JerUSAlem), who shall bear good fruit. ....."
It must also be understood that, Lord JESUS, was and still is, as Father God Almighty "Head Cornerstone" refer to the scripture prophecy of Matthew 21:42....
Even though it prophesied "Look how the stone builders (Freemason - Universal), have rejected Lord JESUS as the Head Cornerstone.....
It must also be reconized, that Lord JESUS as Our Christ Emmanuel, manifested unto the earth, for one purpose and reason only, which was to destroy Lucifer (the father of lies Isaiah 14:13-14) and his works, of establishing himself as an equal unto the Most High.........refer the scripture prophecy of 1 John 3:8.......
What has to be taken into consideration, that this new world order conspiracy concept of old, was first started up from America - USA from 1776, by the forefathers of old, which should prove that America is the new Israel.
This new world order works/concept from within America, was to establish him Lucifer/George Washington as the world's Annuit Coeptis/Yod/Jot "In God we Trust" godhead, within people's hearts, which then became as an equal unto the Most High (Isaiah 14:13-14).
Undoubtedly, what also needs to be known, by all Hebrew/Christians, is that according to the scripture prophecy of Matthew 21:42, the builders (Universal Freemasonry) known as Lucifer's rulers of darkness of this world, rejected Lord JESUS as Father God Almighty's anointed Head Cornerstone, as they were, sold out body soul(mind) and spirit to their spirit god Lucifer known secretly as Annuit Coeptis/Yod godhead.
What makes this even more interesting is that nearly 2,000 years ago Lord JESUS as Father God Almighty's Head Cornerstone (Matthew 3:16-17), prophesied during His sermon upon the mount, about the rise of Lucifer spirit as Yod/Jot within his modern son of perdition (Tittle) in America in the new age, namely George Washington refer to Matthew 5:18.
Notice how it prophesied in Isaiah 14 :16, by saying "Is the man Lucifer within George Washington as the Yod/Jot/Annuit Coeptis, that made the earth to tremble and did shake the kingdoms etc......
In other words, according to Matthew 5:18, this godhead of Lucifer within George Washington as the Tittle (Man of sin - son of perdition or son of light) would not pass from the law (10 Commandments of Father God Almighty), till all be fulfilled meaning the Word of God Almighty (John 1:1).
What this merely prophesied, was that George Washington/Lucifer as Yod /Jot/Annuit Coeptis, would arise in the new Israel Ameica as the antichrist New World Order body, he would rise to power as the Yod/Jot /Annuit Coeptis One World Governement leader refer to Matthew 5:18 Jot equals unto Yod.
In other words, this Yod/Jot/Annuit Coeptis godhead, was not new but of an old concept, which had to rise up in the Israel, which was prophesied in the Book of Ephessains 2:2 as being .......
"Where in the time past, you all walked according to the course of this world - Luciferian Masonic worship (Jude 11), according to the prince,and the power of the air, meaning according to the spirit god namely Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), known scripturally as the father of lies, who was a murderer from the very beginning of time (John 8:44), who now worketh in the children of disobedience."
In other words, Lord JESUS manifested to the earth, to set the captives free and came heal the broken hearted, from Luciferian tradition, religion and bondage.
This high from of sin (The Sin of Witchcraft) was established within the people's hearts, from way back in time, while the rebellious spirit of Lucifer, well camouflaged in as a new world order fashion/concept, which allowed him Lucifer to wonder and rule the earth, which was by his spirit of darkness, which allowed him Lucifer, to transfer himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:13-14).
Nevertheless, the people were bound by the rebellious Luciferian spirit, that all might believe, that he Lucifer was an equal unto the Most High (Isaiah 14:12-14).
This Luciferian concept, that was created, through a bombardment of misinformation and a mssive form of brainwashing, by universal Freemasonry order, within all people's minds and hearts, which placed them all in the category of being as the spirit of antichrsit (1 John 4:3 & 1 John 2:18).
Needless to say, these people's of rebellion (1 Samuel 15:23) of the Word of Father God Almighty (John 1:1), led them in many ways, into the sin of witchcraft known scripturally as Luciferian worship.
Pay attention to USA General Albert Pike also known as the Grand Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry letter addressed to his Yod/Annuit Coeptis/Jot One World Government leaders, gathered in Paris France on the 14th of July (Tammuz) 1889.... the doctrine of Satanism was and still is a heresy and the true and pure religion of universal Freemasonry is of a Luciferian doctrine and concept......"Yes Lucifer is God."
But General Albert Pike also admitted that "Adonay was also God" but that their god Lucifer, was as their Masonic godhead YOD , who was and still is fighting, against Adonay, for the freedom of all humanity, from the Blood Sacrifice of Lord JESUS the Christ Emmanuel (Alpha and Omega).
This was made a rule of law from the USA - America as the new Israel from 1753, when George Washington at the young age of 21 years old, became one with the spirit of Lucifer on the 4th of August 1753, from Lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia.
This concept was classed by Lucifer's rulers of darkness of this world (Ephesians 2:2 & Ephesians 6:12), as the start of the world's new world order, who would create a New World Oder that he Lucifer and his new age son of perdition George Washington (Isaiah 14:16), as Yod/Jot/Annuit Coeptis, would be in the end of days as their God and Christ or as an equal unto "The Most High."
It must be realized that Lucifer spirit within George Washington as Yod/Annuit Coeptis was a direct counterfeit of the Holy Trinity.... refer to the scripture prophecy of 1 John 5:7-8 King James version only.....
"There are only three that can bear record in heaven, The Father, The Word (Lord JESUS) and The Holy Ghost (Spirit) and these three are one."
In other words when Lord JESUS, prophesied nearly 2,000 years ago, according to Matthew 21:43.....
"I will rend the Kingdom of My Father God Almighty away from you, old rebellious Luciferian Israel, and will give it unto a (new) Nation, meaning in the new age America - USA (JerUSAlem), who shall bear good fruit. ....."
It is only obvious, that they the rebellious Luciferian Israel (Ephessians 2:2), rejected this anointing of future revelation that America - USA was going to become the new Israel for a myriad of reasons...
(1) because the world peoples, were and still are bound and blinded, by the spirit of Lucifer meaning they were still loyal to "Luciferian worship/tradition and bondage" refer to the scripture prophecy of Ephesians 2:2.
What must be taken to heart, was that Lord JESUS was and still is "The Spirit of Prophecy" refer to Revelation 19:10.
In other words, the old Israel has kept its Luciferian worship, which even unto this very day, in many devious ways, has extended its octopus poisoness tenticles, to this very day, within America because of the forefathers of old, belief that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob had forsaken the earth.
They also went on to say, that the Lord God of Israel seeth us not...... worshiping the false god of light namely Lucifer namely Rah - sun god - Tammuz refer to Ezekiel 8:11-16.
In other words, this was a blunt lie, as it was the spirit of Lucifer within them, who simply created this world lie, which then allowed them, to set up his Lucifer's conspiracy plan of establishing a new world order concept that he Lucifer was their god and christ like figure refer to the scripture prophecy of Jeremiah 11:9-10 - Exodus 20:5.
Nevertheless, this is why the world system, set up the United Nations within the new Israel America -USA in 1945 to 1953, to simply place the world peoples, under the banner of Lucifer's new world order umbrella and its belief.
Unknown to many, the United Nations is scripturally known as the Temple of Sin, which was known as the old King Solomon's Quarries, which was and still is based in the old Israel.
In other words King Solomon's Quarries, which housed secretly the 70 ancient houses of rebellious Israel, within the old Israel, was then secretly transferred from 1945 to 1953 to and or within the new Israel being America - USA regime.
Needless to say, the moral to the United Nations regime, was that it merely transferred the spirits of Lucifer within his new age son of perdition George Washington, from the old Israel to the new land of milk and honey America - USA, titling this godhead, as the world's spiritual godhead Yod/Annuit Coeptis/Jot.
The secret to why this godhead was established from 1776, which was simply to prepare or ready the people of the world, to make war with the Lamb of God, meaning JESUS The Christ Emmanuel refer to Revelation 17:8-14.
Recall this godhead of Yod/Annuit Coeptis was formed in 1776, from America as the new Israel, which established this n Masonic godhead, in the new age movement, as the world's way, their truth and their life.
Undoubtedly, this meant that the One World Yod/Annuit Coeptis Government leaders cleverly yet secretly, established the Masonic Egyptian/Jewish/Gentile world's godhead/christ like figure as their trinity simply refer to Isaiah 14:16......
"Is this the New World Order man of sin (Lucifer spirit within George Washington from 1753) the Masonic Egyptian/Jewish/Masonic Christian godhead titled as Annuit Coeptis "In God we Trust" Yod, that has made the world to tremble and did shake the kingdoms......"
In other words, the world peoples, have been brainwashed as Luciferians, via Lucfier's new age theory of establishing his new world order concept, which merely prepares, the world peoples, for the Battle of Armageddon..... simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Revelation 16:13-16......
Well lets examine facts and evidence, that Lord JESUS nearly 2,000 years ago prophesied that America - USA was and still is the new Israel.
Firstly it must be understood, that according to the scripture prophecy of Ezekiel 8:1-16 that the old Israel were made to believe that Father God Almighty had forsaken the whole earth, so they were brainwashed into the concept of rebirthing the spirit of anti-christ namely Lucifer as the son of the morning Rah and his new son Tammuz (son of life - tree of life) who shall build the new age City of Babylon refer to the United Nations in the first instance.
What was untrue, was that America - USA the new Israel was founded and based upon the Word of God, and its 10 Commandments, simply refer to Titus 1:14......
"Not giving heed to Jewish fables (Public Law 102-14 - 7 Noahide Laws of Noah) and commandments of men (613 Jewish Torah Commandments) that have turned from the truth of the scriptures and its prophecies.
In other words, the above lie meant, that from 1989 the new Israel America - USA under the leadership of the thousand points of light Luciferian President, GHW Bush and both houses of Masonic Congress, made it a rule of law, that America and all civilization, were found upon the 7 Noahide Laws of Noah and not the 10 Commandments of Father God Almighty "The I Am that I Am."
But that was a mere act of the father of lies namely Lucifer - John 8:44 (Isaiah 14:12-14), who was working within the children of disobedience (Ephesians 2:2) meaning the 70 ancient houses of Israel.
What needs to be known unto the Hebrew/Christians, is that from the time the 70 ancient houses of rebellious Israel gathered in their dark Luciferian King Solomon chambers, simply chanted the Lord God of Israel, seeth us not, He has forsaken the earth (Ezekiel 8:11-12).
In all reality, it was the start of Lucifer's spiritual rein as the father of lies, within the brainwashed 70 ancient houses of Israel, into his Lucifer's concept to fulfill the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:12.....
"Hou art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, the son of the morning Rah, cast down to the ground (earth), wenst thou Lucifer, shall weaken the nations into your New World Order concept, that thou O Lucifer are equal unto the Most High.
The confirmation of the above rebellion of the old Israel, was and still is to study the scripture prophecy of Ephesians 2:2.......
"Where in the time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air meaning Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), the father of lies and as a murderer (John 8:44), who know worketh in the children of disobedience.
Unknown to many the world over, after Lord JESUS dethroned, Lucfier into his true throne room, which was into the midst of the earth - Hades..... simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:15.
This pre-ordained, revelation of dethroning Lucifer, as the god of this cursed earth or world (2 Corinthians 4:4) into Hades, was prophesied, so that Lucifer would re-establish or rebirth his spirit from the bottomless pit, within the hearts of the house of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
