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I have been a soldier for the Lord Jesus for 32 years. My mission is to pull down strongholds that are exalting themselves against the knowledge of Father God Almighty

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lord JESUS was born once water baptized - died - resurrected once as the Alpha and the Omega

The amazing fact to the above prophesy acts is that they all occurred in the month of Nissan (April) which means new beginning springtime.

Recall Jeremiah 5:31 prophesied the Prophets prophesy falsely, the priests, pastors, evangelists, rabbi's, president's, priministers, mayors, senators, governors, kings and queens etc, bear rule by their new world order means, and My people love to have it so....

What will you do in the end thereof Royal Priesthood, who's report will you believe the report of the Lord God of Israel or the father of lies Lucifer.  

Undoubtedly, Phillipians 2:10-11 prophesied as Father God Almighty's rule of law that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess, that JESUS The Christ Emmanuel is The Alpha and The Omega - The King of Kings - The Lord of Lords - God in the Flesh Amen....

This confession will include even the world's angel of false light namely Lucifer known as the father of lies, to the Masonic new age beast George Washington, and obviously the false prophets New Word Order conpirators which will include all Lucifer's fallen angels of false light.

The time has come, each year in the month of April (Nissan), is that the celebration of  the Birth, of Lord JESUS which occurreed nearly 2,000 yeras ago on the 18th of April refer to Luke 2:1-7.

It must be notice that the birth of Lord JESUS was three days after world taxation day which is held consistantly on the 15th of April each year.

It must be also realized that Lord JESUS was only born once, water baptized once, died once and rose from the dead once, to glory and honor.

To do repition of the above, will led to the sin of witchcraft. Unknown to many the world over the water baptism of Lord JESUS, ocurred on the 30th of April refer to Matthew 3:16-17. 

To the trial, crucifiction, death and ressurection, which started its course of action on the 30th of March nearly 2,000 years ago, which led three days later, on the early morning of the 1st April, to the ressurection of Lord JESUS as the Christ Emmanuel as the Alpha and the Omega refer to Revealtion 1:11.

It must be understood that April (Nissan) means new beginning - spring time which undoubtedly relates nearly 2,000 years ago, to why Lord JESUS manifested to the cursed earth, to destroy the works of Lucifer the father of lies the one who sinned from the very beginning refer to 1 John 3:8.

It must be understood that earth was bound by sin meaning Luciferian worship simply /Isaiah 14:12-14.....

"Hou art thou fallen from Heaven O Lucifer son (sun) of the morning, hou art thou cut down to the ground, wenst shall thou weaken the nations."

"For thou has said in thine thy heart "I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will also sit, upon the mount of congregation, in the sides of of the north (north country - USA/America).

What needs to be understod is that Lucifer the angel of light, has no heart, he was created by the Holy Trinity as a spirit being - an angel, meaning Lucifer had to say the above from the hearts of mankind.

Bear in mind he also said "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds and I will become like the Most High" refer to day to the International Space Station Alpha which became inhabit by the USA (Mgog) & USSR (Gog) NASA Masonic astronuats.

What needs to be understood at this point of time is John 1:1 in the beginning was the Word (JESUS) - the Word (JESUS) was with God and the Word (JESUS) was God.

This prophesy of scripture allowed Lord JESUS to manifest in the flesh to the cursed earth to destroy the works of the father of lies namely Lucifer known as the angel of false light, the one  who sinned, yet was a murderer from the beginning of time refer to 1 John 3:8 KJV.

Recall according to the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:15, it was essential for Lord JESUS to manifest in the flesh as Father God Almighty's only begotten Son of true light (Bright Morning Star) to set the record right and the captives free from Luciferian religion, tradition and bondage.

As prophesied in Matthew 3:16- 17, before Lord JESUS could cast Lucifer the father of lies - a murderer into the bottomless pit.

He Lord JESUS had to be first baptized (Matthew 3:16-17), which allowed Him Lord JESUS to become Father God Almighty's Head Cornerstone refer to Matthew 21:42.

In the first instance Lucifer as the serpent God Ouroboros in the Garden of Eden beguiled or murdered the Holy Trinty spirits and souls namely of Adam/Eve to Abel (God's Righteousness), which then earned him Lucifer the dethroning into the bottomless pit known as Hades/Hell/Shoul (Isaiah 14:15).