This known today as being the new world order conspiracy plan of the forefathers of old (Exodus 20:5) to get the children of the third and fourth generations to hate Father God Almighty "The I Am that I Am" and re-establish Lucifer as their godhead, confirmation is to also refer to Jeremiah 11:9-10........
"A conspiracy (New World Order) was found among the men of the house of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem prophesying to the future USA - America, within the mighty name of JerUSAlem, which was re-establish the spirit of Lucifer as god of this world system.
In other words, after Lord JESUS cast Lucifer into Hades refer to Matthew 4:11.....
"Get thee thence oh spirit god Lucifer into Hades - bottomless pit"
Unknown to many the world over, He Lord JESUS as the newly Head Cornerstone became the most hated for casting Lucifer their Masonic Egyptian/Jewish god into the midst of the earth - Isiah 14:15.
Which then allowed Lord JESUS to re-establish by Father God Almighty's power and authority the new Israel, America which was simply according to the scripture prophecy of Matthew 21:43 and Jeremiah 11:9-10.
Remember that the term USA is found within the 9 letter title word of JerUSAlem, as a confirmation to the prophecy of Matthew 21:43.
Was it a coincidence or fact that Lucifer's rulers and workers of darkness of this world, known scripturally as Universal Order of Freemasonry (Proverbs 6:13), cleverly established the United Nations from 1945 in the USA - America.
This was simply, based upon the scripture prophecy of Matthew 21:43, this was after Lord JESUS prophesied nearly 2,000 years ago, that He would rend the Kingdom of His Father God Almighty, away from them the old rebellious Luciferian bound Yod Israel.
In other words, the scripture prophecy of Colosians 1:16, had to come to past, that whether, they be thrones, dominians principalities, powers etc, all were created from the very beginning of time, for the sole purpose and pleasure of the Holy Trinity, meaning Father - Son (Lord JESU) and Holy Ghost (Spirit), simply refer to 1 John 5:7-8 King James version only......
"There are only three can bear witness in Heaven, The Father - The Word (Son of Father God Almighty Lord JESUS) and the Holy Ghost (Spirit) and these three are One (Godhead)....... and there are only three that can bear record upon the earth, The Spirit - The Water and Blood, and these three agree as One (Godhead)...."
Undoubtedly, now it will make sense to all, to why Lord JESUS said to the old rebellious Luciferian Israel.....
"I will rend the Kingdom of My Father God Almighty away from you, old rebellious Luciferian bound Freemason Israel, and I shall give it unto a new nation, the USA - America who shall bear good fruit......
In other words, the spirit god Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12 - Ephessians 2:2) as the prince of darkness, known scripturally as Baphomet - Ouroboros - Serpent god - Baalim (false prophet), was simply cast into the midst of the earth - Hades/bottomless pit, by Lord JESUS nearly 2,000 years ago.
Which after this action of Lord JESUS dethroning the spirit of Lucifer into the bottomless pit, allowed Lord JESUS to revealed to his rulers of darkness known as the universal order of Freemasonry, that He Lord JESUS as the new Head Cornerstone prophesied America - USA, as His future new Israel.
In other words, this new age revelation of Lord JESUS, of America - USA, being as His new age Israel, it became Lucifer's workers of darkness, nightmare, who then developed a new world order battle, from 1776, to re-establish Lucifer/Pharaoh as their Tree of Knowledge/Life (Universal Order of Freemasonry).
Recall the new age Latin term Annuit Coeptis (Yod) in English means "He (Lucifer/George Washington as the world's godhead) that is God by the undertaking of the NWO people."
This above factual evidence surfaced within the USA - America in 1753, when the hierarchy of universal Freemasonry secretly known as the 70 ancient houses of the old Israel, established on the 4th of August, 1753.
This all important ceremony from lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia, of George Washington at the young age of 21 years old (7+7+7), who became one, with the spirit of Lucifer, meaning the godhead titled as Annuit Coeptis which equals to Yod.
This then graduated 200 years later in 1953 as being titled as The Year of the Light which subliminally meant that Lucifer/George Washington as the risen light bearers of the world have risen from the bottomless pit known as the Mythical Bird (known as the NASA Masonic Phoenix), who shall rise as the world's E Pluribus Unum who will come from darkness to light.
What makes this above saga, more interesting, is that the Year of the Light ceremony in 1953, was well established from the old Holy Land Israel refer to eb page titled as "Contemporary Freemasonry in the Holy Land Israel."
In other words, the old Israel confirmed the new Israel ordaining of GW and the spirit of Lucifer in 1753 from lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia on the 4th of August 1753 as Annuit Coeptis (Yod) the new age light bearers of the world.
The Year of the Light in 1953 was merely the forerunner 40 years later, to the world event of declaring from the newly 1992 Jewish converted nation of South Africa, to the long awaited 1993 Year of the Yod (Annuit Coeptis).
Unknown to many people the world over, this 1993 Year of the Yod (Annuit Coeptis) was reconized by all peoples of the world from the start of January 1993.
Recall it all started from 1753 when GW was ordained as one with the spirit of Lucifer, known then as the godhead titled Annuit Coeptis/Yod.....
Once again "He that is god by the undertaking of the New World Order brainwashed people" who were simply led into the concept of the forefathers of the 70 ancient houses of rebellious Luciferian Freemason Israel, that the spirit of Lucifer/George Washington were as an equal unto the Most High (Isaiah 14:12-14).
Bear in mind the above Year of the Yod established in 1993, was based upon the scripture prophecy found in Jeremiah 11:9-10..... "
A conspiracy is found among the men of the house of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem meaning America."
Pay attention that George Washington, ceremony at the young age of 21 years old (7+7+7), after he became one with the spirit of Lucifer, from Lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia, is the turning point to the world to Luciferian worship.
What is interesting about GW age of 21 years old in 1753, which equals to 7+7+7, which undoubtedly relates to the modern day United Nations and its Meditation or Prayer Room street address of 777.
Recall the United Nations was transferred in 1945 from the west coast of America as the new Israel to the east coast New York City in 1953 the same time as to when the old Israel declared the Year of the Light in 1953, a coincidence or a mere fact Hebrew/Christians.
Unknown to many within the United Nations prayer and or meditation room, is the graven image of a garnite rock image altar (Deuteronomy 32:37), draped by a 6 color hologram rainbow was and still is mysteriously numbered as 777.
Recall GW/Lucifer as the Annuit Coeptis - Yod godhead started their Battle of Brandywine on the 11th of September 1777, which undoubtedly is the major clue to the September the 11th 2001 New York City/Washington Egyptian 9/11 yet Jewish 1/11 saga.
What must be taken into consideration is that GW became the 1st President of the new Israel America - USA in New York City, which is secretly known as the new Jerusalem and the gateway to GW/Lucifer's heaven or celestial lodge.
GW was also known as the new age Tammuz (son of life - tree of life) meaning the builder of the new age city of Babylon meaning the United Nations numbered 777.
What has to be taken into consideration, is that this monstrosity titled as the United Nations which houses the 777 Rock Image Prayer or Meditation room, was merely known as the old King Solomon Quarries, based in the old Holy Land Israel.
Unknown, King Solomon Quarries in the old Holy Land Israel, was merely the fortress, that undoubtedly, housed the 70 ancient houses of rebellious Luciferian Israel (Ezekiel 8:11-16), which was transfered to New York City in the mysterious year of 1953, which was secretly titled as The Year of the Light, from the old Holy Land Israel, a coincidence or fact.
Once again this Year of the Light in 1953, symbolizes that the spirits of Lucifer and GW after becoming as a one godhead Annuit Coeptis/Yod, in the USA - America, on the 4th of August 1753, from lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia.
In other words, they were undoubtedly officially ordained, as the world's Microprosposos/Macroprosposos which in turn means, that GW/Lucifer spirits as one, were secretly regarded from 1953, as the god of light and reflections/Light bearers, which was undoubtedly from the old Holy Land Israel.
This initiation ceremony in 1753, automatically opened many doors, for the old rebellious Luciferian Israel, to rebuild the New World Order, new age Luciferian City Babylon, in the new Israel the USA - America, titling it as the United Nations.
Recall it first started, 200 years from the 1753 GW/Lucifer ceremony, which later in 1953, graduated to the Year of the Light/the building of the City of Babylon named United Nations Monstrosity in 1953, unknown to many this UN was known scripturally in Genesis 4:17 as Enoch.
Needless to say, the UN in the new age was named after Enoch, who was the first son Cain who called simply named his first city built after his son Enoch meaning the new age city of Babylon refer to Jude 11.....
"Woe unto the world system, for they have all gone in the ways of Cain, which was after the error of Baalim (meaning the spirit of Lucifer as the false prophet and as the father of lies....), towards the gainsaying of Core, which translates to Esau the red hairy one, whom the Lord God of Israel - named Jacob hated, simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Malachi 1:2-3.
Was it a coincidence or fact, that 200 years from 1753 which was after GW and the spirit of Lucifer became secretly a one world godhead, titled as Annuit Coeptis/Yod, meaning in 1953, from the Holy Land Israel (old), in the Year of the Light, GW/Lucifer spirit beings, were secretly ordained as the god of light and reflection - Masonic ally known as the Microprosposos/Macroprosposos.
Which had to part and parcel of the scripture prophesy Colosians 1:26, which prophesied nearly 2,000 years ago, about the "Mystery" which undoubtedly was the Masonic Jewish/Egyptian theory known secretly as Microprosposos/ Macroprosposos establishment.
Which in turn means glory and honor to the god of light and reflections.
Beyond any doubt, this Microprosposos/Macroprosposos, was and still is the new age mystery, that has been hid from the Hebrew ages and now the new age Christian generations.....
So in other words, this mystery that was hid from the ages and generations was merely the declaration of the 1953, Year of the Light in 1953 fromthe Holy Land Israel.
Pay attention it was the same time that the City of Babylon known as the new age UN monstrosity opened its doors which was in 1953, after it was transferred from California (West coast) after the UN was established in 1945 by Nelson Rockefeller.
What makes it even more of a mysterious event, was that the UN was transferred to New York City (East coast), by the hand of Jewish/Egyptian Scarab teh youngest brother of Nelson Rockefeller namely David Solomon Rockefeller in 1953, for a myriad of reasons...
(1) the UN had to be transferred to New York City as to the Masonic ritual or term.....
"When the widows son George Washington/Lucifer known secretly from birth which was from the 11th of February 1732 as Tammuz, is in need, he will travel from the east (New York City) to the west (California - recall the UN was established in 1945), and then will return from the west, back to the east in victory.
(2) Secondly, the UN had to be finally established in New York City for numerous reasons, one being that GW became the 1st President of the USA known as the new Israel on the 30th of April (Nissan) 1789, thirdly he GW became the Worshipful Master of the Universe in New York City on the 20th of December 1788.
(3) The UN had to be built in the new age Jerusalem, as a graven image to the forefather of old namely Enoch, who lived for 365 years (365 DAYS to a Year) and he begat Methuselah (George Washington) who lived for 187 years (187 represents death) and begat Lamech who lived for 777 years and then he died.
Undoubtedly, the UN numbered as 777, has many subliminal messages to it, but one that is a major concern, is that it is the clue to the number of the man of sin, also known as the son of perdition.
Who is known as the new age son of Lucifer/GW, scripturally called the antichrist, secretly numbered 777  refer to 2 Thessalonians 2:3-9, the antichrist, man of sin will sit in the temple of the god of this world Annuit Coeptis/Yod known as the United Nations simply numbered 777 as its street address.

Recall from the 10th of March 1865 both houses of Masonic Congress led by General Albert Pike made The Apotheosis of George Washington in a secret manner as a rule of law for all nations. knowing that the word apotheosis literally means to raise a person to the rank of a god or an icon, meaning a christ like figure, what blasphemy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Is the Annuit Coeptis/Yod USA Government of the new age Israel America - finally going to deliver their secret weapon of mass destruction on the 4th of August 2011 The Apotheosis of GW/Lucifer

Pay attention to the mere fact that on the 14th of December 2007 via the Assimilated New paper Press report,  Senator Harry Reid said I have sold my soul to Lucifer, like President GW Bush and many others……(click here to view article).

Obviously, this report opens the door, that it might be time for the American Government to reveal their secret 1865  New World Order Weapon of Mass Destruction titled as  The Apotheosis of George Washington, possibly from after the 4th of August 2011.

Nevertheless, like many other times, the NWO conspirators from 1776, have used  front or forerunners, to camouflaged their secret agenda’s, like in this instance, will they, use the celebration of the 50th birthday, of the 44th President of the new Israel America namely Barack Hussein Ishmael Obama,  recall the President Obama, was born on the 4th of August 1961.

It must be understood, that the Apotheosis of George Washington/Lucifer, originated from the 4th of August 1753, when George Washington at the young age of 21 years old, became one with the spirit of Lucifer from Lodge # 4 Fredricksburg Virginia.

Recall this secret or hidden agenda, of the 4th of August 1753,  was  well camouflaged at the time, by making all peoples to believe at the time,  that George Washington became the Master Mason of the Universe.

Nevertheless, the word Apotheosis, literally means to raise a person to the rank of a god or as a icon – christlike figure, which opens the massive door known as the the Sin of witchcraft – Luciferian worship.

What has to be recognized by all peoples, is that The Apotheosis of George Washington, was made a rule of law, secretly by the order of both Houses of Masonic Congress from the 10th of March 1865.

What has to be understood by all  Hebrews/Christians, is that the launching of Apotheosis of George Washington/Lucifer into the open, will undoubtedly activate the order of NWO CHAOS.

It must be understood, that this action from 1865, secretly activated the peoples of the world, into the realm of a Antichrist (1 John 2: 18) spirit and mind, which from 1865, ushered in simply unknown to many,  the Antichrist move of  establishing a separation of Church/Bible/10 Commandments and States, but encouraged a new age union of universal Freemasonry and States.