All Hebrews/Christians must picture the greatest event of all times which was nearly 2,000 years ago, when our Lord JESUS came out of the water of the River Jordan, bapitized by John the Baptist, the appointed Lord JESUS of the Father God Almighty (I Am that I Am), said to the cursed world peoples, as the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) descended upon Him (Lord JESUS) at 30 years old.......
                        "For this is My only begotten Son JESUS whom I Am well pleased in."

What must be pictured again, is that directly after this magnificent Father God Almighty appointment, which had a massive subliminal meaning to it, which was that Father God Almighty reinstated His only begotten Son - Lord JESUS as His Head Cornerstone of the Universe simply refer to the scripture prophecy of Matthew 21:42....

Did you never read in the scriptures the Stone JESUS of Nazareth, which the builders (Jewish/Egyptian Freemasons known as the Luciferian workers/rulers of darkness of this world) rejected; the same has become the Head of the Corner, this is the Lord God Almighty's doing and it became marvelous in our eyes?

Unknown to many the world over, the above prophecy which came to past with victory and glory, this allowed the Lord JESUS in the first instance to destroy Lucifer the father of lies, and his works, dismantle his army of fallen angels known as demons or rulers of darkness of this world, who fled into the man called Legion, which gave Lord JESUS the authority to cast him Lucifer spiriturally into the bottomless pit (Isaiah 14:15).

Recall Matthew 4:1 said Lord JESUS was led of the Holy Spirit, into the wilderness to do battle against the spirit being, of Lucifer the father of lies and all his army of fallen angels (spirit beings) for mankinds sakes, which was to set their hearts and souls free from Luciferian worship religion, tradition and bondage.

Pay attentio, Lord JESUS prophesied distinctly through the disciple Paul....

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood or Lord JESUS was distinctly saying, mankind must not do battle or war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places."

Recall lord JESUS manifested to the earth as God in the flesh, in the very first instance to do battle against the spirit god of this earth Lucifer the prince of darkness.

It must be remembered that Lucifer was known to have all power over death and destruction refer to Hebrews 2:14/John 10:10, yet in Ephessians 2:2 Lucifer is prophesied as being the prince and the power of the air (wars - rumors of wars - man made earthquakes - tornadoes - hurricanes - fires of brimstone - tidal waves - pestilence - death and destruction), that now worketh in the children of disobedience.

In other words Lord JESUS after said to Lucifer or as prophesied in Isaiah 14:15 "get he Lucifer thence" which simply ment that Lord JESUS fulfilled the prophecy scripture of Isaiah 14:15, by casting the father of lies and being as a murderer of the Holy Trinity's spirits and souls into the long awaited bottomless pit known as Hades/Hell/shoul.

This incident of dethroning Lucifer in the month of April (Nissan) allowed the world to have a new beginning under His JESUS, banner of being their true light known as their Bright Morning Star.

In other words due to Lord JESUS dethroning the world's and the Jewish/Egyptian Masonic head cornerstone, namely Lucifer their light bearer or bringer of false light, scripturally Lucifer was known as the world's son of the morning Rah/Shaharit (Isaiah 14:12) into the bottomles pit, earned Lord JESUS the title as being the most hated, upon the earth.

One of the most important reasons, for this action was that Lucifer lied to Adam and Eve to Cain by saying to them, " if you eat of my Egyptian/Jewish Masonic tree titled as Pharoah, you will not surely die but you will become as little gods."

Meaning that Adam and Eve to Cain, would become like him Lucifer, known as the father of lies/murderer.

Pay attention to all important fact that according to the King James Concordiance Adam means "Red Earth" - In other words at the time of creation of Adam, Father God Almighty took the red earth from the Red Planet Mars to create Adam, which  then Eve from Adams ribs.

It must be understood that Eve means life and Cain means acquired/wanderer, to the re-incarnated Seth which means "appointed one."

Why do you think the last three American President's Clinton - Bush and Obama have one track mind set, about reaching or sending mankind to the Red Planet Mars.

Simply because their forefather Adam & Eve were created from the red earth of the red Planet Mars, which is regarded, as the exceedingly high mountain (Matthew 4:10-11) and then as the mount of congregation according to the scripture prophecy of Isaiah 14:13.

Recall it was prophesied according to 2 Corinthians 4:4 .....

"In whom the god of this world namely Lucifer the father of lies, who has blinded the minds of them meaning the Royal Priesthood of Father God Almighty, which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Lord JESUS The Christ Emmanuel, who is in the image of Father God Almighty should shine unto them......"