It must be understood that these high authorities above, who are known secretly, by their Masonic Order as being Lucifer/George Washington workers and or rulers of darkness of this world from 1776, had to perfect this ritual of universal Freemasonry.

In other words, the high order of universal Freemasonry from the time of George Washington/Lucifer ceremony on the 4th of August 1753, were ordered to  establish the order of universal Freemasonry’s known as the “apotheosis” of their sublime faith initiative movement, which can be seen to page 321 of the General Albert Pike Morals of Dogma written in 1888.

In other words, the NWO conspirators from 1776, were all bound in secrecy for all these years, to establish their NWO Apotheosis sublime faith initiative, which became a rule of law on the 10th of March 1865.

According to Bible prophecy, this event of establishing the spirits of  George Washington/Lucifer, as the apotheosis of Freemasonry’s sublime faith initiative was and still is classed as being…..

“The mystery that has been hid from the ages and generations, but now will be known unto the saints and believers of Christ JESUS Emmanuel……. refer to the scripture prophecy of Colossians 1:26.

Unknown to many, this secret agenda of Universal Freemasonry, The Apotheosis of George Washington (Lucifer), was  from 1865, used  as the antichrist system, to bring about the order of NWO Chaos.

This secret weapon of mass destruction, of the Apotheosis of GW, was to simply, developed, to prepare the New World Order believers,  to ready themselves, to make war against the Lamb of Father God Almighty namely Lord JESUS in the last of End of Days refer to Revelation 17:11-14.

What needs to be understood is that this ungodly act of  both Houses of Masonic Congress, who secretly established ”The Apotheosis of George Washington (Lucifer)” in 1865, yet had to have a good reason for its secrecy.

What needs to be understood by all readers, to get understanding, to the above titles or headings, the rule of Masonic law by General Albert Pike must be understood, to the 10th degree.

In other words General Albert Pike also known as the grand supreme pontiff of universal Freemasonry, ordered from the 14th of July (Tammuz) 1889, that the doctrine of Satanism was and still is a heresy and that the true and pure religion of universal Freemasonry is based upon a Luciferian concept and doctrine “Yes Lucifer (George Washington) is God.”

General Albert Pike also went on to order or say unto his One World Annuit Coeptis/Yod/Die U Government leaders gathered in Paris France (P2 Murder Lodge) that Adonay is also God, but that their God Lucifer is fighting against Adonay for the Freedom of all humanity (mankind) from the Blood Sacrifice of Lord JESUS known Scripturally as The Alpha and The Omega (Revelation 1:11)

In other words General Albert Pike, cleverly brainwashed and or desensitized his 32nd and 33rd degrees of universal Freemasonry of all Governments into the belief that there is a war between Lucifer and The Holy Trinity….

Yet made it very clear  “That all their degrees, rituals and ceremonies, of universal Freemasonry, have more than one meaning to them, they rather conceal, than to reveal the truth.”

Was it a coincidence or a fact, that America as the new Israel and many other countries, were basically, tricked into this new age concept, which placed them, under the banner of the United Nations and its curse, of finalizing their New World Order concept, which undoubtedly from behind closed doors, was to exalt and honor, the spirits of Lucifer/George Washington as their Masonic Godhead and Christ.

Nevertheless, this came about, by a massive form of brainwashing, a bombardment of misinformation, of the masses from 1776, into the belief,  that Lucifer/George Washington, was and still are their Masonic light bearers of the world, which had another side to it, meaning honor and glory to the Masonic new age god of light and reflections - Microprosposos/Macroprosposos.

What makes this even more confusing, is  in the very first instance, from 1953, which was 200 years from the 1753 ceremony of George Washington and the spirit of Lucifer becoming one godhead, the hierarchy of the Jewish Rabbi's and obviously the universal Order of Freemasonry initiated the Year of the Light from the Holy Land Israel.

Unknown to many the world over, the true meaning to the Year of the Light, is that the spirits of George Washington/Lucifer as one or as the Annuit Coeptis/Yod godhead, were the light bearers of the world.
This Year of the Light ceremony, then ushered in 40 years later,  the Year of the Yod, from the 1992 Jewish converted Nation of South Africa, which once again indoctrinated the world into the NWO concept of the sin of witchcraft.

In other words, this term of the sin of witchcraft, is defined as being in rebellion of the 1st of the 10 Commandments of the I Am that I Am , which by all standards, would enable all peoples of the world, to worship and honor a strange god titled as the Apotheosis of George Washington/Lucifer refer to Exodus 20:5.

What comes to mind, about the Apotheosis of George Washington, being as the NWO weapon of mass destruction, is the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:16, which prophesied to perfection, that the spirit god of this world Lucifer within George Washington, would led the world into the order of chaos from 1776.....

To be more precise, it must be noticed,  how the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:16 prophesied...... "They that see thee (George Washington/Lucifer as Annuit Coeptis/Yod/Apotheosis of GW) narrowly look upon thee,  and consider thee saying.........
                "Is this the man that made the Earth to tremble and did shake the Kingdoms........"

Needless to say, was the Word of God Almighty simply referring  to the man, being General George Washington/Lucifer - who undoubtedly, were the author and finisher of the  Battle of Brandywine, which started on the 11th of September 1777 and ended in success  - to the questionable September the 11th 2001 saga, which has to be looked upon, as being a human sacrifice of innocent blood, in honor of the General Washington/Lucifer victory in 1777.

Recall the new age guru David Spangler also known as the Director of the United Nations Planetary Division said from his podium based in  Evian's France in 1991......

"Before the world peoples can enter the NWO conspiracy plan of 1776, they will have to pledge allegiance to worship Lucifer."

In David Spangler's next breadth, he confidently said..... "Before the world peoples, can enter the new age movement, they will have to go  through a Luciferian initiation ceremony."
          Amazingly 10 years later on the 11th of September 2001, the  NWO action took its course.

Another important fact to consider, was that thousand points of light American President GHW Bush, undoubtedly declared as a rule of law, on the 11th of September 1991, the NWO conspiracy plan of 1776, of the forefathers, which once again meant that the spirits of Lucifer/George Washington were and still are God and Christ.

In other words, The Apotheosis of George Washington (Lucifer), which was activated secretly from 1865, as a rule of law, undoubtedly was responsible for all the programed antichrist (man of sin - son of perdition) movements, of  death and destruction from 1776,  which included all major wars and rumors of wars, unto September the 11th 2001 tragedy.

The catch 22 to the September the 11th 2001 tragedy, was that if you visit the web page of the Battle of Brandywine which started on the 11th of September 1777,  it undoubtedly reveals that 12 days, directly after the September the 11th 2001 saga, when the whole world was in mourning and in a confused state of mind, the American government secretly ordained, a re-enactment of the 1777 Battle of Brandywine, on the 23rd of September 2001, in Virginia, which should be as vital evidence that the 11th of September 2001 incident was NWO related.

In other words, the September the 11th 2001 incident and then the re-enactment of the Battle of Brandywine well orchestrated on the 23rd of September 2001, by the American Government leaders had to be a clear sign that it related in many ways to the 1865 establishment of the Apotheosis of George Washington/Lucifer rule of law.

Nevertheless, the September the 11th 2001 tragedy issue, was merely a human blood sacrifice to honor the NWO  achievement of George Washington (GW) and his Battle of Brandywine Victory from September the 11th 1777, which later finalized as the Apotheosis of GW.

What has to be an interest point to bring to the table, is that 16 years after the Battle of Brandywine, which ended in a victorious manner,  but of importance, was the peculiar manner, in which the Battle of Brandywine was first started on the 11th of September 1777, by General GW/Lucifer.

In other words there has to be a catch 22 to the date of September the 11th (9/11 - 911 - yet by Jewish New Year standards it equals to 1/11 -111), which is based upon a NWO Jewish/Luciferian Freemason fable, that September the 11th, represents GW as the alpha and the omega, which cleverly numbers GW/Lucifer as their 111, godhead, which is a mere counterfeit of scripture prophecy of Revelation 1:11.

Please pay immediate attention to the eye opener of all time that from September 11th each year according to the regular calendar there is always 111 days from September the 11th to the New Year of  of the 1st of January a coincidence or a GW/Lucifer fact.

It must also be remembered that the GW/Lucifer godhead term of 111, has many important new age meanings to it, like the Washington Monument in DC measures 555ft in height yet under the ground its measures 111ft equaling the GW/Lucifer phallic symbol of reproduction to 666.

Another important consideration of GW/Lucifer's mystery number of 111, is that if you add, 111 to 1777, it equals to 1888, which is undoubtedly, the time to when General Albert Pike wrote the GW/Lucifer Morals and Dogma, which was a merely 23 years after the Apotheosis of GW/Lucifer was declared as a rule of law on the 10th of March 1865.

Here comes the catch 22 to the 23 years from 1865 to 1888, it simply has a sick, yet dark side to it, meaning that the hierarchy of universal Freemasonry believe that it relates Psalm 23 that GW/Lucifer is the world's Sheppard..........

Another fact concerning 111 is that if you add it to 1888 it spells out to the NASA Masonic NWO sin of witchcraft 1999, which clearly indicates to the rise of the Masonic beast known as the Mythical Bird known as the Phoenix  (999), who shall rise from the ashes and shall goeth into perdition (Revelation 17:1-14) who shall make war with the Lamb of Father God Almighty the true Alpha and the Omega JESUS The Christ Emmanuel numbered 111 - Revelation 1:11.

Recall the NASA Masonic conspiracy project of the Computerized unmanned spaceship that landed upon the Red Planet Mars on the 13th of May 2008 was numbered as 999, a coincidence or mere fact, like if you add 111 to the number of the name of the beast which is 888 -Mahahbon/Maitreya/Moshiach, it equals to 999, recall 1999 was the end to the old millennium but the start to the new Y2K (Yod 2000).      

What makes this questionable, is that 16 years after the victory of the Battle of Brandywine (September the 11th) 1777, which was merely an establishment in a secret manner of America - USA as being the NEW Israel, undoubtedly he GW and his 12 Illuminati (Sanhedrin) members, laid the Head Cornerstone and Time Capsule of the new Israel "America" on the 18th of September 1793.

Unknown to many, this opened the door way, for the all main or all important ceremony, which was for GW to pen to paper, to rebirth or reincarnate the spirit of Lucifer, from the bottomless pit on the 18th of September 1793, described as GW becoming an Egyptian (Dung Beetle) point with in a sun circle life (reincarnation) guided by the two linage lines of Enoch to Moses symbolizing the Masonic altar worldwide.

Bear in mind, that the spirit god of this world namely Lucifer is undoubtedly known as the sun (son - circle of life) of the morning - Isaiah 14:12) , what is of great importance was that 7 days prior to GW laying of the Head Cornerstone/ re birthing of Lucifer's spirit from the bottomless pit on the 18th of September 1793, it was the 16 anniversary of the victory of  the Battle of Brandywine, first started by GW/Lucifer as Annuit Coeptis/Yod godhead, on the 11th of September 1777.

The major question to be asked, was this reincarnation ceremony of Lucifer's spirit from the bottomless pit a mere coincidence or a NWO conspiracy act of the forefathers from the time of establishing the NWO in 1776 we at Jeremiah 33:3 Ministries by the power of the Holy Spirit sincerely believe so simply because of the scripture prophecy of 1 John 5:7-8  based in the King James (KJV) version only reveals....

"That there are only three that can bear witness in Heaven, The Father - The Word (JESUS) and The Holy Ghost (Spirit), and these three are One" yet verse 8 prophesied that there are only three that can testify upon the earth, The Spirit - The Water and The Blood and these three agree as one.

Bear in mind the NWO conspiracy act,  was activated on the 4th of July (Tammuz) 1776, yet 89 years later this conspiracy act, led to the rule of law of the Apotheosis of GW/Lucifer in 1865.

Nevertheless, there was obviously a double standard to the September the 11th 2001 tragedy, which allowed the modern day Jewish/Egyptian Masonic Scarab David Solomon Rockefeller, to secretly create enormous amounts of  antichrist violence in many ways, via many countries, and undoubtedly, this gave him the power and authority to create world chaos as the antichrist.

Unknown or unrealized via David Rockefeller's United Nation stronghold and his NASA Masonic conspiracy project, allowed David the Scarab the Rock efeller (Deuteronomy 32:37), to cause lying signs and wonders upon the earth in the name of Annuit Coeptis/Yod (GW/Lucifer spirits).

Unknown or unrealized, these lying signs and wonders of the antichrist spirit was well orchestrated  from his David new age hideouts known as the new age American Embassy based in Pretoria South Africa - the United Nations and obviously the NASA Masonic Y2K (Yod 2000) International Space Station Alpha Lucifer/George Washington Temple based in outer space, simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Zechariah 5:1-11.

Pay immediate attention to the scripture prophecy of Zechariah 5:3, which undoubtedly describes ISS as a flying roll meaning in outer space as the Universal Freemasonry Order of the curse that goeth forth over the whole face of the earth, that stealeth and sweareth falsely by the name of God Almighty.
Recall GW/Lucifer's American Annuit Coeptis Illuminati NWO $1 bill undoubtedly stipulates "In God we Trust."

ISS is also secretly known as the 8 Pointed Blazing Stargod Remphan, in the night sky, also known secretly as GW Celestial Lodge/Heaven, which has been used from Y2K (Yod 2000), as to affect the world peoples, by severe weather turmoils like man made earthquakes, tsunami's, tornado's, mud slides, hurricanes, heat waves, wars and rumors of wars etc.

To grasp the truth to the above simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Ephesians 2:2 which undoubtedly prophesies Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12-14) as the spirit god of this world, who simply acts in the capacity as the prince and the power of the air, who now worketh in the children of disobedience NWO conspirators.

Just to apply a short list of weather turmoil to consider, is the peculiar, yet severe heat waves, hitting America at the present moment in 2011, to the severe cold and snow storms, that have hit South Africa in 2011 etc, to severe tornado's striking the USA and its cities for over a decade.

To the monstrous hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunami's that have hit Japan in 2011 and other countries, to severe snow storms in Winter, that have plagued the Northern Hemisphere/ Southern Hemisphere, to severe droughts and famines that are hitting African Countries at present known as third world countries, to rivers bursting their banks and undoubtedly the uncontrollable forest fire break outs in many countries etc.

Well the prophecy scripture of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 prophesied......

"Let no man deceive you, by any means, for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, of the Church/10 Commandments/The Word of Father God Almighty, and that man of sin - the son of perdition - the antichrist, be revealed........"

In other words, in a simply manner, the Bible prophesied that antichrist has to be revealed of his evil works etc,

Yet, The Word of God Almighty portrays the introduction of the Apotheosis of GW/Lucifer as a rule of law from 1865, as the stronghold, that has to be exposed, as it is exalting itself against the knowledge of Almighty God refer to the scripture prophecy of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

What the antichrist and his NWO followers, have done directly after they declared the NWO, on the 11th of September 1991 as a rule of law, was to cleverly legislated Public Law 102-14 (7 Noahide Law of Noah) before hand in 1989, as a rule of law.

This clearly stipulated unknown to many peoples the world over, that America and all civilization were founded upon the 7 Noahide Laws of Noah, which became the bedrock of all civilizations, which simply downgraded  the 10 Commandments/Word of God of  "The I AM that I AM" refer to Jude 4......

"For there are certain crept in unawares of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, who have turned the grace of Father God Almighty and Our Lord JESUS The Christ Emmanuel into lasciviousness......."

Needless to say, all the above activities of antichrist and its spirit (1 John 4:3), were deliberately activated by the man of sin - the Jewish/Freemason/Egyptian Scarab antichrist David R - the Luciferian/GW son of perdition, who according to the scripture prophecy of 2 Thessalonians 2:4 will undoubtedly, opposeth and exalteth himself, above all that is called God or that is worshipped.......

In other words, so that he as the Masonic antichrist or as the new age Masonic god and christ godhead, sitteth in the temple of the god of this world, secretly known as the United Nations # 777 - Washington DC Capitol Building - American Embassy Pretoria South Africa - known as King Solomon Jewish rebuilding of the Masonic Temple, to the flying roll in the night sky meaning the NASA Masonic International Space Station (Zachariah 5:1-11) scripturally known as City of Babylon, where he as the new age antichrist will perform lying signs and wonders from to bring in the order of chaos.

Please pay attention to the term Gog which equals to USSR,  like Magog equals to USA,  bear in mind that from Y2K (Yod 2000) ISS became inhabit by the USA and USSR astronauts.

To add more fuel to the antichrist - the man of sin - son of Lucifer/GW namely David R fire, is that 2 Thessalonians 2:9 prophesied........