In other words from the time Lucifer fell to the ground, which prophesiued he would weaken the nations, meaning he Lucifer rebirth his spirit within Adam and Eve's hearts, which led to his manifestation into the flesh within Cain refer to 1 John 3:12.........

Not as Cain, who was born of the wicked one Lucifer. It must be clearly understood that, the truth of the gospels, were hid by the father of lies Lucifer known as the prince of darkness from the very beginning of time. 

It must be understood, that the three temptaions, recorded in Matthew 4:1-11 was regarded as the 2nd world war, between good and evil.

In all reality it was a type and shadow of the first ancient world war, which occurred in Genesis 4:1-11, this war was between Lucifer reincarnated in Cain heart, who slew Father God Almighty's righteous named Abel.

It must be understood that Father God Almighty warned Cain according to Genesis 4:6-7 that he Cain's countenance had fallen and that sin (Lucifer) lieth at the door of his heart. In other words Cain could not have killed Abel if he did not allow Lucifer into his heart refer to John 10:10.........

"The thief Lucifer the father of lies cometh not but for to steal kill and destroy, but Lord JESUS came to give life and life more abundantly."

Another important fact to consider is the prophesy of Revelation 13:8....... it prophesied that all shall worship the beast meaning Lucifer/Cain/George Washington Yod/Annuit Copetis godhead in the new age. 

Obviously, this godhead of Yod/Annuit Coeptis, first had to ascend like a reincarnated mythical bird known as the Pheonix from the ashes, out of the bottomless pit.........,

Which activated following part of Revelation 13:8, which prophesied the Lamb (JESUS within Abel) who was slain from the foundation of the earth.....

In other words the Lucifer within Cain slaying of Father God Almighty's righteous Abel (Blood of Lord JESUS) within him, is recorded as the Lamb slain fromthe foundation of the world.

It must be realized as prophesied according to the scripture prophecy of Matthew 23:35...... that Father God Almighty holds the whole world responsible, for the righteous Blood shed upon the earth, from the Righteous Abel unto the prophet Zechariah.

Whom they the Jewish/Egyptian stone builders Freemasons, the rulers of Luciferian darkness, incidentally slew Zechariah the prophet of Father God Almighty between the temple (King Solomon's Quarries) and upon the Lucifer Masonic altar.

Undoubtedly, this Luicferian Masonic altar distinctly displays the act of reincarnation/circle of life as the Egyptian/Jewish point within a circle of life (reincarnation) of the sungod Rah - Lucifer - Shaharit, undoubtedly guided by the two lineage lines of Enoch to Moses.

This alter of darkness, represents Lucifer as the god of this world, who from and within Adam would re-incarnated his spirit and soul from Adam from at 800 years old within all peoples hearts and souls.

Incidentally this occurred after when the spirit or serpent god Lucifer beguiled Adam and Eve, spirit  soul and body, which was titled as Circle of Life (Reincarnation).

It must be also remembered that when Lucifer within Cain murdered Abel it was also done on the reincarantion/circle of life altar. Recall Cain wrote the inscription after he murdered Abel with his blood to the Unknown God.

In other words, Adam and Eve as the fallen, down to the cursed earth, who undoubtedly became as Lucifer's first Egyptian/Jewish Yod Masonic Pharoah Tree Government.

Nevertheless Adam and Eve to Cain as Lucifer's first Yod Masonic Government after murdering Abel were recognized as the Masonic curse that goeth forth over the whole face of the earth, that stealeth and sweareth falsely by Father God Almighty's name.

Notice on the USA currency it states clearly "In God we Trust."

This activated, the start to Lucifer's weapon of mass destruction titled as "Reincarnation."

Notice that the scripture prophecy of Jude 11 forewarned all by saying "Woe unto the world system for they have all gone in the ways of Cain (666) after the error of Baalim (Lucifer as the false prophet) towards the gainsaying of Core/Esau the red hairy one whom Father God Almighty hated  refer to Malachi 1:2-3.

Meaning the start of Lucifer's spirit reincarnated in the very first instance, into the flesh as Cain, which then opened the doors to world sin of witchcraft Luciferian reincarnation worship which became the main objective of George Washington's new world order concept in 1793.

This act of new age sin of witchcraft occurred directly after George Washington as the 1st President of the USA as the new Israel laid the new age Cornerstone and time capsule at the Capitol Building on the 18th of September 1793.