"Even him (Lucifer/George Washington spirits reborn in the new age  Tammuz 1966/9 (Rosemary's baby) who coming is after the working of Satan known as the modern day antichrist (David Solomon Rockefeller) the son of perdition, who will perform lying signs and wonders.....

To grasp the above antichrist movement simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Ephesians 2:2......

"Wherein the time past, you walked according to the course of this world, meaning Luciferian worship, according to the prince of the air and the power of it,  meaning by the spirit of Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12-16), who now worketh in the children of disobedience.

In other words, the term disobedience of the children, simply means that the people or children of the world, have been brainwashed into Lucifer's web and concept, which means, they have turned their backs upon the 10 Commandments/ Bible and accepted the antichrist new 613 Jewish Torah Commandments (chapter 4 titled as Reincarnation - yet chapter 13 implements David dead or alive as the Moshiach will lead the world in the end of days) refer to Titus 1:14....

Thus saith the Lord God of Israel "Not giving heed to Jewish Fables (Public Law 102-14) and commandments of men (613 Jewish Torah commandments) who have turned from the truth of the scriptures and its prophesies.

Recall Lucifer the spirit god of this world main objective, has from the time he fell from Heaven, to the ground, was  to be as an equal unto the Most High (Isaiah 14:12-14).

That is why Lucifer/George Washington rulers of darkness namely universal Freemasonry, have  brainwashed the masses  into Lucifer's NWO concept of 1776, which means secretly, that he Lucifer, from 1776 has been treated as an equal unto God Almighty known as the Most High.

Recall the scripture prophecy of Revelation 17:8-14 clearly prophesied the above to perfection, by saying in the end of days....

"These people have one minds, meaning that these people, who have been brainwashed into the NWO Annuit Coeptis/Yod concept and theory, that Lucifer/George Washington are their Masonic god and christ of this world.

In other words, these people will then give their power and authority, unto the beast godhead, meaning Annuit Coeptis/Yod (Lucifer/George Washington), so that they as the Masonic beast and godhead, could make war with the Lamb of Father God Almighty "Lord JESUS The Alpha and The Omega" refer to Revelation 17:13-14.    

Could it be the time, that the New World Order conspiracy act of 1776 of the forefathers of old, led by General George Washington at the time, will bring in the order of chaos on the 4th of August 2011, by announcing the Apotheosis of GW/Lucifer openly.

What makes this questionable, is that America is based upon the term of Freedom of Religion, which means if you want to worship Lucifer/George Washington/Satan the Devil or any Deity or Lord JESUS The Christ Emmanuel, you are free to do so.

But what has to be a major eye opener, is that the hierarchy of Freemasonry and the USA Masonic bound Government, have been and still are, keeping their worship and honor and or belief and religion of Lucifer/George Washington in their closets.

In other words there is open worship of Satan/the devil and many other occultic and questionable religions of Freemasonry, which also operates under the disguise of Mormons, who known as the latter day saints of  Joseph Smith but cleverly titled as latter day saints of Jesus Christ.

What blasphemy, well what about the questionable 7th Day Adventist, Jehovah Witnesses, Judaism, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims Islamic and the questionable form of Christianity, worldwide, who all are indirectly connected to the King Solomon's Quarries based in the Holy Land Israel hidden under the Dome of the Rock controlled by the Muslim Freemasons.    

Nevertheless within the USA, the hierarchy of Freemasonry, hid the mere fact, that they worship Lucifer, like many other Masonic countries like France (P2 Murder Lodge), who proudly show signs within their country of Baphomet which means Lucifer is god, and the United Kingdom, Israel, USSR, South Africa Egypt, China and even to Rome and Greece etc, who express their worship by erecting Egyptian Obelisks, which symbolize to Luciferian worship in many different ways.

In other words, they all, meaning Masonic bound countries,  have been hiding the fact, that they are secretly worshipping Lucifer as God and George Washington as their Masonic Christ, from behind their closed hierarchy Masonic doors, which started in the new age from the 4th of August 1753 ceremony, held in lodge # 4 Fredericksberg Virginia.

Even though the Apotheosis of George Washington (Lucifer), is diagrammed in the high ceiling of the Rotunda Building at the Capitol Building in DC, it is still as a mystery to many people the world over.

In other words, the major question has to be asked, why has the USA Governments kept this Apotheosis of George Washington (Lucifer) a best kept secret, from 1865, it certainly does not make sense, as American is based upon the theory of  Freedom of Religion, is it time for the NWO conspirators from the 4th of August 2011, to level with the Hebrews/Christians known as the Royal Priesthood of the I Am that I Am.

Surely this gesture, of the American Government, from the 4th of August 1753 to the 10th of March 1865, that they the NWO conspirators have secretly ordained GW/Lucifer as a one godhead Annuit Coeptis/Yod situation in 1753 and then from 1865 raised the spirits of George Washington/Lucifer as their Masonic godhead and christ like figure, as their  Apotheosis of their sublime faith initiative.

In other words, it is time for the mystery of universal Freemasonry that Lucifer/GW are their god and christ of the new age, which incidentally as prophesied according to Colossians 1:26 that this new age mystery has been from the ages and generations, who have been brainwashed to accept this abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15 - Daniel 12:10-13) from the 4th of August 1753 from Lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virgina.

Undoubtedly, if they brought the above sin of witchcraft Luciferian/GW worship out in the open, or onto the round circle of life table, then this would allow the people of the world system to choose between The Holy Trinity or the unholy trinity of Lucifer as red dragon GW as the Masonic christ/beast and the new age false prophet David the Scarab Rockefeller. 

Just to refresh you memory, recall the mere fact that on the 14th of December 2007 via the Assimilated  Newspaper Press report,  Senator Harry Reid said I have sold my soul to Lucifer, like President GW Bush and many others......(click here to view article).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pictures of the Bohemian Grove – Masonic Owl god Molech

Pictures of the Bohemian Grove – Masonic Owl god Molech

Category: Religion and Philosophy

Acts 7:43 “Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.”
Jeremiah 4:22 For My people are foolish, they have not known Me, they are sottish children, and they none understanding, they are wise to do evil but to do good they have no knowledge refer to Hosea 4:6.
John 14:6 Lord JESUS is the way truth and the Life, no man cometh back unto the Father of Light unless through
Yet  we Jeremiah 33:3 Ministries discover and unveil (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) the hidden agenda of the hierarchy of both Houses of Masonic Congress and the secretive Yod government based at the Bohemian Grove. 
Unknown George Washington is secretly reconized as the Masonic Owl god Molech. Indirectly they say the Yod government from behind their closed Masonic Universal doors that GW is their Christ namely E Pluribus Unum.
Notice below the graven image of George Washington at the Bohemien Grove implementing GW as the Owl god Molech which also means firegod.
Why do think in the name GW, the fires have broken out in California due to this ungodly worship by the hierarchy of both House of Masonic Congress.
What in the name of hell is going on at the Bohemian Grove refer to Isaiah 5:14 Hell has enlarged itself ……….. 
Notice above the image of GW as the owlgod Molech yet also they are refering to GW being as the tree of life Methuselah secretly numbered as 187.
And the picture above is obviously hinting that GW is the river (water) of life.
In actual fact they hinting at the scripture 1 John  5:8 that GW is the only one who bore witness upon the earth as the spirit water and blood, and with Lucifer and the fallen angels they all agree as one upon the earth until this very day.
Here comes the question Hebrews/Christains “Who’s report do you believe” the Report of the Lord JESUS (1 John 5:7 King James Version only ) or Lucifer/GW known as the father of lies refer to John 8:44.
Here comes the nail that will ultimately seal GW Masonic owl god 555 coffin
George Washington name via the Masonic alphabet equals to 187
G = 7 –  E = 5 – O = 15 - R = 18 – G = 7 – E =5  totalling to 57
W = 23 – A = 1 - S = 19 – H = 8 - I = 9 – N = 14 – G = 7 – T = 20 – O = 15 -N = 14 totalling to 130
George = 57 Washington = 130 = 187 which relates to the spirit of Methuselah which leads to death and destruction (Genesis 5:25) refer to Hollywood film 187.
Capitol building image of owl around it recall the Capitol Building hosts the image of the 1865 Apotheosis of George Washington. The word Apotheosis literally means to raise a person to the rank of a god or icon.
Numbers 23:19 God Almighty is not a man that He should lie ……………
Revelation 14: 9 And the third angel folowed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast or his image ……….. the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God Almighty ………………………

Nixon and Reagan at the Bohemian Grove birds of a feather flock together
Bush Jnr and Snr giving a speach at the Bohemian Grove in 1995 recall they are both Skull and Bonesman numbered 322.
G8 (Yodh 8) Leader GW Bush & G7 (Yod 7) leader both using the GW Baphomet or Goat hand signal emphasizing GW as the Owlgod Molech 
Below is catorized in two scriptures Zepheniah 1:17 The men have sinned against the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, neither their gold nor silver will be able to save them in the great and notable day of the Lord God Almighty.
The second is 2 Timothy 3:1-13 These men have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof, yet they wax worse and worse, being deceived and they will deceive the masses

Jeremiah 5:26 For among My People are found wicked men they lay await they set a snare a trap and they catch men, which will enable them to catch the women and children refer to Jude 4

and all shall worship the beast Revelation 13:8. 
Hosea 4:6  Beacause you have rejected My Knowledge you shall be no priest of Mine thus saith the Lord God Almighty, I will not bless your children refer to Exodus 20:5  
Philippians 2:10 That at the Name of Lord JESUS every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven and the things in the earth, and the things under the earth.  And that every tongue should confess that Lord JESUS is The Christ Emmanuel, to the Glory of God the Father.  

1 Cor 10:20-21 “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and the table of devils.”

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The 14th of July (Tammuz) 2011 has come and gone Hebrews/Christians it has had a secret agenda since 1889

Undoubtedly, many people the worldwide, are ignorant to the mere fact that 122 years ago, on the 14th of July (Tammuz) 1889, the USA General Albert Pike, known also as the grand supreme pontiff of universal Freemasonry, drafted in his letter, to his One World Yod/Annuit Coeptis Government, cleverly gathered in Paris France (P2 Murder Lodge) saying...

"that the doctrine of Satanism was and still is a heresy, but acknowledged, that the true and pure religion of universal Freemasonry, was of a Luciferian doctrine and concept "Yes Lucifer (George Washington) is God."

Albert Pike also admitted that "Adonay is also God" but that Lucifer as their god, who has been fighting against Adonay, for the freedom of mankind from the Blood Sacrifice of Lord JESUS The Christ Emmanuel (Revelation 1:11 JESUS  - Alpha and Omega).

Unknown too many the world over, this celebration of the hierarchy of universal Freemasons was and still is secretly conducted each year as a rule of law from behind Masonic closed doors.

To grasp the above it must be understood that General Albert Pike, foretold his high degrees of universal Freemasonry our rituals, degree and ceremonies, have more than one meaning unto them, they rather conceal than to reveal the truth.

Nevertheless it must be understood as the scriptures prophesied, that after the fall of the spirit god namely Lucifer from Heaven, down unto the ground/earth, he would weaken the nations into new world order concept of Luciferian worship refer to Isaiah 14:12-14.

It must also be understood that this battle between good and evil Almighty God and Lucifer was and still is, a spirit battle of the ancient.

It must be remembered, simply that it is not a battle of flesh and blood, but between principalities powers, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places refer to the scripture prophecy of Ephessians 6:12.

Recall Isaiah 14:12 prophesied at the fall of the spirit of Lucifer from Heaven down unto the ground (earth) he would weaken the nations into his new world order Luciferian worship and concept secretly titled as Microprosposos/Macroprosposos - honor and glory to the god of light and the god of reflections.

To understand the above Masonic concept, all must certainly refer to the rear of the George Washington graven image of USA $1 bill, simply elevated above the Mythical Birds Head (E Pluribus Unum) also known as the Phoenix who shall rise from the ashes.

This graven image has many subliminal meanings to it, like the "Jewish Star of David" and or the 28th Degree of the Knight of the Sun Symbol known as King Solomons Seal.

Recall according to the scripture prophecy of Ephessians 2:2.....

"Wherein the time past ye (new world order conspiracy system) walked according to the course of this world meaning Luciferian worship, and or according to the prince of the power of the air, meaning to the spirit of Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), that now worketh in the children of disobedience."

In other words the scriptures, were prophesying or meaning, that the children of Lucifer (1 John 3:10) known as the ungodly/antichrist New World Order conspirators, were operating under the umbrella of rebellion, which led them all to the sin of witchcraft - Luciferian worship refer to the scripture prophecy of Jeremiah 11:9-10......

Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob (Israel)........

"A conspiracy (NWO) is found among the house of the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem."

Undoubtedly meaning that the USA in the new age will be the inhabitants of Jerusalem, confirmation is to why did the old Israel, build the United Nations in North America from 1945 - 1953.

Another confirmation is to examine, to why the three letters of USA, are found within the mighty name of JerUSAlem, then simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Matthew 21:43......

Lord JESUS as the Lord God Head annointed Cornerstone (Matthew 21:42) prophesied nearly 2,000 years ago, by prophesying......

"I will rend the Kingdom of God Almighty (The I Am that I Am), from you, rebelious Luciferian old Israel (1 Kings 9:6), and will give it unto a (new) nation, who shall bear good fruit" meaning the USA- America (Matthew 21:43).

Another big situation, to digest, is that after Nelson Rockefeller established, the United Nations known as the house of the 70 ancient houses of old Isarel - yet secretly known as King Solomon's Quarries which was secretly established within the USA from 1945.

This confirms to why America as the new Israel, got its independance in 1948.

Recall 5 years later in 1953, also known by power and authority of the old Israel as 1953 being declared as the Year of the Light, the United Nations was transfered from California to New York City by David the Scarab Rockefeller simply refer to the web page of "Contemporary Freemasonry in the Holy Land Israel."

What should confirm the above was that from the Holy Land Israel in 1953, the hierarchy of Jewish Rabbi's of the 5 continents of the world, well supported by the Jewish Sanhedrin/Egyptian- German Illuminati (13 members), cleverly, yet secretly declared the "Year of the Light" in 1953.

This simply meant, that the spirits of George Washington/Lucifer, as the annointed godhead, secretly titled as Annuit Coeptis/Yod, were ordained in 1953 as the Light Bearers of the world peoples.

In masonic terms Lucifer/George Washington spirits were granted in 1953, as being the gods of light and reflections meaning Light Bearers of the world system.

In other words, the above Year of the Light ceremony, stemmed from 200 years before 1953, which was from the 4th of August 1753, as to when George Washington at the young age of 21 years old (7+7+7) became one, with the spirit of Lucifer, from lodge #4 Fredericksberg Virginia.

The hierarchy of Freemasonry deliberately camouflaged, the above 4th of August 1753 ceremony, by describing it as to when George Washington, became the Master Mason of the Universe, simply refer to George Washington detailed Masonic Apron given to him by the French (Paris P2 Murder Lodge) Government  in 1784.

Unknown to many before George Washington became the first President of the new Israel America - USA on the 30th of April 1789, unknown to many GW first had to be ordained as the Most Worshipful Master of the Universe, on the 20th of Dcember 1788.

Another discovery, to why the hierarchy of universal Freemasonry ordained GW as the world Worshipful Master on the 20th of December 1788, as from Y2k - Yod 2000, the 14th of December Y2K President elect GW Bush ordained in Texas as Moses to lead the people of the world to the promise land.

Pay attention the 13th of December Y2K President Elect GW Bush, cleverly declared the 20th of December Y2K as "Faith Innitiative Day."

Recall 5 days later it was once again X Mass Day, on the 25th of December, which undoubtedly relates Masonically to George Washington's spiritual rebirth within mankinds hearts as their Tree of Life (Methuselah Tree 187).

So in other words the 25th of December each year, relates in everyway to the Masonic rule of law, which is the rebirth of the Masonic GW christchild Tammuz, born on the 28th of June 1966.

Remember that the new age Ishmael Barack Hussein Obama was born 5 years before Tammuz which was on the 28th of June 1961 as Rosemary's Baby, which was based upon the rebirth of the spirit George Washington/Lucifer within mankinds hearts on X Mass Day since 1966.

It must be understood, that George Washington's nickname was Tammuz from birth simply known as the world's Tree of Life as "Tammuz" means "son of life."

Just to add more fuel to the X Mass Day George Washington fire, held each year on the 25th of December, if that if you simply add 11 days (GW born on the 11th of February 1732) to the 14th of December (GW died on the 14th of December 1799), each year, you undoubtedly reach the 25th of December, meaning the Masonic Antichrist X Mass Day (Tree of Life day).

Recall according to the scripture prophecy of Luke chapter 2 the only begotten Son of Father God Almighty namely Lord JESUS,  as born three days after world taxation day (15th of April each year) meaning the 18th of April (Nissan), which was nearly two thousand years ago.