Which then allowed George Washington as the ordained from birth 1732 as the Egyptian/Jewish Point known as the Egyptian Dung Beetle (reincarnation), within a circle of life of his 12 red lodge Masons, which was guided by the two linage lines Adam to Cain, to reincarante or rebirth Lucifer's spirit from the bottomless pit as the risen "Mahahbon."

This action of reincarnating the spirit of Lucifer from the bottomless pit is clearly illustrated on all Masonic altars worldwide, obviously being as new age/new world order rule of law which can also be seen in the secret or hidden agenda of the 613 Jewish Torah Commandments  refer to chapter 4, which is titled as Reincarnation.

In other words as a rule of law all Jews and certain Gnetiles must practice reincarnation on a daily basis or as many times as possible!

Which operates under the Rainbow title of the antichrist term of "Reincarnation."
It must be noticed how Father God Almighty describes this act of Lucfierian Reincarnation from Genesis Chapter 5.

Recall the spirit of Lucifer was and still is within Adam, notice Genesis 5:3  says and Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begat a son (no woman or Eve is mentioned) in his own likeness.

Meaning that Adam was as Lucifer's Masonic Compass, this occurs after Adam bore at 130 years old Seth in his Luciferian likeness and Lucifrian image, which is based upon reincarnation.

Notice how Adam called his first reincarnated son Seth, which meatn appointed one.

Yet pay attention to the mere fact, that the days after Adam (Lucifer reincarnated in his heart) begat Seth,
which was at 800 years old, he had begotten (no woman mentioned) many sons and daughters in his likeness and image.

The startling fact is that the reincarnation process evidently from Enos to Methuselah who lived for 187 (death) who begat Lamech who died at 777 years old, undoubtedly led to the street address of the United Nations in New York City.

Unknown to many the world over the street address of the United Nations Rock image prayer room or meditation room was secretly numbered 777.

This then allowed or led the world in the first instance to the 1989 theory of the thousand points of light USA President GHW Bush which was cleverly legislated as Public Law 102-14 (7 Noahide Laws of Noah) which was based upon Lamech 777 to  Noah (500) and his three sons Japheth, Shem and the evil Ham, after they left the Arch of the Blood Covenant of The I Am that I Am.

The important temptation was the third temptation which was based upon the exceedingly high mountain known as the red Planet Mars.

This is when Lucifer offered Lord JESUS all the kingdoms of the world in their glory, if He JESUS would bow down and worship him Lucifer, which ended in Lucifer being cast down into the pit known as Hades/Hell/Shoul.

This then established Lord JESUS as the newly appointed Head Cornerstone, who became the most hated upon the earth,  because Lord JESUS destroyed their Masonic godhead or head cornerstone named Lucfier the father of lies - the murdere refer to the scripture prophecy of John 8:44.

The second temptation by Lucifer cast agaisnt Lord JESUS was from the high pinacle known to day as the George Washington Monument.

Which measures in outer height 555ft yet under the ground for specific reasons it secretly measures 111ft which adds up to 666.

Like the first temptation when Lucifer said unto Lord JESUS you better turn these stones (people hearts) into bread that thou may eat but Lord JESUS said for it is written Lucifer man sahll not live by bread alone, but every Word that procedeth out of the mouth of Father God Almighty.

In all reality Lord JESUS was saying that Word of God Almighty meaning the 66 books of the Bible were created in 6 days, which prophesied the good 666.

Recall Father God Almighty warned Adam and Eve, in the first instance, that if they ate of the evil tree of Pharoah/Lucifer, they would surely die, but that they would then know the good meaning the good 666 (66 BOOKS OF THE BIBLE created in 6 Days) and or evil 666.

The evil 666 would be given unto the people by the antichrist and his system to buy sell and trade, simply known as the mark of the beast, which would be over a period of 6,000 years.

Remember Father God Almighty put a mark upon Cain's forehead 666, after he murdered God Almighty's righteous Abel, not forgetting that King Solomon was the first to receive the mark of the beast in gold, meaning six hunderd and three score (60) and six talents into his right hand (666), refer to the prophecy of 1 Kings 10:14.

Recall George Washington Monument in DC measures 666 in height, 555ft outer height yet secretly 111ft under the ground, which also relates to his Masonic Skull and Bonesman #322 Coffin which displays 555 on the outer part, but within is 111 which equals to 666.

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