Yet today we have to look at the facts, of the meaning to the ungodly term of the "Apotheosis of George Washington (Lucfier)."

To be noted this ungodly manifestation became a rule of law from the 10th of March 1865, by the order of both houses of Masonic Congress.

Bear in mind that the word "apotheosis" literally means to raise a person to the rank of a god or a icon - christlike figure.

Pay attention to the mere fact, that hierarchy of universal Freemasonry, sincerely believe that George Washington from the time of birth, which was on the 11th of February 1732, that he GW was the fulfillment of the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 9:6.....

A child shall be born GW - 11th of February 1732 unto you, a son shall be given unto thee (Lucifer son of perdition), his name shall be called wonderful councillor "George Washington" he will have the NWO "One World Annuit Coeptis/Yod Government" upon his shoulder..........

Which undoubtedly explains to why George Washington/Lucifer spirits as a one godhead Annuit Coeptis/Yod, were secretly ordained by both houses of Masonic Congress as god/christ.
Recall the Latin term Annuit Coeptis means in English......

"He (George Washington/ Lucifer) that is god by the undertaking of the New World Order people."

Pay attention that Numbers 23:9 prophesied that......

"God Almighty is not a man, that He should lie or that the Son of God Almighty (JESUS) should repent......."

Once again the ungodly gesture of the Apotheosis of George Washington  was established by both houses of Masonic Congress secretly as a rule of law on the 10th of March 1865, yet well displayed in the high ceiling of the Rotunda Building in Washington DC.

Secondly the new world order Latin term of E Pluribus Unum means in English....

"Out of many of Lucifer's sons of light shall come one tittle (Matthew 5:18) - meaning scripturally the birth of the antichrist spirit into the flesh (Isaiah 9:6) also known as the son of perdition the new age son of Lucifer.

Thirdly the hierarchy of universal Freemasonry, sincerely believe that there was life in the blood of George Washington.That is why they removed over 6 pints of blood from GW dying body on the 13th of December 1799.

Recall George Washington died of loss of blood on the 14th of December 1799.

Is it a coincidence or fact, that the United Nations street address to the Rock Image prayer or meditation room based in New York City, was deliberately numbered 777, by the spirit of antichrist.

Another consideration is that from the 14th of July (Tammuz) each year to the 4th of August is 21 days which calculates to once again to 7+7+7 equals to 21.

Pay attention to the mere fact that the 21st letter of the Masonic English alphabet is the letter "U" which
undoubtedly relates in everyway to the name of Lucifer.

This ungodly manifestation, of the number 777 (7+7+7) related in everyway to the old testament character Lamech who lived for 777 years and then died (Genesis 5:31).

The subliminal message of Lamech 777 number of death, undoubtedly relates to the rebirth of Lucifer spirit as Lamech within George Washington's at the young age of 21 years old (7+7+7).

Recall GW became one, with the spirit of Lucifer, at the young age of 21 (7+7+7) from lodge # 4 Fredericksburg Virginia, once again on the 4th of August 1753.

It must also be pointed out that George Washington full name according to the Masonic English Alphabet relates to the number of death 187.

Remember GW is known today as the oldest tree found in Nevada in 2003 titled by the new age conspirators as being the Methuselah Tree.

According to Genesis 5:25 Methuselah the son of Enoch (365 days) lived for a 187 years and begat  Lamech.

To understand how George Washington name calculates to 187 you have to calculate it with Alphabet meaning that A= 1- B= 2 to ....... Z= 26, which obviously calculates George to equal to 57 and Washington to 130,  which adds up to 187. 

Another eye opener, to the 4th of August GW/Lucifer becoming one godhead on the 4th of August 1753,  the 44th President of the USA, (American known secretly as the new Israel), namely Ishmael Barack Hussein Obama, was born on the 4th of August 1961, a coincidence or fact.

Another recent discovery, that is questionable, was the announcement via CNN news report that President Ishmael Obama, eldest daughter, was born on the 4th of July (Tammuz) 1998.

Simply declaring her age in 2011 as being 13 years old, which is undoubtedly another subliminal message, which relates GW and his 12 members of the Illuminati. Recall CNN announced on the 20th January 2009 that President Obama was ordained as a member of the 13 members of Illuminati/Jewish Sanhedrin. 

Another message to the 13 year old celebration of the Presidents daughter was to the mannerism to when the 44th President of the new Israel known secretly as Ishmael, ordered the killing of Ben Laden, which was on the 13th of May 2011.

Another clue to the number 13 is the secret 613 Jewish Torah Commandments, which were well established from 1953 from the old Holy Land Israel by the Jewish Sanhedrin led by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson and Rev Billy Graham secretly known as the 33rd degree York Rite Illuminati Freemason.

Just to add more fuel to the fire, is it a coincidence that Chapter 13 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments clearly stipulates, that the Jewish Moshiach/Mashiach name, will be "David" dead or a live, meaning David Rockefeller, like chapter 4 is titled as Reincarnation.

Undoubtedly this term "Reincaration" as to Chapter 4 of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments,  simply means that all Jews and certain Gentiles (Masonic Egyptians/Christians), must practice reincarnation (circle of life) as many times as possible or on a daily basis.

Unknown to many peoples the world over  - the above reincarnation theory practiced on a daily basis is undoubtedly refering to America as the new Israel from 1948, which simply forces all Americans to the pledging of allegience to the American red white and blue flag on a daily basis.

Many other countries confess their national athems which is the same as the USA people pledging alliegence to their American flag.

In other words there is a catch 22 to pledging allegience to the American red white and blue national flag, simply meaning that the red stands for George Washington (Lucifer) blood.

Secondly the white stands for GW (LCF) body and the blue represents royalty or blue blood line, and the 50 white five pointed stars represents GW/Lucifer spirits the holy spirit or trinity secretly titled as Ouroboros the serpent god of the world......

Pay attention to the term of Annuit Coeptis (Yod), which also relates to the American red, white and blue flag, which subliminally means or links the new world order believers, to the dangerous term of "In God we Trust."

Bear in mind the term 50 or 50 white 5 pointed stars on the American Flag also means 50th Anniversary of unholy spirit of Lucifer/George Washington annointed, from the Holy Land Israel in 1953.

It must be understood that 1953, undoubtedly became known as being the Year of the Light, which had a subliminal meaning to it that the spirit of Lucifer/George Washington was the light bearers of the world system.

50 years later in 2003, this light bearer sistuation extended its self by the recognition of the hierarchy of universal Freemasonry as being the Year of Ouroboros, known secretly as being the of the Serpent god Lucifer/George Washington.

Undoubtedly this was well camouflaged in America and other parts of the world as being the time of the Olam Ha Ba Messianic Age 2003, when the new age Jewish Messiah Moshiach/Mashiach shall take his seat of power within George Washington/Lucifer celestial lodge titled as International Space Station Alpha (8 pointed Blazing Stargod Remphan).

Recall CNN and other news broadcast stations announced by the year 2005 there will be over 2,500 people living up in ISS.

Another interesting fact that in 2003 the Spaceship Columbus which housed the 7 astronauts one being the Jewish Rabbi  who wore the Jewish Star of David Flag and had the old Jewish Torah in his position aboard Columbus.

Remember Columbus was programed by the NASA Masonic conspiracy theory to circle the earth for 15 days from the 16th of January 2003 to the 31st of January 2003, cleverly baptising the world system or peoples into the new world order "Olam Ha Ba Messianic age" - secretly known as "The Year of Ouroboros."

Recall Columbus on its way back to the earth surface, when it reached a may day process and discentergraded, as it entered the earth atmostphere on the 1st of February 2003, killing all on board.

In other words, like on September 11th 2001 innocent blood was shed as the world experienced the questionable attack upon New York City and Washington DC.

Nevertheless accorsing to Jewish/Egyptian Masonic Law, the 7 astronauts upon Columbia became the another human sacrifice, which went according to Public Law 102-14 (7 Noahide Laws of Noah), which undoubtedly ment that America as the new Israel and all civilization, were founded upon the 7 Noahide of Noah and not the 10 Commandments given to Hebrew Moses.

Recall to what new age guru David Spangler the United Nations Planetary Director said from his 1991 podium, based in Evians France (P2 Murder Lodge)...

"Before the world peoples can enter the new age, they will have to through a Luciferian innitiation ceremony" but also declared in 1991 from the same Evians France podium aswell that......

"Before the world peoples can enter the New World Order conspiracy concept of the Forefathers of 1776 conspiracy plan, will have to pledge allegience to worship "Lucifer."